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"Hey puppies

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"Hey puppies. It's Minmin. Welcome back to another video" Jimin said, waving his hand infront of his phone that is currently recording him right now.

It's already Friday and it's supposed to be Jimin's rest day but now, he is currently walking to the train station, noticing some people looking at him talking to his phone.

"If you're asking why am I not with my baby today, it's because he was left at our unit, probably sleeping again" Jimin continued, ignoring the stares as he walked in the train that stopped infront of him, standing beside the pole and holding on to it with one hand.

It was true that Taehyung was left at their unit and the last thing Jimin saw before he left is some tears rolling down on the younger's cheeks, sadly waving his hand and that's the face that Jimin doesn't want to see but he has too.

Jimin woke Taehyung up, telling him that he needs to go to work because Hoseok texted him, showing the message to the younger. After reading the message, Taehyung's eyes became glossy, hating the fact that Jimin is gonna leave him again to work but he can't do anything about it so he just nodded, giving Jimin another tight hug and the only thing the older could do is to hug him back and press some kisses on his temple, whispering that he'll promise to come back soon.

"Maybe you're thinking that I'm heading to my dance class but no, I'm not. I'll be heading to Hoseok hyung's and he will be helping me prepare our dinner date later. It's our eleventh monthsary today and I wanted to surprise my baby Tae so I asked Hoseok hyung to text me that I need to go to work and I showed it to Tae and he was crying again. I swear I am not a good boyfriend for always making him cry but that's the only way so yeah, he's at our unit right now" Jimin explained while waiting to reach for his stop, looking once in a while at the map above the door.

"I'm vlogging this because I want my Tae to watch all of these because he loves keeping pictures and videos of our memories so why not add this right? And I also wanted to show you puppies how Taehyung loves surprises" Jimin continued and stopping the video after, stepping out of the train once he reached his stop.

As he was walking to Hoseok's house, he decided to call Taehyung for a while, going to his contacts and looking for his baby's name before ringing it.

As he was walking to Hoseok's house, he decided to call Taehyung for a while, going to his contacts and looking for his baby's name before ringing it

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