Part 40

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"She is leaving for good Arnav." Arjun broke the news to Arnav, it had been two weeks since he last saw her and told her to get out of her life and never to show him her face again, it looked like now she was going to do it.

"I know, I told her to go away from me." Arnav said plainly.

"So that's it, this is how it ends?" Arjun asked as he sat down beside him, Arnav just nodded without saying anything else, he looked like he was in deep thoughts about something.

Arjun dint know how to convince him either, it was true Khushi was at fault by keeping the truth from him but then she dint deserve this kind of punishment, only if he knew, by pushing her away he wasn't just punishing her but himself too.

He stood up suddenly and headed inside the washroom, he could pretend all strong but the news of Khushi leaving definitely broke him, until he had to go hide himself in the washroom so his best friend wouldn't see how hurt he was feeling that it brought tears to his eyes.


"Are you sure about this decision Khushi?" Avanti looked at her sadly.

"Do I have another option Avanti?" Khushi sighed, she placed the last piece of cloth in her suitcase and pulled the zipper.

"You know Arnav had been right all this time, if I had told him this earlier, the both of us wouldn't have been in this position right now, it was all my fault, if I told him earlier at least he would have reacted then and maybe thrown me out of his company but at least we wouldn't feel this hurt.

With the both of us having feelings for each other, the pain is far too worse Avanti, I don't think I can live with it. He told me he doesn't want to see my face and a part of me knows he would never forgive me for it so staying here is like putting myself in a position where if I even see him, I'll regret everything I ever did and I'll keep on feeling hurt, I don't want that.

It's time I guess, mom has been telling me since long to go home, so I'll go back to her, find a job there and settle down there, it's for the best." Khushi said.

"Don't leave, what am I going to do without you?" Kiara pouted as she hugged Khushi tightly.

"I don't know how I'm going to live without you both either. It's funny how I dint just lose Arnav, I'm losing both my best friends too, just one mistake of mine has cost me this heavily." Khushi said as tears rolled down her eyes.

"You haven't lost us, we will always stay in touch Khushi, we are your best friends, we'll always remain your best friends no matter where life takes us, after all that's all friendship is about right, distance wouldn't separate us." Avanti said.

"Exactly, we'll video call you daily and tell you about everything that happened and if I met any new guy and all." Kiara giggled.

"But it's still not going to be the same, not like being here with the both of you." Khushi said sadly.

"Why don't you give it time Khushi? Maybe he will calm down and forgive you." Avanti asked.

"I gave it two weeks already, waiting for only one signal that would tell me that there's hope and trust me if I knew there was hope I wouldn't leave, but this is what he wants, it's what he's asked for and I guess it's for the best." Khushi said.

"What happened to the strong Khushi we knew? The one that took all her decisions herself?" Kiara asked.

"She fell in love." Khushi giggled trying to make them smile but they just move closer to her and hugged her.

The three of them shared a hug for long until Khushi broke apart, she picked up her bags and walked outside.

She stopped in the hall looking at each and every corner of this house, remembering how the three of them had made this place a home.

When she came to Delhi, all she came with was a few pair of clothes and lots of dreams to fulfil, of which she fulfilled all.

She made two best friends, moved into a house with them and shared a happy life until the two Raizada brothers came in her life and everything just changed.

The girls escorted her outside where the taxi was waiting for her, they put the luggage in the booth and looked at her sadly.

"Time to go." Khushi said as she faked a smile on her face.

"We're coming with you till the airport, it's not goodbye time yet." Avanti said.

"You don't have to, don't trouble yourself please."

"Shut up and get in the car." Kiara said as the three of them got inside the car, the driver drove them to the airport that was almost twenty minutes' drive away, all the way they kept on remising all the memories they shared.

Once they arrived, they stood out there and shared another hug once again bidding each other goodbye for the last time.

Khushi then took all her luggage and headed towards the entrance, she couldn't believe she was leaving this place, she loved it here so much, she always thought that she was going to spend her entire life here but well, it looked like destiny had something else in store for her.

She felt hesitant to even step inside the airport, she knew that once she got inside, there was no turning back, only if she could stay back.

"Khushi!" She heard someone shout her name, she turned around immediately.

Arnav stepped out of his car and ran towards her, she blinked her eyes severally and rubbed them too just to make sure it was real, it was impossible for Arnav to come here.

