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I would never think that I would be this nervous to go to court.

Last night I barely got any sleep, and additionally, I wasn't able to keep any food on my stomach so I simply had tea for breakfast, hoping that it would calm me down. But now I was starving and regretted not having eaten anything. My stomach was very upset right now, making strange sounds.

I only hope it doesn't make any noise in court, that would be embarrassing.

It wasn't even my life that was at stake here, but knowing that if I said something wrong it could mean that Claire would lose custody of her younger son. But hopefully, that wouldn't happen. Their lawyer was very good and had built a strong case, it was almost impossible for Claire to lose. He had contacted me Tuesday and explained everything that would happen, which eased my mind a little.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Noah asks right after he parks in front of the court.

We had spent the night together, this way he would drive me here in the morning. This court was in a different area in London so we decided that it was better for him to drive me instead of catching the tube. Which meant I got to stay in bed for longer than usual.

"No, there is no need. Besides you have to go to work." I sigh as he pulls me closer to him, giving a sweet kiss on the tip of my nose.

I felt terribly guilty every time I looked at Noah.

I hadn't been honest with him after what had happened earlier this week. Part of me doesn't know why I haven't told him that Harry showed up in the middle of the night on the other day, especially because nothing wrong happened. But another part of me knows that Noah would never believe me and I completely understand it. I felt dishonest with him, but it was for the better. 

Hopefully, I would forget about what happened.

Harry hadn't said anything else during this week and I thank him for that. What happened on Monday was a mistake, and I should have called him a taxi to get him home. 

Why did I think that letting him sleep on my bed was a good idea? Well, I didn't have much of a choice anyway, once I let him inside there was nothing I could have done. At the same time, I did enjoy getting to know him a little bit better, even if he still hasn't opened up to me. And I don't think he ever will.

"If you are too nervous you can always not go, baby." Noah says placing a strand of my dark brown hair behind my ear.

"You know I have to go. They need me to testify for them." I sigh.

"Won't you get in trouble with your workplace for testifying against them?" Noah raises an eyebrow looking at me.

"I'm not testifying against them, only against Vanessa and her claims. I'm only doing my job." I clarify.

"Well, I still think you are trying to play the role of the saviour. Some families can't be saved Eve." I shake my head moving away from him.

How can he be so insensitive?

"You don't know them. Why are you always so cold?" I roll my eyes bending down to get my purse. When I stand up again I notice that a car has parked on the opposite side of the road, and a few seconds later Harry gets out of the car followed by his mother and Collin.

Claire looks visibly tired, probably wasn't able to get any sleep last night. Collin looks frightened, and I can't help but to feel sorry for him. He is so young and is already facing so many adversities.

"I'm not cold, I am realistic." Noah says annoyed.

"Whatever you say, I have to go now." I say but before I could open the door, Noah holds my arms pulling me to a kiss. It is a short one, but it actually helps to calm me down a little. As soon as I open my eyes after we break the kiss, I notice that on the other side of the road Harry is staring back at us with a serious expression.

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