Anniversary Pt. 9

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"Are you full now Tae baby?" Jimin asked after paying their bill, looking at Taehyung who is now finishing his Cream Anmitsu which is a famous dessert in Japan that Yuta suggested

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"Are you full now Tae baby?" Jimin asked after paying their bill, looking at Taehyung who is now finishing his Cream Anmitsu which is a famous dessert in Japan that Yuta suggested.

"Mhm! Do you want more Jiminie?" Taehyung asked, lifting a spoonful of the dessert and pushing it to Jimin with his puppy eyes.

Jimin then opened his mouth, taking in the dessert in his mouth and smiling at Taehyung when the younger smiled at him with his boxy smile, finding Taehyung adorable again.

After a few minutes, the waiter came back to give Jimin his change, Jimin bowing his head and saying 'Thank you' in Japanese as the waiter bows back before walking away, leaving Jimin and Yuta who is waiting for Taehyung to empty the bowl of his dessert.

"Okay! I'm done now!" Taehyung said after taking the last spoon of dessert, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"Drink water baby" Jimin said, pointing the glass of water as Taehyung nodded, grabbing it and chugging the water down.

Once he was done, the three stood up, bowing again to the waiter who walked past them to clean their table before walking out of the restaurant with Taehyung holding onto Jimin's sleeve.

"Where are we going now Yuta?" Jimin asked when they got out, turning to Yuta who looked up with his fingers on his chin, trying to remember where their next destination is.

"Oh! The next destination is Mount Moiwa! It's actually 23 minutes away from here if we will ride a Taxi but I decided to bring you there when it's almost night time because the view there is more beautiful when it's already in the evening" Yuta explained, looking at Jimin on his last sentence.

Jimin then got it, nodding his head in agreement so that Taehyung won't notice something before replying with a 'Let's just walk around here for a while then', the two nodding as Yuta walks ahead to lead them to the shops that can be seen there, the two following behind.

"There's a souvenir shop here by the way. Do you want to buy some souvenirs for your families?" Yuta asked, looking back at the two and recording them again with Taehyung's camera.

"Oh yes! I want to buy some for my family! Can we go Jiminie?" Taehyung exclaimed and asked, looking at Jimin who smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Of course baby" Jimin replied and Taehyung shouted a 'Yay!', excitedly moving his fist as he looks at his camera to talk.

"So puppies, we will be going to the souvenir shop to buy some things for our family so let's go!" Taehyung excitedly said as the two just watched him with a smile before walking again to where the souvenir shop is.

After a few more shops, they finally found the souvenir shop, walking in and greeting one of the employee who greeted them with a bow, welcoming them with their usual line that they say to every customer who walks in.

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