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"How are you feeling?" Harry quietly asks me after he successfully calmed me down from my apparent panic attack.

I don't know how long we remained simply hugging each other standing by the door, but nor Harry or I complained about it. He was being so patient with me, simply embracing my body for as long as I needed him to do.

This was not how I expected the night to end, especially after the stressful day I had. First, it was Noah who decided to ruin my morning, then my stupid mistake of telling Mandy I wanted to give up Claire's case, now Harry confronting me and the panic attack I almost had was just too much for a single day.

Part of me realized I was more emotionally connected to Harry than what I had anticipated. I wanted to be able to stay away from him, act like any normal person would when faced with such shocking information about their partner.

But I couldn't.

Instead, I let him comfort me, because this is the Harry I know, and the Harry I am slowly falling in love with. In my mind, I can't picture him as someone who killed another person, and I know that is just wrong. This is real life, it is not a film, and in real life, people usually don't react very well to the fact that someone killed another person.

"I'm much better now." I answer honestly. That heavy weight I was feeling on my chest was no longer present, and my breathing was much calmer now. "Thank you." I look up to him as we finally break the hug.

"I didn't do anything, love." Harry shows me a soft smile warming my heart again. "Do you want me to leave or...?" He asks a little unsure about what he should do now. I'm sure this night didn't end the way he predicted as well, he probably wasn't expecting me to have a breakdown, or that I would let him comfort me.

But most importantly, he probably wasn't expecting that I wanted him to tell me everything. Neither was I, but it just feels like the right thing to do.

"No, I want to know." I tell him again. Maybe we shouldn't have this conversation right now, but I am afraid I will lose courage if I let him walk out of my apartment now.

If he is here now, I want him to tell me everything.

"Are you sure?" I nod confirming my decision before I regret it.

Harry's words were still lingering in my mind. Why would I pity him? What could possibly be the reason that would make me pity him? I don't know, but I think I am about to find out.

"Maybe we should sit down." I agree with him, as we walk to my two-seat sofa, but before I could sit down, I take another look at his bruises.

Whoever did this to him was not gentle, however, unlike the other times, they are just bruises, he doesn't have any open wounded cuts, or any dried blood coming out of his nose. Probably this happened one or two days ago, and they are in the early process of healing.

"What happened to you?" Harry takes a seat on the narrow sofa, before looking up at me. I already know it was in a fight, but I need more details.

"I had a fight on Monday night." I nod waiting for him to continue. "And I lost."

"Oh..." This was not at all what I was expecting, especially not after the consecutive streak of wins Harry has had in the past.

He never loses... Why did he lose this time?

"Was it a tough one?" I ask awkwardly, rubbing my arm unsure of what I should do.

"No, but I wasn't in the right mindset." He sighs. "It was not an important one, don't worry." I try to stay out of the illegal things Harry does as much as I can, not only because I don't want to get involved, but also because I know well enough how this works.

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