Sister vs Boyfriend

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"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, approaching his sister who is sat on their couch, busy scrolling on her phone.

It was another day, Jimin and Taehyung are still in Daegu since they will be staying there for a week because Taehyung's father will celebrate his birthday on Friday and Jimin knows that his baby misses his family so he just decided to tell Hoseok that he won't be going to work for a week.

Now, it's two in the afternoon and Jimin is busy editing Taehyung's vlog in their room while the younger decided to not bother his boyfriend for a while so he walked out of their room until he thought of doing a vlog when he saw his sister, happily approaching her.

"Nothing" Eonjin replied, covering her phone from Taehyung as she still scrolled down.

"Aw~ Come on. Are you looking at Jungkook's Instagram?" Taehyung asked, smiling more when he saw the girl turn pink.

"N-No. I'm scrolling on my news feed" Eonjin stuttered out but she yelped when Taehyung grabbed her phone.

"Yah! Give it back!" Eonjin shouted, trying to reach for her phone while Taehyung raised his hand up and far from Eonjin, looking at her phone and scrolling down to see a bunch of Jungkook's pictures and his IG username written at the top.

"Ooh~ You can't lie to me Noona! You're my sister and I know you!" Taehyung said, poking his tongue out to his sister who just rolled her eyes.

"Okay fine. You caught me. Now give it back" Eonjin said, sitting back down and putting her hand out as the younger put the phone in her hand, giggling.

"You know you can tell me those things Noona. I will be happy to help you since Jungkook is my friend and Jiminie can help too" Taehyung said while the girl continued scrolling down on Jungkook's instagram, listening to her younger brother.

"I don't need a boyfriend right now. I just find him cute okay?" Eonjin said, glancing at Taehyung and turning her gaze back to her phone, smiling when she saw another picture of Jungkook.

"Whatever you say Noona" Taehyung replied, rolling his eyes.

"Why did you come here anyway? Aren't you with Jimin?" Eonjin asked.

"Oh yeah! I was about to ask if you want to join our vlog!You and Minie will be playing something!" Taehyung excitedly said, clinging onto Eonjin's arm.

"No, I don't want to. I'm busy" Eonjin said, trying to remove her arm but Taehyung gripped it tighter, batting his eyelashes at his sister and saying 'Please'.

"Don't look at me like that Taetae. That won't work for me" Eonjin said, trying to stop herself from giving in but Taehyung made it worse, showing his puppy eyes and pouting.

Just in time, Jimin got out of their room, surprised to see the two siblings on the couch with Taehyung clinging onto his sister and showing his cute face that Jimin can't resist.

The older then turned his eyes to Eonjin who looked back at him, the girl sighing and face-palming, knowing that she can't deny her brother especially if Jimin was there.

"Okay, okay. Fine. You win. I'll join you in your vlog" Eonjin said, closing her phone while Taehyung jumped up and down on the couch, shouting 'Yehey's and clapping before turning to his boyfriend.

"Oh Minie! You're just in time. I invited Noona to vlog with us and the two of you will be playing a game so let's go now!" Taehyung excitedly said, getting off the couch and pulling Eonjin with him as they go in the couple's room.

Jimin scratched the back of his neck in confusion, just following the two and going back in their room to see Taehyung already setting up his camera while Eonjin is sat down on their bed.

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