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"Yoonie! Jin hyung and Namjoon are already here!" Hoseok shouted when they got in the house, walking to his boyfriend who is busy preparing the ingredients in the kitchen and leaving the couple who are busy removing their shoes.

"That looks like a lot. Are you sure you can cook them all in just a few hours?" Hoseok asked when he saw the kitchen counter full of ingredients, watching Yoongi who is cutting the onions.

"Don't worry about him Hobi. I'm here to help him" Jin interrupted, grabbing one of the aprons that are hung on a rack and putting it on him, tying it at the back before approaching Yoongi to help him cut the other ingredients.

"Oh okay then! I'll go to Namjoon for a while so that we can decorate the house. Goodluck Jin hyung! Goodluck Yoonie!" Hoseok said with his heart smile, patting Jin hyung on the back and pressing a soft kiss on Yoongi's cheek before happily skipping back to the living room where Namjoon is.

Once Hoseok is gone, Jin quickly looked at Yoongi who is now blushing and trying to hide it by lowering his head as he focuses on cutting the ingredients, hoping for Jin to not tease him.

"And why are you so red right now? It's not like the first time for me to see you being kissed by your boyfriend" Jin asked, teasing Yoongi who stuttered out a 'S-Shut up', not even looking at Jin who laughed.

"I can't believe that you're still shy even if you're already together for two years and we are already used to seeing you being sweet everytime" Jin said, focusing on peeling now the carrots as he waits for Yoongi to respond but the younger just remained silent, not wanting to explain.

"By the way, why did you call us here? What's with all this ingredients that we will be cooking? I thought our hang-out is not yet that soon" Jin asked, slicing now the carrots.

"Jimin called Hoseok and asked us to help him because Taehyungie already got one million subscribers and he wanted to surprise his fiancé" Yoongi replied, setting aside the onions that he sliced.

"Oh really? Wow! That's good for Taetae! I remember him getting happy already with just fifteen subscribers and now, he already got one million. I'm sure he will be so happy when he sees it!" Jin exclaimed and Yoongi just hummed in response, agreeing with the older before they both continue to prepare the ingredients for the surprise for their friend.


"Goodmorning baby" Jimin greeted with a smile when his fiancé slowly opened his eyes, the older pressing a kiss on Taehyung's lips and chuckling when the younger whined.

"Morning breath Jiminie~" Taehyung whined, cupping Jimin's jaw and pushing it away.

"But my breath smells nice baby. Do you not want me to kiss you?" Jimin asked and the younger giggled and shaked his head, clearly joking but he quickly pouted when Jimin replied an 'Okay then', pulling his head away.

"No! Jiminie! I was just kidding!" Taehyung shouted, pulling Jimin back with his arms around the older's neck.

"Please kiss me" Taehyung said while still pouting and Jimin just smiled at this, pressing his lips on his fiancé's.

The two then sighed with their eyes closed, Taehyung kissing back and gasping when Jimin roamed his cold hands beneath his shirt, gripping the older tight by his neck.

Taehyung then whined when Jimin pulled away, pulling him again into another round of kissing but Jimin just kissed his nose, patting his thigh and standing up.

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