Part 3

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Khushi settled down in front of the TV with some popcorns, she played a movie and sat there watching it, both her friends were at work and here she was all alone at home.

She had given so many interviews last week but she hadn't received a feedback from any of them yet, plus she hated staying at home, it was so boring, at least at work she got busy and all.

Plus right now, the thoughts of Advik's suicide wouldn't just leave her mind, plus she wasn't even able to tell Arnav about it so it was all just messed up.

She looked at her watch, she had spent her whole day doing that hoping time would move fast and her friends would be back soon so that she could tell them about all that had happened at the Raizada office.

The movie kept on playing but her mind was somewhere else, she was thinking about the job Arnav had offered her, it was such a great job and if she hadn't been in this situation she would have accepted it, obviously who wouldn't want to work in such a huge company that too, as the assistant to the boss?

The door opened and finally Avanti walked in, she was so glad to see her she rushed towards her and hugged her immediately and just then Kiara walked in too.

"How come you both are back together at the same time today?" Khushi asked as she broke the hug and looked at both the girls.

"I left work right on time, I was dying of suspense, wanted to know what happened today." Kiara jumped excitedly as if Khushi had gone on a date and not to tell Arnav about his brother.

"Did you meet Arnav, what was it like?" Avanti asked.

"He was handsome, he looked like the hot heroes in movies, it felt like he had just walked out of the movie.

I mean I've seen his pictures in the magazines and watched him on TV a couple times to, but he's so much in real, he looks just so perfect, he had the perfect body, some good dressing sense and you know how much I get attracted to a person's dressing sense.

Let's just say that he was the only man that I found to be perfect, he was just so amazing, so beautiful." Khushi said looking mesmerized, she had a huge smile on her face while in her mind she could just picture Arnav and how perfect he was.

"Well I was asking what was it like when you met him and told him the truth regarding Advik and his suicide, I dint ask what Arnav was like, or how he looked like but the details were quite juicy, I would like to meet him personally someday." Avanti giggled.

"Shut up." Khushi slapped her on the arm.

"Possessive much already?" Avanti winked at her.

"I can't believe you're saying this, I just said he was good looking and perfect, I dint say I had a crush on him or something." Khushi giggled.

"But my dear, the way you said in clearly showed how intrigued you were by him, maybe you don't have a crush on him, but who know you might develop one soon." Avanti giggled.

"No thanks, I don't want anything to do with any Raizada boys, one of them had put me into so much mess, I wonder what the other one might do." Khushi sighed.

"Okay you both stop that, shall we come to the main point first? Khushi tell us, what happened there, did you talk to him? Did you tell him about Advik and you? How did he react? Was he angry?." Kiara asked.

"I have a pretty short answer for all your questions and that is, I couldn't tell him the truth." Khushi said sadly.

"What? Why? It was what you went there for, and you came back without telling him about it" Both the girls looked at her in shock as if she had committed a murder.

"It's not my fault, I was just so nervous and then when I saw him I got more nervous and I couldn't just speak and then suddenly he received a call I don't know from who and he assumed that I was there for a job interview and he gave me the job!" Khushi said it all in one brother.

"Wait what? You mean to say Arnav Raizada hired you to work in his company?" Avanti looked at Khushi in surprise.

"I think that's exactly what I said, but anyway I'm thinking of clearing the misunderstanding, I can't work with him, not until I tell him everything first." Khushi said and once again the girls gave her that angry look.

"You're refusing to take a job there? Are you out of your mind Khushi, I mean who the hell in their right mind refused such a great opportunity, you are lucky you even got it." Kiara said.

"I know, but I can't take it unless I tell him the truth and that looks really difficult." Khushi pouted sadly as she sat down on the sofa.

Avanti walked around the hall from one corner to the other, it was like she was busy thinking about something.

"How about you take the job, get to know Arnav first and maybe that might give you an idea if he will be able to understand what you have to say to him, and that will also make you a bit less nervous." Avanti suggested.

"What if he finds out that I wasn't there for the interview but something else?"

"He gave you the job so easily, I mean he definitely must be impressed by you that's why he did that, he wants to work with you do it doesn't matter if you had been there for the interview or something else."

"But that would be like lying to him."

"Stop overthinking this Khushi, according to me, this is a great opportunity which you shouldn't miss on, take this job I'm sure it will make things easier for you." Avanti said.

"I agree with Avanti." Kiara said.

"When haven't you ever agreed with her? But anyway I'll think about it." Khushi smiled as she looked at Kiara.

"Anyway please think about it seriously, you can always figure out when and how to tell him about Advik, but I think you shouldn't let this job go, you've been to so many interviews anyway and none of them seem to be working out." Kiara said.

"I will think about it girls, now come on, let's cook something I'm so hungry." Khushi said as she headed to the kitchen.

"By the way, your mom called earlier today, I forgot to tell you about it." Avanti said as she settled down on the sofa to take a bit rest.

"Yeah? What did she say?" Khushi asked.

"Nothing, she asked how you were doing and all and why you haven't been receiving her calls or anything."

"Next time she calls, tell her I'll start receiving her calls when she stops forcing me to get married, seriously, what's with moms, all they want for you is to get married." Khushi giggled.*****

After dinner, Avanti and Kiara were tired as they had so much work today to they headed straight to bed, Khushi too went to her room and lied down on the bed hoping to figure out what she exactly wanted to do.

She kept on tossing and turning on her bed trying to come to once decision, like Kiara and Avanti both said, this was a huge opportunity and she dint want to miss on it, but at the same time, after whatever that happened with Advik, she was never going to be comfortable until she told Arnav everything.

Avanti's idea looked good also, maybe she could take the job and work with him, that way she would get the idea on how to tell him the truth.

She covered herself with the blanket being ready to sleep, she had come to the final decision and that was, she was going to work for Arnav as his assistant until she figured a way to tell him the truth, and the rest she would just leave it to God.

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