Part 39

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Before she could say anything anymore, he got hold of her hand and pulled her out of the house as she looked at him in surprise, he took her till his car, opened the door and waited for her to get inside.

She had no idea what he was trying to do but she just got in and sat silently, he got in the driver's seat and started driving.

"Where are you taking me Arnav?" She asked, but he stayed silent and focused on the road, after a short drive they arrived at a hospital, she looked at him in shock, was someone sick or?

"You see this hospital? Advik was born here, I was just a four year old kid I think, when I came to visit with my dad, I was so happy that I had a little brother and a sister, Advik and Mia were twins.

I held them both turn by turn in my hands with dad's help and I was so happy, even as a little kid, that was the happiest day of my life.

I was the elder kid so I grew up helping mum with every little thing about both the twins and as we grew up, I became really close to Advik, you know the brother to brother bond, it doesn't mean I love Mia any less, but Advik was just the kind of a person who was really mature at a very young age." Arnav spoke, once he was done he started driving again, Khushi dint even know what to say.

She just sat silently wondering what he was trying to do, she did know that she had committed a huge mistake but his behavior right now was a bit confusing.

He parked the car outside a school, and a smile curved up on his face.

"We both studied here, and as the elder brother I always protected him from the kids who bullied him, this school has a lot of memories, we used to eat lunch together, his classes ended early and when mom came to pick him and Mia he wouldn't go home, he would stay in school and wait for me while Mia went home with mom.

Once my classes were over the both of us would go home together, he loved me so much Khushi and I loved him the same." Arnav said.

He switched on the car and started driving again, she was now kind of getting the point why he was doing this, but only if she could tell him and show him how terrible and sorry she felt for what she did.

He parked the car outside a tiny garden and looked at it silently for a while before speaking.

"This was the place where he proposed a girl for the first time." Arnav giggled.

"I knew he wasn't the kind of a guy to be serious about relationships, I had seen him grow up, he was always surrounded by girls, he was always with a different girl everyday so when he actually proposed a girl for the first time he wanted it to be beautiful and so he asked me to help him a bit.

He was a good guy Khushi, he really tried to stay in that relationship but it looked like it wasn't meant for him so he just told the girl about it and they parted ways. That was the first and the last relationship he ever had, after that all I knew of him was he'd flirt with different girls every now and then but nothing serious.. until..." He went silent so Khushi spoke the words for him.

"Until he met me." She said sadly, Arnav nodded as his eyes moistened, this things must be really hurting him.

"My brother started acting so strange suddenly, like a teenager in love, he was always happy, talking about this girl that he was in love with and how crazy he was for her. Now that I am in love with you, I realize how right he was, you really do make people crazy." Arnav said, Khushi looked at him wondering if he said it in a good way or sarcastically.

He inhaled a deep breath and switched on the car again, it looked like today they were going to go around the entire city.

He parked the car outside a huge hotel and looked at Khushi, his eyes still being moist as he fought back his tears.

"This was the place he was going to propose you, he thought the first time he did it you thought he wasn't serious but after spending time with you he thought maybe you had started liking him so he wanted to do it in front of everyone, friends and family and everyone.

Although neither of us knew who the girl was, he said it was going to be a surprise for all of us, he was going to plan it in this place and make it beautiful.

I was just happy for my brother Khushi, I was happy that he finally met the girl he was serious about and I couldn't wait to meet her and thank her for making my brother so happy.

He told me he was going to do it in a day or two but before the day came, he left this world. I know you might not be the reason, and I don't know what made him take that step but he was my brother Khushi.

I brought you to all this places so that you would know how important he was to me, and how hurt I am that you hid the truth from me that you were the girl he loved.

I don't blame you for his death, but I deserved to know that you were a part of his life, I deserved the freaking truth." He clenched his fists angrily.

"I am sorry Arnav, I know I committed a mistake and I did that again by setting a time limit for you, I am so sorry, I'll take back all my words, take as long as you want to think about us, I'll wait." She looked at him sadly.

"No Khushi, you did the right thing by setting a time limit because now I know what I want." He looked at her seriously, it was really scaring her, although she dint know what he was going to say but she had a feeling that it was going to break her heart.

"You know I never knew it was possible to hate a person and love them at the same time, right now, that's what I feel towards you. I hate that I love you Khushi, I really hate it!" He said as tears rolled down his eyes.

I don't want to feel this way about you, I want to hate you and hate you only for what you did to me, but I can't because I love you also and I don't want to love you so please tell me how to stop it."

"Arnav I..." Khushi tried to speak but he dint let her.

"This was just a glimpse of Advik's life Khushi, I have so many precious moments it would take me forever to show it all to you so that you know what you've done to me but this is the much I could do.

You set the time limit and I have my decision for you, so I thought a lot about all of this and came up to a decision." He sighed.

He switched on the car and started driving again without saying anything, Khushi kept on staring at him silently waiting for him to say what his decision was but he dint speak a word until they were back home.

He stepped out of the car and opened the door for her, he pulled her out of the car and stood face to face with her.

"I don't want to see you face ever again! Please go away from me and my life and never come back because I might love you but I hate you more.

Nothing between us is ever going to be right Khushi, I am sorry for promising you a life filled with love because now I can't give it to you anymore, I took you to all those places so you would know how important my brother was to me and how wrong was all that you did to me.

This is the last time you're seeing Arnav Singh Raizada, from today onwards, I don't know any girl named Khushi Gupta, have a great life ahead." He turned around, walked back to his car and drove off while Khushi stood there frozen.

It all felt like a nightmare and she really hoped that someone was going to wake her up and she'd realize it was only a nightmare.

Arnav couldn't do this to her, he couldn't leave her like this, she knew it was her mistake, she hid the truth from him but she hoped he was going to understand her and forgive her, but he seemed really hurt.

"Arnav." She whispered his name as she fell down on her knees and let out a loud scream shouting his name again.

Kiara rushed out of the house and headed towards Khushi hurriedly, she bent down and looked at her, Khushi was crying miserably as Kiara wondered what happened to her.

"What happened Khushi?" Kiara looked at her worriedly.

"He left... Kiara he left me. He said he doesn't want to see my face anymore and that he hates me. I don't know what to do Kiara, I thought I was strong that I could live a life without him but now that he left, I realized I can't.

I can't live my life without him Kiara, I love him so much, please tell him to come back, please tell him to give me one chance and I'll make everything right. I promise I'll make everything right."
Khushi cried, Kiara hugged her tightly trying to make her stop crying but it dint really help.

"Arnav! Please come back, please." Khushi shouted in pain, she kept on repeating the words hoping that he was going to listen and actually come back.

"Khushi, stand up, let's go inside, he's not going to come back." Kiara said as she tried to help her stand.

"Please tell him to come back, I promise I'll make everything right." Khushi cried while Kiara looked at her helplessly knowing that he wasn't ever going to come back.

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