Part 42

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Khushi walked inside the house yet thinking about Arnav, there was something strange about his behavior that made her feel like although he had stopped her from going and also asked her to marry him, he hadn't yet forgiven her, she could clearly feel it.

"Did you meet him?" Avanti asked as Khushi sat down on the sofa, she nodded positively, she did meet him but everything seemed so different.

"You look lost, is everything okay?" Kiara asked as she sat down beside her and looked at her worriedly, Avanti too joined her as they both sat beside Khushi trying to find out what was wrong.

"I don't know, he just seems different." Khushi said.

"He's been hurt Khushi, of course he would be different, wounds don't heal so easily right?" Kiara said.

"Yeah don't worry, he is just hurt, he would be fine with time." Avanti assured her."Are you sure?"

"Yes, look if he dint love you he wouldn't stop you neither would he ask you to marry him, if he did all that it has to mean something right?" Avanti said.

"Exactly, he did that because he dint want to lose you, so no matter what it feels right now, trust me one day everything would feel normal, maybe in the process of getting married." Kiara smiled.

"Would he really get married to me? I'm scared he might change his mind, what if he changes his mind? What am I going to do?"

"Relax Khushi, nothing like that would happen, you know him, if he's made a decision he would stick to it so don't worry." Avanti assured her, she nodded but she still couldn't stop worrying, she hoped everything was going to be okay.


Arnav walked inside the mansion and was met with both his parents in the hall, it was surprising that the both of them were home today, he dint remember the last time he saw them home anyway.

He ignored them and headed towards the staircase until his father stopped him.

"Arnav, come back." He said in a strict voice, Arnav nodded and walked back towards them both.

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Raizada what a pleasant surprise, I dint know you were home today." Arnav looked at them.

"That's not how you talk to you parents Arnav." His mother looked at him strictly.

"Let him be Kritika, since he's met that classless girl, he's become like Advik." Mr. Raizada said.

"But Karan..." Mrs. Raizada tried to speak but Mr. Raizada shut her up with just a gesture of hand, Arnav looked at his father and smiled.

"That's exactly how you've been shutting me up my entire life haven't you?" Arnav asked.

"You have changed a lot Arnav haven't you? I remember Advik being the disobedient one, but what happened to you? you always did as I wanted, obeyed me, no matter what I said and today you just made a decision of getting married to some random girl and dint find it important to inform me even? Arnav I remember telling you in clear words that I want you and Meera to get married but today she informed me that things have been going otherwise, why would do that?" His father asked.

"Yes dad, you're right, I've always been the obedient one, but have you ever asked yourself why? Despite Advik being disobedient and making you angry always you still loved him, a lot, even mom did, the same goes with Mia, but what about me dad?

Why I am the one to be treated differently when I've been nothing but obedient, I always did whatever you wanted even though it meant sacrificing my wishes and my happiness, I always did every think you asked for hoping that one day you and mom would love me just as much as you loved Advik and Mia.

But look dad, I failed... I did what not but neither of you even made me feel loved once, why? Tell me, what is it that I lack? Am I not your real son? Did you adopt me or something?" Arnav asked with moist eyes as he looked at his parents.

Kritika walked towards him and cupped his face as she looked him into the eyes.

"You are our son Arnav, you weren't adopted, there's nothing like that." She assured him.

"Then why am I the one to be treated this way mom? What did I do wrong to the both of you that you had to love me less or not love me at all?" Arnav shouted angrily.

"That's not how you talk to your mother Arnav! I can see how much you've changed since that girl started working with you." Karan looked at him angrily.

"Yes dad, I changed, you know why? Because she loved me more than you both could. All I ever asked for was love, but you both treated me like I was piece of trash you picked up from somewhere.

You know what dad? I am done being the obedient son, I am done doing everything you wanted me to do so that you could be happy because despite it all, you still don't love me so in the process of trying to make you love me I am not going to lose the only person that does." Arnav said.

"So now you'll be a rebel."

"Yes, if giving myself the love I need means I am a rebel then yes I am, I don't know how Meera found out and she told you, looks like she's really stalking me but I'm glad that she did tell you about it, she made my work of informing you easier." Arnav said.

