Part 5

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It had been a few hours since Arnav left from office, Khushi was in her cabin getting bored and worried, first of all it was her first day at work and because Arnav wasn't around she dint have much work to do so all she kept on thinking about was how was she ever going to tell Arnav the truth?

The truth that she had nothing to do with his brother's suicide, she had been very clear with him since then beginning that she wasn't interested in him.


"Hey." She heard a voice from behind her on her way home.

Khushi turned around and found Advik behind her, trying to walk as fast as he could so that he could catch up with her.

"So now you're following me." Khushi turned around and continued walking once again.

"I'm just trying to be a friend, plus I really like you so I hoped that I was maybe going to get a chance to get to know you."

Khushi stopped walking and looked at him, she folded her arms seriously, she dint really know how to get rid of him.

"I really appreciate that you like me Advik plus it's natural so I can't tell you not to like me, but you have to understand that I don't like you that way." Khushi explained.

"Then which way do you like me?" He smirked.

"I like you as the human being you are and for the cute things you've been doing but I would have to ask you to stop doing that because it won't help, so please just stop following me like this."

"You think I'm doing this on purpose Khushi? Since the first time I laid my eyes on you, I've gone completely crazy, I just keep on thinking about you, I just want to get to know you, I understand that you don't like me that way which is a bit ridiculous, I mean who doesn't like Advik Raizada?" He giggled.

"Really?" Khushi raised her eyebrow.

"Of course, I'm the most eligible bachelor available in town, but that's not the point, the point is that I really like you and I know you don't like me but I would be glad if you gave me a chance, I'm not asking you to date me, let's just be friends, let's get to know each other and even after getting to know me, if you don't feel anything towards me, I promise I won't disturb you ever again."

"I don't think I can do this Advik, look you really sound like a great person and as much as I would love to get to know you, I just can't. I have a lot of things to concentrate on right now, I can't even think of developing any sort of love interest in anyone." Khushi pouted.

"Please, I promise I won't disturb you a lot, just a bit... everyone deserves a chance don't they? I'm just asking you for that one chance." Advik literally begged her.

"Okay fine, but you have to promise you that you won't ever disturb me at work, you would stop showing up here randomly, act like the Advik Raizada you are and not a stalker okay?"

"Deal." Advik smiled at her brightly.


Khushi was brought back from the thoughts by the sound of her phone ringing, she quickly received the call.


"Khushi! I forgot a really important file in my cabin, I need it urgently, it's a blue spring file with the initials AAM on it, would you please get someone from the office to bring it to me at the mansion?" Arnav asked.

"Sure sir." Khushi replied as she disconnected the call wondering how Arnav got her number, as far as she remember, she dint come with a CV plus she hadn't given anyone her number apart from the receptionist downstairs, so maybe she might have given Arnav her phone number.

She stood up and walked to Arnav's cabin, she found the file lying on his desk, she picked it up and headed downstairs.

"Excuse me, is there anyone who can take this file to Raizada mansion? Actually Arnav sir needs it urgently so he asked me to send it over." Khushi asked the receptionist.

"Yes, there's a guy who usually does that stuff but I had sent him to deliver some documents and the place he's gone to is really far, and seeing the traffic at this time, it will take him two hours or more to be back." The receptionist replied.

"So isn't there anyone else who can take it?"

"No, I guess you'll have to wait, just call sir and tell him that it will take time."

"Okay." Khushi nodded as she headed back to her cabin and dialed Arnav's number on her phone. Arnav received the call just on the first ring.

"Yes Khushi, did you send the file?" He asked.

"Not yet sir, actually the guy who was supposed to bring it to you was sent somewhere and it will take him time to be back, so what should I do?"

"Shit, I needed it like right now, hey can you do me a favor? Please take a cab and bring it to me, you can pay the fare from company's money."

"Sure sir, but I don't know where exactly you live." Khushi said nervously.

"Don't worry, just tell the driver to take you to Raizada mansion, most of them know where it is otherwise he will use a map."

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Khushi disconnected the call, picked up her stuff and headed out.


She was dropped outside a huge mansion by the driver, she stood at the gate staring at the beautiful white mansion in front of her, it looked more like a palace.

"Are you Khushi?" The guard at the gate asked her to which she nodded positively, so he opened the gate and allowed her inside.

Khushi walked inside talking slow steps, the mansion was pretty far from the main gate, she started walking towards it looking around, the whole mansion was surrounded by a beautiful garden that had all sorts of flowers, it looked really pretty.

She stopped at the entrance and looked inside the mansion, it was so beautiful from the inside too, the interiors were all in while and gold, it felt like a dream, she had never seen such a huge mansion in real life, only the ones they showed in movies.

"You're finally here." Arnav said as he walked towards her.

"Yes, here is your file." Khushi smiled nervously as she handed him the file.

"Thank you for this, anyway come inside." Arnav said as he headed inside while Khushi followed him silently.

He headed to the hall where there were huge sofa's place in the middle in a circle with a coffee table in between, there were two people seated there already, a girl who looked like she was in her early twenties and she was dressed like a super model with a pretty white dress and some really good looking high heels, and beside her was a man who looked pretty much old, he was dressed in a black suit.

"What will you have, tea or coffee or something else?" Arnav asked her.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Khushi smiled.

"No you are not, no one comes to Raizada mansion and leaves just like that, do this, just take a seat here while I finish with them and then we'll have coffee together okay?"

"Okay." Khushi nodded positively as she sat down on the couch that was a bit further that where the sofa's were.

Arnav joined the lady and the man as they got busy in a discussion, Arnav handed the file he had asked for to the man who went through the documents that were in the file and then said something to Arnav.

Their meeting seemed like it was taking forever while Khushi was just seated in one corner busy admiring the beautiful mansion.

After a while the three of them stood up, Arnav shook hands with the man first and then the lady did the same thing, they both bid the man a goodbye as he walked away.

Arnav and the lady finally turned to look at Khushi as the both walked towards her, Khushi looked at the both of them walking towards her, she kept on wondering who the girl was, she looked really familiar.

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