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"Jiminie! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Taehyung chanted, jumping on the bed and crawling to his boyfriend before straddling him, putting his hands on Jimin's shoulder as he shakes the older.

It's already Saturday and Taehyung just woke up first before Jimin because he set-up an alarm again, getting excited as he already has some plans for today before they will go to Japan tomorrow.

When Taehyung rambled to Jimin's family yesterday about them going to Japan on Sunday, they just coo-ed at the younger, finding the brunet adorable as they watch Taehyung getting excited, cooing more when Jimin backhugged the younger.

Taehyung then chanted some 'Thank you's to Jimin's parents, hugging them as the two chuckled, happy to see the boy that Jimin loves is so happy. Jimin's dad then explained to the two that they will be getting a driver for the two on Sunday to drive them to the airport at 2:30 AM since their flight is 6:45 in the morning and they should be in the airport 3 hours before their flight.

Mrs. Park then also suggested that they should buy the things that they need to bring to Japan since they won't be coming back to Seoul anymore to get the things they need, Taehyung getting more excited as he already has a plan on how will they buy the things they need.

Now, Taehyung is still on top of the older, trying to wake his boyfriend as he shakes him, smiling when Jimin groaned, covering his eyes with his arm.

"Jiminie, wake up now!" Taehyung whined, removing the arm on Jimin's eyes and leaning forward to lay his body on top of Jimin's, putting his head in the older's neck.

Taehyung then lifted his head a little bit to stare at Jimin's sleeping face, lifting his hands to play with Jimin's lips as he stretches it to the side with his fingers, giggling when Jimin's face turned into a funny one.

Taehyung was then surprised when Jimin wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, turning them to the side and pulling the younger more to his chest, Taehyung feeling Jimin's lips on his head.

"Jimin! I told you to wake up! Not to sleep again!" Taehyung exclaimed, patting Jimin's chest a little bit hard with his hands as he tries to pull the older away.

"But I'm sleepy and do you not like this? We're cuddling" Jimin sleepily mumbled, his eyes still closed and gripping Taehyung tighter since the younger is trying to remove himself from Jimin's arms.

"I don't like it Minie. I love it but you really have to wake up now. We need to buy the things we will be bringing in Japan" Taehyung replied, looking up to look at Jimin.

"Give me my morning kiss first" Jimin said, puckering his lips for Taehyung who rolled his eyes, giggling as he leaned up to press a kiss on Jimin's cheek before pushing himself out of Jimin's arms.

"Hey! I was asking a kiss on the lips, not on the cheeks" Jimin protested, sitting up as he looked at Taehyung who just sticked his tongue out, running out of the room.

Jimin then stood up, following the younger as he ran out of his room and downstairs, seeing Taehyung running to his parents who are busy preparing their breakfast.

"Oh goodness! Why are you two playing hide and seek in the morning?" Mrs. Park asked, lifting the plate of french toasts since Taehyung almost bumped her when he ran to her, hiding behind the woman.

"We're not playing mom. I'm just asking for my morning kiss" Jimin replied, walking to the woman to help her as he placed the plate of french toasts on the table before walking fast again to try to catch his boyfriend who hid behind Jihyun this time who is at the end of the stairs, the younger confused since he just woke up.

"What's happening?" Jihyun asked, rubbing his eyes as he looked at Jimin before looking back to Taehyung who is fisting his shirt.

"Just give him already what he wants Taetae. You know what will happen if he doesn't get what he wants" Mr. Park replied behind his newspaper, chuckling after as he closed the newspaper to look at the three.

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