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Jimin groaned and slowly opened his eyes when he felt the temperature getting cold, hearing a storm and some rain drops outside his balcony, turning to his side to see that it's raining.

He then turned to his other side to see his sleeping fiancé, smiling at how adorable his boyfriend is and smiling more when he remembered that the boy beside him is already his fiancé, daydreaming again as he imagines how domestic will they be if they get married soon with their baby Yeontan and maybe a child.

It's already Saturday and they just got back to Busan after flying from Sapporo, Taehyung crying with joy and sadness at the same time when their plane was about to fly as he waves his hand on their view, muttering a 'Bye bye my dream destination! I hope we will meet again soon!' and smiling when Jimin kissed him on his forehead and promised him that they will go back again soon before closing his eyes and letting his sleep conquer him.

Jimin was then cut off from his thoughts when he heard Taehyung giggling, blinking his eyes to see his fiancé already awake and smiling with his boxy smile as he boops Jimin's forehead with his finger.

"What are you thinking again huh Jiminie? I've been calling you and you were just staring at me" Taehyung said, snuggling more in Jimin's arms and chest.

"I was just thinking about how we will look like if we're already married" Jimin replied, smiling when Taehyung blushed.

"Our puppies said that we already look like a married couple so I think nothing will change except when we will have kids and stuff" Taehyung explained and Jimin hummed in response, agreeing with his fiancé.

The two then heard a knock from Jimin's door, Mrs. Park shouting that breakfast is already ready and they should get up now as Jimin just replied with a 'Coming mom!' before getting out of his bed to stretch his arms.

"Let's wash our face first Jiminie!" Taehyung suddenly said, standing up and pulling the older as they go in Jimin's bathroom to freshen up their faces.

Once they were done, they both went down with their hands interlocked, surprised when they saw a lot of foods on the table as Jimin's parents greets them with a 'Goodmorning' and with a smile, telling them to come sit down on the vacant chairs.

"What's with all the foods mom?" Jimin asked, pulling the chair for Taehyung and sitting beside his fiancé after helping him settle on his chair.

"A small celebration of you being engaged!" Mrs. Park happily said, clapping and making Taehyung to smile and clap with her too.

"Thank you mom!" Taehyung happily replied, giggling when Mrs. Park replied with a 'You're always welcome Taetae' before asking for Jimin to hand him some of the strawberry pancakes, quietly shouting a 'Yay' when Jimin filled his plate with his favorite flavored pancakes.

Jimin and his parents just smiled at Taehyung, even Jihyun who was busy playing with Yeontan before they all started to eat too and asking the couple about their anniversary in Japan, smiling widely when Taehyung rambles about how Japan looks so amazing and stuff, listening to the boy be happy about his story telling.

Right after breakfast, the two decided to take a bath first before fixing their stuff that they brought and got in Japan, Jimin letting Taehyung to go first since that's their usual routine as he just sits on their bed, staring at the engagement ring in his hand with a smile since Taehyung asked him to hold it for a while because the younger doesn't want his beautiful engagement ring to get wet and be throwned in the bowl or somewhere else.

Jimin then quickly pulled his fiancé in a hug when Taehyung came out wearing one of Jimin's shirt and matching it with some pajama pants, not minding anything about his outfit since they're not going anywhere today and he just wants to be comfortable.

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