Part 56

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When Khushi headed back downstairs after she found the chain in Advik's room, Meera was just about to leave with her father who was literally dragging her outside the mansion while Meera was trying to push him away.

"Stop!" Khushi shouted as she rushed towards Arnav who looked at her in shock wondering what she was trying to do.

"Mr. Raichand, you can't leave yet." Khushi said in a serious tone.

"Excuse me, who are you to decide that for him?" Arnav's dad interfered.

"Dad, I really need to talk about something, please let me finish." Khushi tried to explain.

"I am not your father, so better don't address me as dad, call me Mr. Raizada." He said strictly.

"Karan, she is Arnav's wife, you are her father-in-law, she has all the rights to call you dad." Kritika interfered.

"It's okay mom, we can discuss our relationships later, what I need to talk about right now is very important, please let me." Khushi looked at Kritika.

"What is it about Khushi?" Arnav looked at her curiously.

Khushi dint say anything to him, instead she walked towards Meera's father, stood in front of him and looked him in the eye.

"I have only one question for you, did you or did you not meddle with Advik's post mortem reports?" Khushi asked.

Mr. Raichand's expressions changed immediately as if he had been caught red handed while committing some crime.

"What nonsense." He shouted at her angrily.

"If it's nonsense, why are your hands trembling?" Khushi asked as she looked at his hands which were literally trembling as if he was scared.

"Khushi, what are you trying to do? Please don't bring Advik in between all this." Arnav said as he walked towards her and grabbed her by the arm.

"Why shouldn't I bring Advik in between all this Arnav? I am the girl that has been blamed for his death even when I had nothing to do with it, so today when I know who is behind his death, why shouldn't I blame that person?" Khushi looked at him angrily.

"Are you trying to say that I have something to do with his death?" Mr. Raichand asked.

"I am not saying that, I am asking you if you had anything to do with it?"

"Is this girl crazy or what? Seriously Arnav, this is the girl for whom you left my daughter?" Mr. Raichand looked at Arnav accusingly.

"Excuse me, not a word against my wife." Arnav said.

"Enough!" Meera screamed at the top of her voice.

"She isn't your wife Arnav, I won't let her be in your life, I am the only one that can have you so better get rid of her or else..."

"Or else what Meera, will you kill me like you killed Advik?" Khushi shouted back.

"Yes I will, I will kill you, no one can take Arnav away from me, not you not even that stupid brother of his!" Meera shouted angrily.

Her father got hold of her and looked at her strictly as if she had just said something she wasn't supposed to, but well it was all said, and everyone had heard it.

"So you agree that you killed Advik?" Khushi asked.

"No!" Meera replied.

"Are you sure Meera? You just said you could kill me, so who knows you might have killed Advik too?"

"I did not kill him, can't you get something for once? And stop holding her Arnav!" Meera said as she walked towards them and pushed Khushi away from Arnav.

If that is so, what was your chain doing at the window of Advik's bathroom, isn't there where he committed suicide? Or let's say you killed him and made it look like suicide?" Khushi asked as she held out the chain in front of everyone.

Arnav looked at her in shock as he rushed towards her, grabbed the chain from her and had a keen look at it.

"This belongs to you Meera doesn't it?" Arnav asked.

"No, that's not mine!"

"It is yours, I know it, I've seen you wear it so many times, you can't lie to me, this chain is yours, accept the truth for God sake!"

"Okay fine, it is mine, so what does it prove? I might have gone to his room and dropped it there."

"What did you go to do in Advik's room then? Let's say you even went to talk to him, but this wasn't found in his room, it was found in the window of his bathroom, and it wouldn't be there unless you were in that bathroom and you tried to leave through the window." Khushi said.

"Oh My God. You murdered my brother dint you?" Arnav asked as he paced towards her and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Leave her Arnav! You can't touch my daughter like this." Mr. Raichand interfered.

"Your daughter murdered my brother!" Arnav shouted angrily.

"And you helped her by creating a fake post mortem report Mr. Raichand, am I right or am I not?" Khushi asked.

"You are gone mad, why would Meera kill Advik and why would I do anything like that, this girl is just making up her own stories and messing up with your minds.

Karan why are you silent, why don't you say anything? We have been friends since ages, do you think I would do something like that to your son?" Mr. Raichand looked at Arnav's dad who was silent, he looked confused as if he dint know whom to believe.

"Why did you do this Meera? Why Advik? What did he even do to you?" Arnav asked angrily.

"It hurts doesn't it Arnav? Losing the people we love? It hurts me like that too knowing that you are married to this girl, knowing that you left me for her, even after all I did to keep you away from her, you still married her!"

"Why are you stuck at one thing, I am married, it's done accept the freaking fact and leave me the hell alone."

"If I had to leave you alone I would have done that long back Arnav, you are mine, no one can take you away from me, no one, not even that stupid brother of yours who is dead now." Meera smirked.

"You killed him dint you?" Arnav asked once again.

"Yes I did, so what? How are you even going to prove it?"

"Meera! Shut the hell up!" Mr. Raichand screamed at her angrily.

"Oh come on dad, let's get done with this for once and for all. You want to know the truth Arnav? The truth is that I killed Advik, I was the one that slit his wrist, I hid in his bathroom, I killed him and like your so called wife said, I left through the window so yes, I killed him, I accept it but how do you think you will prove that? You don't even have his body anymore to get another post mortem done." Meera smirked.

"Why? What did he ever do to you? You claim to love me and you killed my own brother? What the hell were you even thinking?"

"I told you before and I'll tell you again Arnav, anyone that tries to come in between us won't be spared, be glad I haven't killed this wife of yours yet because I am willing to.

You think I don't know a thing? How Advik was always talking to you against me, telling you to break up with me and all that shit? At first I tried to ignore it, but it became too much, every time I'd find him talking to you, it was always about me and how you should break up with me and I was starting to get scared that you might actually end up listening to him.

So I found the perfect time and killed him so he would stop telling you to leave me! Now if you don't want your wife to die like your brother did, divorce her and get married to me, otherwise I promise I won't spare her either.

I am done playing this games trying to be this good girl so you can love me, if I have to be bad to get you, I will be Arnav! I will kill anyone and everyone who will try to come between you and me"

"Are you out of your mind or what Meera?" Arnav shouted angrily as tears rolled down his eyes.

"Yes Arnav, I am out of my mind, I am crazy about you, I've been crazy since I met you, I can see nothing but you, and I'll have you to myself, at any cost, you know I mean it."

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