But it looked like it was real, he was actually here, was he here to tell her not to go away or to bid her a last goodbye?

He stopped in front of her panting for breaths, he looked all messed up, his hair was in a complete mess, he wasn't dressed usually, his shirt was hanging out, the shoes were dirty, he had dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days.

It hurt her seeing what she had done to him, and maybe even though a part of her believed that she wasn't completely her fault, it was her fault that the man she loved was all messed up this way.

"Arnav." She whispered with surprise in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I don't really look presentable enough today, I hope you don't feel embarrassed standing with me looking like this." He said.

"Don't say that please, why would I ever be embarrassed about you Arnav?" She looked at him sadly.

"Forget that... so you're leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah, you dint want to see my face ever again so it looked like the best option." She tried to smile but tears just formed up in her eyes making her break down, why was all this so damn painful?

"You're here to say goodbye?" She asked, he looked at her in surprise for a moment, he dint even know why he was here, all he knew was that he wanted to come here and so he did.

"Yeah, I thought I should at least say goodbye." He said.

"Okay, goodbye then." She nodded as she turned to leave but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into a hug.

"Don't leave me please." He begged as he held her into his arms tightly, he wanted her to leave and not to leave at the same time.

"Arnav, I have to, there's nothing left between us, there's no point of me staying, it will keep hurting the both of us." Khushi broke the hug.

"Stay because I love you. Stay because no matter how much I hate you right now, I love you at the same time too. Look at me Khushi, this is how I have become without you. I don't even know if whatever that I'm saying is making sense but I don't want you to leave me.

I am hurt, I am angry on you but I love you. I.. I have grown up with the lack of love Khushi, I've never told you about my childhood but it's been terrible. I was always the obedient son but I don't know why neither mom nor dad ever loved me enough.

I could always see the difference in how they treated Advik and Mia and how they treated me, I've grown up yearning for my parents love which I never got, the only love I got was from my brother Advik, so this is why I hate you so much for keeping the truth from me, but I lost him too.

And then you came into my life, I was living a hopeless life quite honestly, keeping myself busy with work so I wouldn't feel this way, and then I met you and you cared about me, you loved me and for once in my life, I felt like I deserved to be loved too.

We haven't even known each other for so long but I love you Khushi so deeply and I think it's because I have never been loved before, I have always yearned for love and when I got it from you, I fell for it deeply so you don't even have an idea how terrible it feels knowing that after losing Advik, I'm now losing you.

I'm stuck Khushi, so please help me, this two weeks without you have been like hell for me, I can't forgive you but I can't lose you either, I'll break, I don't know what I'll do without you so please help me." Arnav cried as he fell down on his knees.

"If you want me to stay you just have to tell me to stay Arnav." Khushi bent down and cupped his face making him look at her, she couldn't even explain in words how terrible she felt seeing him this hurt.

How dint she see it, how dint she ever notice how much he yearned for love? He deserved to be loved and she was ready to love him the way he wanted to be loved, all he had to do was ask for it.

He remained silent for a while battling with his own mind, Khushi stayed beside him looking at him patiently, he looked up at her after a while and inhaled a deep breath.

"Marry me." He said, she opened up her eyes wide in surprise, did he just ask her to marry him? or was she dreaming? Was this real?

"W.. what?" She stuttered.

"Marry me Khushi, be mine forever so I don't have to lose the only person that loves me again, I've already lost Advik, I don't think my heart would be able to handle it if I lost you too. I've smiled, because of you, laughed so openly because of you, I've also cried and had my heart broken into pieces by you too, but you're the only one that can heal my broken heart.

I had promised you Khushi, I wouldn't leave you so here I am, not wanting to leave you. I dint know how scared I was about losing you until I saw you walking inside the airport and it broke everything inside me. So please stay with me forever, If I lose you, I'll lose myself." He looked at her sadly.

"Are you sure Arnav?"

"Yes, stay with me please." He begged her.

"Okay, okay... I'll stay." Khushi said as she hugged him tight, she dint even know if this was the right thing to do right now but she could no more see him getting hurt, she loved this man, more than he knew and all she wanted was for him to be okay, and to stop hurting this was so she was ready to do all it took to rectify her mistakes and solve this issue between them both.

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