Drive Thru Pt. 2

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"Oh there Jiminie! Stop right there!" Taehyung exclaimed, pointing onto a post with some two street children standing beside it

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"Oh there Jiminie! Stop right there!" Taehyung exclaimed, pointing onto a post with some two street children standing beside it.

Jimin then stopped the car when they reached the post, turning his head to look at Taehyung opening his window with his boxy smile.

"Hi! I'm Taetae! How are you?" Taehyung happily greeted, waving his hands to the kids who looked at him confusedly but they still waved their hands, replying that they are okay.

"That's good! We wanted to give you some food since we ordered a lot so here!" Taehyung continued, turning around to face Jihyun who handed him two box of chicken with rice and two cups of soda.

"Here you go! I hope you enjoy!" Taehyung happily said, handing the foods and drinks to the two kids who are already smiling as they thanked Taehyung.

"You're welcome! Say hi to the camera by the way!" Taehyung said, leaning back so that the children could be seen as Jimin records them, the two kids smiling and waving making Taehyung giggle.

"Thank you so much! Keep safe and stay healthy! Bye bye!" Taehyung said, waving his hands again to the kids who waved back and muttered another 'Thank you' before they ran off as Taehyung watch them before closing his window.

"Let's go?" Jimin asked when Taehyung looked at him, the younger nodding with his boxy smile before Jimin drove off to find for some more street children.

It took them half an hour to give the 39 box of chicken with rice and 39 cups of soda to every street children that they find at the side of the streets, Taehyung doing all the talking as he always greets them with a wave and a smile before handing them the foods that Jihyun is handing him from the backseat while Jimin is busy recording his boyfriend and the children who are waving their hands whenever Taehyung asked them too.

There's still two box left, the three deciding to just eat the extra two boxes as Jimin drives to a place where they can stop the car and eat their lunch.

Taehyung and Jihyun is again back at singing and dancing to Taehyung's playlist, banging their heads and clapping as Jimin just listens to them, shaking his head as he finds everything funny.

After a few minutes, the two calmed down already, still singing but this time, they are leaning back on their seats as they look out to the window to enjoy the view until Taehyung spotted an old woman sitting on the sidewalk, her hand out as she waits for someone to put some money in her hand but the people just walks past her, making Taehyung's heart to break.

"J-Jiminie...Can you stop there?" Taehyung asked, pointing at the road beside the sidewalk where the intersection is.

"Tae, baby. I can't stop there. It's an intersection" Jimin replied.

"P-Please?" Taehyung begged, his eyes teary as Jimin looked at him, the older startled to see his boyfriend close to crying.

Jimin then tried to find a way how will he stop without causing any traffic, turning right and sighing in relief to see a parking lot for bikes. He then decided to just stop his car at the side, infront of the bikes, pressing the 'Hazard' button to signal the other cars that they can drive pass through his car.

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