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"Jiminie!" A shout can be heard, making the orange haired boy to groan and slowly open his eyes, trying to process what is happening in his surrounding.

As soon as he fully woke up, he felt someone gripping his shirt tightly, another scream of 'Jiminie! No! Please!' as the orange haired boy turned his head at the side to see Taehyung with eyes closed and tears falling from his eyes, the older looking down to see his fiancé's hands that are gripping his shirt.

"Baby? Taehyungie. Wake up. You're having a nightmare" Jimin worriedly said, trying to sit up but the younger keeps on pulling him by his shirt, still sobbing and crying.

"No! Please! Jiminie! Don't leave!" Taehyung shouted and Jimin frowned, fully sitting up with the younger's hands that still gripping his shirt.

"Baby. Wake up, Taehyungie" Jimin still worriedly said, shaking the younger's body to wake him up as the red haired boy sobbed, quickly sitting up and opening his eyes with a scream of 'Jiminie!'.

The red haired boy then turned to his fiancé with face full of tears, jumping in the older's arms and sobbing in his neck as Jimin hugs him tightly in his arms, lifting the red haired boy and placing him on his lap, whispering some 'Shh's and pressing kisses on the younger's head while Taehyung cries.

"Everything's fine now baby. Jiminie is here. I won't leave you" Jimin whispered, rubbing Taehyung's hair and back at the same time with his hands as the younger just sobs, closing his eyes and gripping his fiancé's shirt again.

After a few more minutes, Taehyung already calmed down but still sniffling and hicupping a little bit while his fiancé continues on pressing some kisses on his head, whispering sweet words in the younger's ear.

"What did my baby dreamed that got him crying hm?" Jimin asked when he cupped Taehyung's cheek, pulling the younger's head away from his neck and wiping the tears on Taehyung's cheeks with his thumbs while staring at his fiancé's eyes.

"M-Minie is l-leaving me" Taehyung stuttered out, starting to sob and tears flowing on his cheeks again as he hid his head back in Jimin's neck.

"Aigo~ I won't leave you my baby. Stop crying now hm?" Jimin coo-ed, rubbing the red haired boy's back and pressing kisses on the younger's head as Taehyung sniffled and hiccuped.

"I will never leave you baby. I'm here hugging you. See?" Jimin continued to talk and he's glad that his fiancé is already calming down so he slowly pulled Taehyung's head away from his neck again to wipe the tears on his cheeks and smiling when he saw the red haired boy's pout and puffy eyes.

"Poor baby. Do you want me to kill that Minie in your dream?" Jimin asked, wiping the tears with his thumbs and trying to make the younger laugh which he successfully did as Taehyung giggled, his boxy smile showing.

"There's my baby" Jimin softly said, pressing a kiss on both of Taehyung's eyes, on his nose, on both of his cheeks, everywhere that his lips could reach and Taehyung just giggled more, wrapping his arms around Jimin's neck for support.

"I love you. I love you. I love you" Jimin whispered with every kiss and when the older kissed the younger's lips already, Taehyung smiled more, closing his eyes and kissing back.

"Let's go to sleep now?" Jimin asked when they pulled away, noticing how Taehyung hesitantly nodded, the younger biting his bottom lip which shows that he is nervous.

"Don't be scared baby. I'll be here okay? I promise" Jimin said, pressing one last kiss on Taehyung's lips before gently laying the both of them on their bed and lifting the covers up to them.

Jimin then looked down on his fiancé who is looking back up at him like he's still scared of Jimin disappearing in one click so the older grabbed the comfort stuff toy of Taehyung which is sitting on their bedside table, handing it to the younger who smiled and quickly hugged the stuff toy in his chest like how the older hugged his baby to his chest too.

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