"I'll not let you get married to that middle class girl, she will ruin your image, don't you see it Arnav?" Karan said.

"Oh yeah? Try me, I give you a week dad, do all you can to stop me from getting married to her and I'll do all I can to get married to her, let's see whether your hatred for her wins or my love for her." Arnav challenged him, both his parents looked at him in disbelief.

It was unbelievable how the guy that dint raise a word against his father ever was actually opposing him and challenging him. Arnav headed back towards the staircase but stopped before he climbed them.

"Oh by the way, the both of you are invited for the wedding, I'm sure you'd come to give the son you don't love some blessings at least." Arnav said as he rushed upstairs and headed straight to his room.

He sat down on his bed feeling so angry and frustrated with his parents, why was it that they dint want to see him happy at all? Why did they always act so indifferently with him only? They were always so good with Mia, they had been good to Advik then why was he the only one being treated this way?

There was a knock at the door of his room and then it opened up as Mia walked in, he looked at her and then back at the floor, Mia walked towards him and settled down beside him, she held his hand into hers.

"I heard your conversation with mom and dad." She said, Arnav just nodded, he dint have much to say about his parents anyway.

"I never knew that all this years you've been feeling this way bro. I know Advik was closer to you than I was, but I am your sister, you should have at least told me about this.

Why did you say that no one loved you, I am sure Advik did, I also do, I just don't show it much but I love you bro, I never noticed mom and dad being biased towards you but they must have been because I know you wouldn't behave this way with them if you dint feel so." Mia looked at him, he looked at her in surprise, this wasn't what he was expecting her to say.

She moved closer and wrapped her arms around him and held him in a tight hug.

"I always thought no one would ever understand how much pain I feel when I miss Advik, no I realize you felt more pain than me, for you he was the only person who ever loved you. I am so sorry that you had to feel that way, and our parents should be sorry too for making you feel that way bro, and you know what." She broke the hug and looked at him with a smile.

"I like that girl, she was your assistant right? I'm sure she would be a great life partner for you, and if you love her and want to get married to her, your sister will support you in this decision of your."

"Mia." Arnav looked at her with moist eyes.

"I'll make sure this wedding happens bro, because your happiness matters too. If Advik was here today, I'm sure he would have done the same, he would have stood by your side, but don't worry your sister is here and she won't let anything go wrong."

"Thank you so much Mia, you have no idea what this means to me." Arnav said as he pulled her into a hug.


After Mia left, Arnav stood up as he walked around his room, he had a lot of thoughts running on his mind, on one side about the marriage with Khushi, and everything about her keeping the truth from him and on the other side about his parents.

He stopped in front of the mirror once again and looked at his reflection, he stood there confused.

"I am really doing the right thing? Maybe I should just cancel this wedding and tell Khushi to wait until I can forgive her, it would be much easier." He said to himself.

It sounded like the best idea, when she was leaving all he could think was of losing her and it scared him so much he had to ask her to get married to him so he would be sure that she was always going to be there, but then getting married to her when he hadn't forgiven her yet dint sound good either.

"But what if dad does something?" He wondered, the way his father had challenged him that he wouldn't let this wedding happen, if he got more time he would surely make sure to separate the both of them forever, he couldn't afford losing her, not at any cost.

All this thoughts about her were so frustrating, he felt trapped with having no idea on what to do and what not to do.

Just one truth, and it changed everything so much, it turned his life upside down. All this was making him really angry, he just wanted to get it out anyhow.

He looked at the mirror in front of him once again and without thinking of anything else, he punched it breaking it into pieces, while hurting his hand too, and the funny thing about this was, the pain on his hand felt a lot less that the one in his heart.

It was true wasn't it? When the person you love the most hurts you, it's like nothing else, the pain is too deep to heal.

Was he ever going to overcome this? Was he ever going to spend a happy married life with her? Despite what she had done to him, he still wanted her to be happy but he dint want to lose her either, knowing his father could do anything to keep his words, he might do terrible things.

Maybe it was better to get married to her and wait for time to heal the wounds rather than not getting married and giving his father then chance to take Khushi away from him, this time he wasn't going to let him win.

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