Part 16

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"Good Morning sir." Khushi greeted Arnav as she walked to the hall.

Arnav was seated on the sofa busy drinking his coffee, he smiled at Khushi and greeted her, she headed to the kitchen and made herself a cup of black coffee and drank it in a hurry so she could finish it as soon as Arnav finished his.

"Shall we leave now?" She asked.

"Sure, thanks for the coffee." Arnav smiled as they both headed outside, she got into the car and sat there silently, she couldn't really understand why Arnav was doing all this for her, she was perfectly fine, he dint have to be so worried.

"How are you feeling today?" Arnav asked as he started driving.

"I am fine, seriously it was nothing, you don't have to be this worried about me." Khushi said.

"You must have heard about my brother right? That he committed suicide? I mean it's not been that longs but it's been weeks and every day I kept on asking myself the same question over and over again, why did he do it?" Arnav said.

"You told me you believed it was because of some girl." Khushi looked at him nervously.

"Well yeah but that's different, you know I always thought I knew my brother so well, I always tried to give him everything, to make him happy and now that he's gone I have only one question, why did he have to do it?

So I went on looking for answers, one day I searched his room thoroughly and I found some medicines he had been taking, there's a reason why I am telling you this, I believe you won't tell anyone about it, not that I am anyway ashamed of it or anything but you know how the media is.

I found the doctor's prescription along with it so I visited the doctor to find out what Advik had been taking those medicines, and I found out that they were anti-depressants.

You must be knowing about anxiety and depression, I know so many people go through it but they can't open up to someone, so the doctors believed that he committed suicide because of the depression.

Can you imagine, living with him all this while and I dint even have an idea, he was always so happy and cheerful I dint even know he was suffering all alone." Arnav said sadly.

"I am so sorry, I know how terrible it feels to learn that you could have changed things if you knew about his depression earlier." Khushi looked at him sadly.

"Exactly, so I was just researching about it all trying to learn everything about it and then that day you had a panic attack, I got so scared Khushi." Arnav said.

"Okay wait, so you're this worried about me because you think I have anxiety?" Khushi looked at him in surprise.

"You had a terrible panic attack Khushi, tell me what it is that's got you so worried and scared?" Arnav looked at her.

"I am not suffering from anxiety Arnav, I am completely fine, I am not thinking about suicide or anything, that day I was just stressed about something and that's why it happened, it doesn't happen always." Khushi explained.

"So you mean you are completely fine, no depression or anxiety? I hope you aren't lying to me, look I won't judge, I will just try to help you with it." Arnav looked at her keenly.

"I am completely fine trust me." Khushi assured him.

"Okay, if you say so... don't mind I just wanted to..."

"I understand, whatever you were trying to do for me was completely right, just that I don't have anxiety, but I really appreciate that you thought of helping me." Khushi smiled at him.

"I am more than glad to know you are fine, now you can head to work and I'm sorry for stopping at your place suddenly, I was just trying to..."

"It's okay, I understand, thanks for picking me up though." Khushi said as she got out of the car once Arnav had parked it and headed straight to her cabin.

She couldn't believe that Arnav actually thought that she had anxiety, no wonder he was this much worried for her, and her friends were just thinking other things.

She settled down in her cabin and kept on wondering about what Arnav had told her about Advik's depression.

She had been around him so many times, and not even for once did she get an idea that he was suffering from depression, he always acted so normal, he was always so happy, there was never anything that could hint towards that either.


"Tell me Khushi, how do you find my looks, I mean do I look handsome, or okay or ugly?" Advik asked while they were driving to some restaurant where he had literally begged her to go along with him for dinner because he was alone and he dint like eating out alone.

"Why would you ask that?" Khushi giggled as she looked at him.

"Because I don't understand why you aren't interested in me, I mean I am rich, I am well doing, not the kind of a rich guy that lives on his dad's hard earned money, I also work hard and earn, I am polite, I respect women, and mind you I am the most eligible bachelor in town, so why don't you like me? Is it because maybe you don't find me good looking or something?" he looked at her seriously.

"After spending so much time with me I thought you must have at least known me enough to know that looks don't matter to me Advik, not that you look bad, you look so good, so perfect, I mean if it's to be honest I haven't met a guy better looking that you so far." Khushi smiled at him.

"Then where is the problem? What is stopping you?"

Honestly Advik, I don't know, I mean yes, you are perfect, you are the kind of a guy no girl would think of rejecting even in her dreams but for me, I value love more and that's what I don't feel towards you.

Trust me, at times I ask myself this same questions, why can't I feel anything towards you despite everything about you being perfect? But this is the truth, I wouldn't want to lie to you and that's why since day 1 I've been telling you, we can be friends but don't expect anything more from me." Khushi said.

"I thought that after spending time with me and getting to know me, maybe you'd start liking me at least, but nothing has happened so far, I am sad." He pouted.

"Don't be sad, there are so many girls out there, the ones that maybe truly deserve you." Khushi said.

"Yes, I'm don't with hearing that, but you know what I'll still keep on trying, even after you decide to get married to someone else, I'll try until the last minute." He smiled at her.

"You know you are crazy." Khushi laughed.

"Crazy for you." He winked at her as she looked away, he was so good she even wondered why she wouldn't feel a thing towards him.

*****"You were the kind of a person who never lost hope Advik, then what happened?" Khushi asked herself as she stared at her laptop.

She had so much work pending but she wouldn't stop thinking about Advik, he came into her life and changed everything.

Khushi was busy concentrating on her work when the door of her cabin opened suddenly, she lifted her head up and saw Meera walking inside.

She looked angry, not even angry, she was burning with rage.

"What do you think you're trying to do?" She barked at Khushi angrily.

"Excuse me." Khushi looked at her in confusion.

"Don't act so innocent, I know the real motive you have, you are here just to trap Arnav in your love so that you can get married to him and get this huge empire right? But you know what, as long as I am alive, that won't happen."

"Mind your words, I just work here, what makes you think anything like that?"

"I saw you in his car, I have never seen him with anyone else from this office in his car, so why are you so special?"

"Look you are misunderstand things Meera, there's nothing like that." Khushi tried to explain but Meera was in no moods to listen.

"For once and for all, I am warning you for the last time, stay away from my freaking boyfriend! If I see you anywhere near him again, you'll see the most terrible side of me." Meera gave her and angry glare and then barged out of the office leaving Khushi behind in shock.

Seriously which direction did her mind work in? What made her even think that there was ever going to be anything between her and Arnav apart from the professional relationship?

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