Anniversary Pt. 6

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The next day, Jimin woke up first since Taehyung got tired yesterday from traveling and walking around the beautiful places near their hotel, taking some pictures everytime he sees a view and doing his vlog at the same time.

Yesterday, after they ate lunch, they went to Sapporo Clock Tower since Taehyung wanted to check it out after seeing some pictures of it in the internet, also taking some selcas alone and sometimes with Jimin and Yuta. He also records the tower while Yuta is busy explaining about it, nodding at every sentence and asking questions if he gets curious about something.

At night, they went to Sapporo TV Tower after Yuta told them that the tower lights up at night and Taehyung excitedly asked Jimin if they could go there, the older saying 'Yes' since he knows that Taehyung loves lights and he loves spoiling his baby.

Taehyung quickly asked for Yuta to take a picture of them again with his Instax, handing it to the older before running to Jimin who is already waiting for him with an open arms, engulfing Taehyung in a hug when the younger ran to him.

Yuta then counted down, the two smiling with their biggest smiles and thanking Yuta after the picture was printed out, making Taehyung happy as he has another picture to put in his photo album, keeping it in his wallet for a while as they walk again.

It was eight in the evening when they decided to eat dinner, settling in a restaurant near the tower since they are tired from all the walking. Taehyung even asked Jimin for a piggy-back ride, the older crouching down when the younger asked for it with a tired face as he wraps his arms and legs around Jimin, still doing his vlog but with his phone since the battery of his camera died already.

After eating all of the delicious foods that Yuta suggested, Taehyung got a little bit of his energy back again, asking Yuta if they can go to one more place before they go back to their hotel, the older replying with a 'Sure!' before leading them to the place he has in mind, walking ahead with the two following behind.

The three ended up in Kita Ichijo Sapporo History Photo Gallery, Taehyung thanking Yuta for bringing them there since he's fond about photos and arts, walking around the pictures that are framed and hunged on the wall as he talks to his puppies through his phone about how cool and amazing the pictures are.

Jimin just followed him with his arms across his chest, staring at Taehyung fondly as he takes out his phone and takes some pictures without the younger knowing, smiling at the pictures after.

It took Taehyung half an hour to look at all of the photos and paintings, even asking Jimin to take a picture of him with one of the painting he saw, the older muttering an 'Okay baby' with a smile before counting down and pressing the shutter button, showing to Taehyung the picture after as the younger told him to make it as his lockscreen, Jimin telling him that he already changed his lockscreen with his picture a while ago in the park and that he has a lot more pictures to choose from, making the younger shy when Jimin showed him all of his stolen pictures.

They then decided to go back to their hotel after walking out of the building, thanking Yuta with a bow and a smile as the brown haired boy bowed back, replying with a 'No problem!' and asking them if they want him to bring them back to their hotel. Jimin said that he should go home since it's already late and that he can bring them home because he already memorized their way and that there's internet to ask if they get lost.

Yuta then bowed to them one last time, waving his hand and telling them 'See you tomorrow!' before running off to the train station, leaving Jimin who carried Taehyung again on his back as he walks them to where the Taxis are, not wanting to take a train since they are both tired already.

It took them a few minutes to reach their hotel with Jimin paying for their fee before heading out and helping Taehyung to get out too, bowing at the Taxi driver and saying 'Thank you' in Japanese as he closes the door, walking in the hotel with his hands interlocked with Taehyung.

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