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"Chloe! Oh God I have missed you." I smile at the phone as I make my way to Harry's house to meet up with his mother. This time I am not bothered by anyone on my way here which I appreciate.

I was not looking forward to this visit at all, but part of me felt sorry for Claire. And if talking to her would serve to make her a little calmer about going to court, then I am willing to make this sacrifice. She was a very sweet lady, after all, nothing like her rude son.

"Me too! I have finally arrived in London, how I have missed this shitty weather." She giggles and I am forced to agree with her. I haven't seen the sun in over a week now, it has been constantly raining this past week. London weather could be a little depressing sometimes, especially during the winter where days were so short.

I missed talking to Chloe, she was my best friend, the only person I could truly talk about everything.

We met on my first year of university through an optional class we both chose and we have remained close ever since. Chloe was the one who introduced me to Noah more than a year ago. At the time she was dating one of Noah's closest friends, Daniel and decided to set us up. But six months ago, she broke up with him which was already predictable.

Chloe is a free spirit, I couldn't see her stuck with someone like Daniel.

She was out of town for the past two weeks as she had been in America visiting some family, but now she was back. I missed my friend. "Are you free tomorrow? We could have dinner together, I have so many things to tell you."

"Uh, is it a boy?" I ask curiously.

"Maybe... But I need to tell you in person. And we need to go out soon! I haven't been drunk in ages, I think I will get wasted just with the smell of alcohol." She says excitedly.

It has been ages since the last time I went out at night. It was probably before Christmas, almost three months ago, I went with Noah to one of his friends birthday party, but he had drunk too much and ended up ruining the night for both of us.

"Deal, I need a good night out." I also needed to tell her everything that had happened in the past couple of weeks. She would freak out when she found out about the family I was working with.

"But without Noah, we need to have fun like the good old days." I giggle at her comment. Noah didn't like clubbing anyway so that was not a problem, he only went out if it was absolutely necessary.

Besides, he was still a little mad at me, but he was starting to come down to reason because I stopped calling him altogether. Maybe in a few days he will apologise me. And I will have to consider if I accept his apologies or not, what he has been doing is just stupid, I hope he realises that.

"That's alright." I sigh when I finally reach block C. "Tomorrow I will cook us some dinner then, be at mine by seven." I tell her quickly.

"Sounds perfect! See you tomorrow then!" We finally hung up the call and I waste no time in ringing the bell, hoping that they will let me in. I arrived ten minutes before five, so maybe there is no one home yet. But I'm going to try anyway.

A few seconds after the door is open and I make the now familiar way to the elevator, that quickly brings me to the sixth floor. When I make to the flat A the door is already open, but I still knock to warn them I am here. "Hello?"

"Come in." The familiar deep voice echoes through the corridor and I simply step inside, hearing strange noises as soon as I close the door behind me.

I take off my coat, keeping my purse with me as I walk to the living room. But what I am about to witness makes me want to throw up right away.


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