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"Son, don't forget to pick up your cousin in the airport at one pm okay?" Jimin's mom said through the phone.

"Yes mom. I'll text you if I already picked her up" Jimin replied, watching Taehyung sitted infront of the mirror, busy fixing his hair and humming to his favorite song.

"Okay son! Take care okay? Please tell Taetae to care too and that I miss him" Jimin's mom said, a smile on her face as Taehyung enters her mind.

"Tae, baby. Mom said to take care and she misses you" Jimin said, walking to the younger who looked at him with a smile and happy eyes.

"I also miss you Misis Park and take care too!" Taehyung happily shouted when Jimin brought the phone closer to him, the two hearing Mrs. Park chuckle at the other side of the phone.

"Alright Taetae. And please don't call me Misis Park. I already told you to just call me mom" Mrs. Park said as Taehyung giggled, apologizing and sheepishly smiling to Jimin's mom.

"Well, I'll end the call now. I need to go back to work. Jimin, don't forget to pick up your cousin okay? I hope to see the both of you soon! Lovelots!" Jimin's mom happily said, giving a virtual kiss to the two before the ending the call.

"Your mom never changed Jiminie. She still loves me more than you" Taehyung teased, giggling when Jimin rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm fine with my mom loving you more than me. As long as it's you, I'm fine with it" Jimin said, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and putting his head on his shoulder.

"You're being cheesy again Minie" Taehyung exclaimed, smiling as he leaned himself on Jimin's chest.

"But you love it baby" Jimin said, chuckling when Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, let's go now! We don't want your cousin waiting! Let me go now Jiminie!" Taehyung shouted, trying to stand up and get off from Jimin's grip but the older just gripped him tighter.

"I don't want to" Jimin mumbled, hiding his face in Taehyung's shoulder.

"Jimin! I have to change Tannie!" Taehyung shouted making Jimin to groan, removing his arms from the younger's waist.

"Tannie! Let's put some clothes on you! Come to mommy!" Taehyung shouted when he stood up, opening his arms to Yeontan who barked, running to the boy who is now smiling.

"What a good boy. Let's go put the clothes on you that daddy Minmin bought you" Taehyung said, ruffling Yeontan's fur before carrying him as they walk to Yeontan's own closet that Jimin made since Taehyung asked him too.

Jimin just watched Taehyung putting clothes on Yeontan with a smile, already imagining how they would like when they are married and adopted a kid.

"And done!" Taehyung shouted, clapping at his masterpiece.

"Let's go now?" Jimin asked, putting his hand up for Taehyung to take.

"Hold on! Imma get my camera" Taehyung said, running to his tripod to remove his camera and grabbing a small pink backpack to put everything that he needs to bring.

"Okay! Let's go now!" Taehyung happily said when he's done, walking to Jimin who is carrying Yeontan as the older grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers together.



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