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Usually, I don't like my birthday or celebrating, never did and I never thought I would feel differently about it as I grew older. It was just another normal day just like any other. 

Today I woke up late, as usual, I spend most of my day training for an important fight I will have later this week, and I even took a long nap at the end due to how exhausted I was afterward. It had everything to be just an ordinary day.

It was just a normal day.

Somehow my mom convinced me to invite Evelyn to have dinner with us, which I agreed because I missed her, but I told my mom how didn't want anything for my birthday. Of course, she didn't even consider my request because she cooked a full delicious meal, and even baked a red velvet cake for me to blow the candles.

So, here we are, singing happy birthday to me while I blow some improvised candles my mom had in the back of her cupboard. This might be the first time in years that I have actually had a cake and blew the candles.

And I must admit it feels very good. Everyone is clapping while they sing the familiar happy birthday song, all keeping their eyes glued on me. Even Collin who usually doesn't show any interest for this is clapping and singing along.

It was a good day after all.

"Happy birthday Harry." Evelyn whispers to me at the end of the song, placing her arm around my waist hugging me from the side.

"Thank you." I smile feeling genuinely happy. I take advantage of the fact that Evelyn is hugging my body to hold her chin and press a short kiss on her lips.

I did miss her on the last week. It was strange calling her my girlfriend, especially because I didn't plan on asking her anytime soon. Not that I didn't want it, but I felt it was too early for her. She got off her relationship with Noah not long ago, and I haven't been the best person to her lately. I never thought she would say yes, not after I told her everything about my past. I didn't even think she would hear me out.

But here we are, officially dating which is mind-blowing if you ask me. However, if I have to admit it, I never thought our first week of dating would be like this. I barely saw Eve, and I never expected to miss her this much. I want to be a supportive boyfriend, I really do, and nothing will make me happier than to see her achieving her dreams.

But fuck, I missed her.

All I want is for her to finish her assigments so I can have her all for myself, is that too much to ask?

"Did you make a wish?" Evelyn asks me a little shyly, probably because I just kissed her in front of my mom and my brother, who doesn't even try to hide his disgusted expression.

"Not really." I shrug but then Evelyn lights up the candles again.

"You need to make a wish at least." Her sweet voice is enough to convince me to blow them again, this time asking for something.

I can't say what I asked. Because even though I don't believe in these stupid wishes, I also don't want to take the risk of it not happening. But I will give a hint, Evelyn is involved in my wish.

"Great." Evelyn smiles happily. "I hope it comes true."

"I hope it too." I hold her hand gently as we all take a seat again around the table.

"Can we play a game?" Collin asks eagerly, looking around the table to see our reaction.

Evelyn, obviously, is the first to say yes and so do I and my mom, mostly forced by them. Collin quickly grabs some Uno cards as the rest of us eat the delicious cake my mom prepared me. If it wasn't for the fact that I train very hard, I'm sure I would be extremely fat, my mom cooks too well.

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