Drive Thru

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The next day, Taehyung slowly woke up with the sunlight that is seeping through the window, hitting his eyes as he whined, burying his face in the pillow.

He then realized that there's no arms that are wrapped around him, lifting his head to see a pillow beside him and quickly sitting up to see if Jimin is there or in his bathroom but he didn't found him, causing him to pout.

Taehyung decided to go down, rubbing his eyes with his fist as he stood up before walking out of the room with a pillow still in his arms. He then smiled softly when he heard some noises from downstairs, stepping at the stairs one at a time until he reached the last step, holding onto the rail with his hand.

"Oh goodmorning Taetae!" Mrs. Park greeted when she saw the brunet, walking to the table to place the plate full of waffles as Taehyung eyed it, making him hungry.

"You're just in time! Breakfast is already done! Come sit here!" Mrs. Park happily said, pointing at the two vacant chairs infront of Jihyun who is busy playing with Yeontan.

Taehyung just nodded shyly, greeting Jimin's parents and Jihyun a goodmorning as he walks to the vacant chairs. He was about to sit down when an arm suddenly wrapped around his waist, flushing red when he felt a kiss on his cheek.

"Goodmorning baby. I cooked you breakfast" Jimin mumbled, placing the plate full of waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon on the table.

"W-Wow! This is so many Jiminie!" Taehyung exclaimed, foretting about what happened a while ago and just focusing on his food that Jimin cooked for him.

"I know you will still finish all of that so sit down now so that you can eat" Jimin said, chuckling when Taehyung glared at him since the older is saying that Taehyung is a pig who can eat a lot of foods.

Jimin then pulled the chair for Taehyung to sit down, the younger muttering a 'Thank you' as he sits down before Jimin pulled his chair too to sit down also.

Once the two are settled on their chairs, they looked up to see Jimin's parents looking at them with a smile, Jimin's dad even closing his newspaper to look at the two.

"Is there something wrong?" Jimin asked confusedly, the two shaking their heads as they still smiled.

"You two just look cute and adorable! I can remember me and your dad being like that when we just got married! Right hon?" Mrs. Park exclaimed, looking at her husband who nodded.

"Oh thank you" Taehyung replied, shyly smiling as he lowered his head to hide his blush.

"I can't believe that my two sons are already going to get married soon!" Mrs. Park continued, starting to tear up as Mr. Park comforts her, rubbing his hands on her shoulder.

"Yeah right. I can't wait for hyung to already pro-" Jihyun said but was interrupted when Jimin kicked his shin, about to shout from the pain when his brother glared at him so he just closed his eyes as he tries to ease the pain, holding onto his sore leg.

"Are you okay Jihyunie?" Taehyung asked worriedly, lifting his head to check up on the boy who just lifted three fingers, telling the older that he's okay.

"Stop crying now mom. Let's just eat already alright? You're going to be late for work" Jimin said, smiling softly to Mrs. Park as the woman nodded, wiping her tears before starting to get some food.

All of them then started to eat, Jimin's parents talking about how good the food Jimin cooked as they savor it. They also told Taehyung how Jimin was when he was a kid, the older getting embarassed when his parents tells some embarassing things that happened to him like how he sharpened his finger because he was curious what will happen if he sharpens his finger with a sharpener, causing his finger to bleed.

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