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"Jimin. Wake up now. The van is already here" Jimin's mom quietly said, shaking her son gently as she wakes him up.

Jimin then groaned, slowly opening his eyes as he looks up to his mom who is smiling, mumbling to Jimin that he should wake up Taehyung now before walking out of the room to prepare their breakfast.

Jimin then reached for his phone on the nighstand, opening it to look at the time which is 1:00 AM.

It was 6 PM when they finished packing up the things they will be bringing on their luggage, deciding to eat dinner already so that they can still have some sleep because they won't be able to sleep once they reach Japan.

After closing and putting his phone back on the nighstand, Jimin turned to Taehyung who is sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around the younger as he shakes him with his other hand.

"Baby, wake up. It's already one" Jimin mumbled to Taehyung's ear, the younger whining as he slowly opened his eyes, licking his lips as he looked at Jimin sleepily.

"Goodmorning baby. We should get up and take a bath now. The van is already here" Jimin greeted with a smile, pressing a kiss on Taehyung's lips as the younger still tried to process what is happening.

Jimin chuckled at this, sitting up and standing already to check their luggage if they already packed everything that they will bring while Taehyung slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes with his fist before gasping when he realized what is happening.

"Oh my gosh! We're going now to Japan Jiminie! Wait! I need to take a bath now!" Taehyung excitedly said, quickly standing up and running to Jimin's balcony to get his towel before running to the bathroom to take a bath.

Jimin just shaked his head at this, smiling as he focuses on checking all the things they need, trying to remember if they forgot something. He then remembered the box that his dad gave him, quickly standing up to grab it from his closet before putting it in the small bag that he will be bringing.

After a few more minutes, Taehyung finished taking a bath, excitedly putting on his clothes and startling when he felt some arms wrapped around his waist, stopping on putting his shirt on his head.

"Are you excited baby?" Jimin asked in his ear, the younger giggling and smiling as he leaned his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Of course I'm excited! Japan is my dream place and you are bringing me there today! Thank you so much Jiminie!" Taehyung happily said, closing his eyes when Jimin pressed a kiss on his head.

Jimin then slowly turned him around, his arms still around Taehyung's waist as he leaned his forehead against the younger, slowly leaning closer before pressing his lips against the younger, Taehyung slowly closing his eyes as he kissed back, lifting his arms to wrap them around Jimin's neck.

As they are kissing, someone suddenly knocked, the two not hearing it since they are busy kissing until Jimin's mom talk at the other side of the door, knocking again.

"Are you both done boys? The breakfast is already ready" Mrs. Park said making the two to pull away, turning their heads at the door and looking at each other again before laughing.

"Taetae is already done Mom. I'm going to take a bath now" Jimin replied with his loud voice, his mom replying that she will be waiting downstairs for the two before walking away from the door.

"Go take a bath now Minie. You stink!" Taehyung exclaimed, giggling when Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I'll go now then. Prepare all your things now okay?" Jimim said, finally pulling away as the younger nodded, putting on his shirt when Jimin already got in the bathroom.

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