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"I know you don't feel like eating but you have to, we haven't eaten anything  since last night." I sigh handing Collin a tuna sandwich we bought from the convenience shop just now, as we were making a quick stop at a gas station to fill the car's tank after driving for so many miles in the last hours.

After three hours of driving around London, there was still no clue from Claire or Howard. Every place we went to was nothing but a dead end. We only had six more warehouses to check, but it felt like we were never going to find the one. Who guarantees us they brought Claire to one of those? They could be anywhere in this country, or maybe they even left the country and here we are on a never-ending search.

Harry was growing more and more frustrated as we kept finding empty warehouses with no trace of Claire of her whereabouts. I had to force him to stop for a few minutes on this gas station so Collin could eat something, despite the yellow warning light on the panel constantly warning us we were running out of fuel, he just didn't seem to want to stop and waste precious time with someone so casual. 

We haven't eaten a single thing since our day started many hours ago. I noticed how Collin's face was turning pale and how nauseous he was becoming after driving back and forth, all around London. Harry probably hasn't eaten in many hours maybe even days, but that seems to be the last preoccupation on his mind as he didn't even accept the sandwich and crisps I brought for him.

Noah's help was crucial for us, he had printed a map so we could follow all the possible locations of the warehouse. However, he made it very clear how we needed to leave the police station and never bother to show up there again, or ask for his help. He was badly beaten after Harry's violent punches, his ego was bruised after being humiliated by him. The last thing he wanted was to spend another minute with us. So we left a few minutes after he found the warehouses' locations to start looking for Claire.

"We are wasting time." Harry says frustrated when his brother refuses to eat. The tank was now full so the car was ready to drive a few more hundreds of miles before we have to fill it again. Hopefully, that won't be needed.

When Harry is angry, he is nothing like himself. He loses his temper rather quickly, only focusing on his goal. We all want to find Claire, but if Collin gets sick it won't help us in any way.

"You should eat too." I tell Harry who simply rolls his eyes at me, opening the driver's seat door getting inside the car as both Collin and I remain outside, leaning against the black car craving some fresh air after spending so much time inside the vehicle. Collin looks at me with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry." He shrugs finally taking the tuna sandwich between his hands.

"You don't have to apologize, we will go back to look for your mom soon. First, we need to eat, even if it is just a bite." I assure him as his words are also for myself. 

Bringing Collin with us probably wasn't our the smartest decision, but where else could we leave him? 

If he stayed alone at his house the risk of someone finding him was much bigger. No option was truly safe, as long as he remains with us under our attentive stare it is the best protection we can give him. Besides, he would never accept being left behind, and I can't blame him for that. He wants to find his mother no matter what, just like we all do.

"I don't think we will find her, we have been to so many places and we found nothing." The boy sighs as he unwraps the plastic cover of the sandwich looking at it with a disgusted expression. It doesn't look the most appetizing, but we need to force some food down if we want to keep going. I also unwrap my sandwich, a cheese and ham one, taking small bites hoping my stomach welcomes them.

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