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"Do you really have to go?" I ask Harry panicking a little for the third night in a row.

"Baby you know I have to. I don't have much choice, especially if I want Vincent to help me find Howard." Harry kisses my temple gently before sitting up on the sofa where we have been laying down for the past hour.

Claire has been home for a week now, and she has been surprisingly quiet. I got a little anxious every time she went to the toilet, or to her bedroom alone for a few minutes, afraid she might do something again but she never did it. Collin was even sleeping with his mother, making sure she was accompanied every night, he was being such a sweet boy.

I have to admit this was being harder than what I had anticipated, especially in nights like this where Harry was away. This was the third consecutive night he had a fight, which meant we were left alone in the apartment for at least two hours before he came back. It was always stressful, mostly because I know there is only a door separating us from Howard.

"Has he found anything yet?" At this point Howard should have gone present himself at the local police, if he hasn't, I'm sure additional measures have been taken to find him.

"Not really, he was supposed to present himself today so I guess we will find out where he is soon." I sigh feeling the anxiety make a comeback.

We were having a quiet relaxed day, considering the circumstances. Turns out being unemployed and spending most of my time with Claire is doing wonders to my cooking skills. Over the last days we probably baked five different cakes together, and we have cooked every meal together.

I feel confident enough to apply for MasterChef, so you can imagine how much I have been cooking lately.

"Is it a difficult fight tonight?" The last two fights he had, Harry had won, but he hasn't been training as much as he usually does. Not that I think he should exhaust himself like he always did, but due to the recent stress his head was somewhere else.

I'm just afraid something happens to him, it is the last thing we need.

"Not really, it is just someone who decided to mess with the gang and they want me to solve the problem. I should be home right after the fight." Harry leans in my direction, placing his hands on both sides of my body, supporting his body weight on his arms. He was practically hovering me since I was still laying down on the sofa.

He is wearing a tank top, which means I can see perfectly well his prominent veins on his tanned skin. I bite my lip shamelessly admiring him, not caring is he realizes what I am doing. I bring my tongue over my top lip, never taking my eyes away from his body.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Harry brings his face closer to mine provoking me.

"Me? Never." I try to hide a smile, keeping a serious expression.

Things between us have been good, which was a surprise considering how the last couple of weeks have been. It was truly a test to our relationship, one we almost failed. Harry was much more patient with me now, he was doing his best to be as honest as he could with me. He was also spending a lot of time at home with us, which is one of the reasons why he hasn't trained that much.

He skipped his work out at a gym for a workout at home, and it was very hard to resist him while he was lifting weights on his bedroom. Of course I had to control myself, we were always accompanied by his family which meant nothing could happen between us, no matter how badly I wanted him.

"I miss you." Harry whispers slowly kissing the tip of my nose. I know very well what he is trying to say with these words, which only raises my frustration levels even more.

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