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Today had been a boring day.

After dropping Evelyn at work, I went home, sleeping for a couple more hours since I was not used to wake up that early. I don't know how Evelyn manages to wake up at seven to go to work, and still have a bright smile on her face, clearly, I need to learn how to do it with her.

I was eagerly expecting to receive a call from Eve at any moment during lunch hours to tell me if her supervisor had agreed with her reports or not, but that call never came, she didn't even answer the two texts I sent her during the day.

I'm sure she is just busy.

I haven't told my mom about it because I didn't want to get her any more anxious or get her hopes up, but hopefully tonight Evelyn will have good news to tell us. My mom had invited us for dinner tonight so if Evelyn agrees to it,  I was going to pick her up again at five, hoping she would want to sleep over at my house.

I just can't seem to get tired of her.

After spending most of the afternoon at the gym, training for the fight I'm having tomorrow, I finally realize it is time to pick Evelyn up from work.

I'm all sore and tired, I have been testing my limits every day, which was starting to affect my body. My fingers are getting deformed due to the amount of times I have broken them, my muscles were not enjoying the effort I am making daily, and I'm afraid one day I will wake up unable to move a single finger.

I can't allow that to happen, that's why I need to train harder every day. Vincent would make me fight even if I had a broken rib, stopping is not an option, at least not while I am fighting for the North gang.

I take a quick shower in the changing rooms, putting on some clean clothes rigt after, heading out of the gym into my car. It makes me instantly smile when the CD I gave Evelyn starts playing as soon as I turn it on. She decided to put it on the day of her birthday, and we have been hearing it almost non-stop now.

I'm so glad she enjoyed it.

As soon as she told me when her birthday was, I began brainstorming for ideas immediately. This was all new to me, as I had never given a present to any of my past girlfriends or hook-ups. I had to resort to the internet for ideas, and I saw the idea of making a mixtape for your girlfriend and thought it was the perfect idea.

Then one time I had to drive my mom to the shopping centre, and while I waited for her outside a shop, I ended up spotting a jewellery shop close by. The lady working in there looked at me suspiciously, probably thinking I was going to rob her, because of my appearance, but thankfully she ended up helping me chose a few necklaces for Evelyn. It wasn't very hard because I know Evelyn well enough to know how she likes simple things.

In the end it was a success, which makes me think I'm not as bad as I think I am at this whole dating thing. Evelyn was also very insecure about the present she gave me and it ended up being one of the best things I have ever received. Not that I have received many but you get what I am saying.

The drive to her workplace doesn't last long, and I quickly arrive, parking the car in the same place I dropped her off this morning. I text her saying I am already here, and it doesn't take very long to see her walking down the street towards the car.

A smile instantly grows on my lips when I see her, looking as beautiful as ever, but she doesn't smile back when she locks her eyes with mine, keeping a serious expression on her face.

Oh no. I don't like the look she has on her face.

"Hey baby." I greet her as soon as she enters the car. Thankfully her serious expression doesn't mean she is mad at me because she quickly leans in my direction giving me a short kiss.

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