Boyfriend Tag

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"Please Minie?" Taehyung begged, clinging onto Jimin who is sitted infront of his laptop, editing their last vlog to upload it later.

"Tae, baby. Do you really have to remove a hair from my armpit if I get the answers wrong?" Jimin asked, looking at Taehyung who looked down before looking back up to Jimin, nodding.

"Some Youtubers did it more painful Minie. They waxed their boyfriend's legs if they get it wrong" Taehyung said, pouting.

"And besides, that's a motivation for you to get the answers right Minie" Taehyung continued, smiling and trying to encourage Jimin who just looked at him for a few seconds before sighing.

"You're lucky I love you" Jimin mumbled, ruffling Taehyung's hair.

"Yay! You will do the challenge now?" Taehyung happily asked, showing his boxy smile to Jimin who smiled back.

"Yeah yeah" Jimin said, shaking his head and letting the younger pull him to their bed.

"You sit down here while I get the tweezers" Taehyung said as he ran off to their bathroom to look for the tweezers while Jimin sat on their bed, playing with Yeontan.

"Found it!" Taehyung shouted from the bathroom after a few minutes of finding, walking out of the bathroom with the tweezers in his hand and sitting beside Jimin.

"What if I got the answer right?" Jimin asked, putting Yeontan on the floor as the dog walked away, going to his bed and making himself comfy before closing his eyes.

"Then...Congrats!" Taehyung said, smiling again to Jimin.

"There's no small prize or what?" Jimin asked, brushing his hair to the back as he watched Taehyung press the record button of his camera.

"Well, I can't give you any prize but do you want to have a prize?" Taehyung asked, sitting back down on the bed.

"Of course. It's unfair if I get punished when my answer is wrong then I don't have any prize if I got it right" Jimin replied.

"Okay then Minie. What prize do you want?" Taehyung asked again, looking at Jimin with his cute eyes.

"Hmm. What about some kisses?" Jimin asked, smirking and looking back to Taehyung.

"The chocolate? But I didn't get to buy some Minie" Taehyung said, pouting.

"Not the chocolate baby. I'm referring to this" Jimin said before pressing a quick kiss on Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung then blushed when Jimin pulled away, the older smiling and chuckling as he looked at Taehyung's reaction.

"Can I get some of them if I got the answers right?" Jimin asked, smirking again.

"O-Of course" Taehyung stuttered out, cupping his cheeks to hide his pink cheeks before facing the camera.

"Okay, hoo! You can do it Taetae!" Taehyung talked to himself, fanning his cheeks with his hands and raising his two fists up as Jimin just smiled at this.

"Okay, hoo! You can do it Taetae!" Taehyung talked to himself, fanning his cheeks with his hands and raising his two fists up as Jimin just smiled at this

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