Part 44

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Khushi walked out of her room after talking to her mom over the phone, Avanti and Kiara were waiting outside for her anxiously wanting to know what her mother said about the wedding.They couldn't stop noticing how lost she looked, it kind of scared them making them wonder whether her mother wasn't happy with this decision or what.

"What happened Khushi? What did aunty say?" Kiara asked.

"She was surprised that I took this decision on my own but she said she's okay with it if it makes me happy, she will leave tonight and be here by tomorrow morning and then meet Arnav to check if he's the right guy for me." She giggled a bit then went silent.

"So it's good yeah, she will surely like him, don't worry it's all going to be fine." Avanti said.

"I'm not worried about mom, I know she will like Arnav, I am just thinking about Arnav."

"What about him?" Kiara looked at her curiously.

"I don't know, his behavior is really strange. He tried to act all normal with me but I can't stop noticing his hesitation, today while trying the ring he couldn't even put it on my finger, it clearly shows that he hasn't forgiven me yet.

I am not saying he is wrong, I agree I've hurt him and it would take time for him to heal, it's just that I feel this is happening too soon, I wanted the both of us to be happy with this wedding, I know he isn't, he's doing it because he doesn't want to lose me.

Getting married when he hasn't forgiven me doesn't sound right but I don't know what else to do, I am also scared of losing him, I'm scared he might change his mind and leave me and I don't want to lose him." Khushi said sadly.

"Look Khushi, if you don't want to get married right now, talk to him, tell him you need time, I'm sure he would understand." Avanti suggested.

"I agree, we too thought that he will be okay with time, but if he's behaving so uncomfortable it's better you both take time to heal then get married later." Kiara suggested.

"I don't know what to do, a part of me wants to get married to him and another part of me is refusing, I can't think properly. I'm just scared of hurting him again, I've already hurt him so much, you have no idea how terrible it feels.

Whenever I look at him, I can see it, all over his face, the pain is there and I regret every time not telling him the truth earlier, so I'm scared if I refuse for this marriage he might feel more hurt." Khushi said.

"But Khushi he did ask you if you were okay with it, if your opinion dint matter, he wouldn't have asked. I suggest you talk to him once, tell him you need time, I'm sure he would understand." Avanti suggested.

"Are you sure?" Khushi looked at the both nervously, they both nodded so she nodded too, maybe it was better to wait than get married in such a hurry, not when they both weren't ready for it anyway.

"I'll visit him at the office tomorrow morning and talk to him, meanwhile can the both of you pick mom from the station? She said she will arrive around nine." She looked at them.

"Sure, but in case you both decide to postpone the wedding, what will you tell your mother?" Kiara asked.

"I'll handle that later, I first need to talk to Arnav, I haven't been feeling comfortable with all this since we discussed the wedding." Khushi sighed.


When Arnav arrived back home, he was met with his parent alongside Meera, Mia and Arjun in the hall, it was as if they were all waiting for him.

He tried to ignore them as usual but his father wasn't going to let him go so easily.

"Don't try to run away Arnav." He said in a strict voice, Arnav stopped and looked at him angrily.

"What is your problem Mr. Raizada?" he asked.

"My problem? My problem is that you are getting married to the girl that's the reason behind Advik's death. What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you loved Advik a lot, how could you do this to him?" His father looked at him angrily.

Arnav looked towards Arjun immediately wondering if he was the one who had told them about this, Arjun nodded negatively so he looked at Meera, of course, she was the one that had told him before Khushi did, how did he even think that she was going to stay silent?

"If you think by trying to create all this drama you'll be able to stop me from marrying Khushi you're wrong. Get the hell out of my life Meera!" Arnav shouted at her angrily.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that, I'm glad she told us otherwise we wouldn't have known. How can you get married to that girl Arnav? How can you do that to your own brother?" Karan shouted.

"I can do that because she wasn't the reason behind Advik's death, what happened to Advik wasn't her fault." Arnav defended her.

"Arnav, what's wrong with you son? Look at you, you've never talked to us like this before, so a girl came into your life and taught you how terribly you can treat your parents?" Kritika looked at him sadly.

"I wish someone came into both your lives and told you how to treat your children then today I wouldn't have to act this way." Arnav looked at the both of them disappointedly.

All his life he did everything the way his parents wanted, lived the way they wanted him to hoping that maybe one day they would love him like they loved Advik and Mia but that day never came, he even agreed to be with a girl he dint like at all, why? Because he thought that maybe after this his father might shower him with a bit of love.

"At times I wonder whether I'm your real son or you adopted me, no wonder you treat me like this." Arnav shrugged.

"Arnav, you are our son, stop talking rubbish." Kritika said.

"Is it so mom? Why do you treat me so differently then? As far as I can remember, you've never treated Advik or Mia like this, why am I the one to deserve this mom?" Arnav looked at his mother sadly, she dint have anything to say.

"And you, why the hell are you still here? Getting a note of what's happening here so you can go tell someone how messed up the Raizada family is? Get lost!" Arnav looked at Meera angrily, and then headed straight to his room, his father kept on shouting at him angrily but he dint listen to him at all.

Mia walked in just when he sat down on the bed trying to calm himself down, she sat beside him, held his hand and looked at him sadly.

"Is it true bro? Khushi is the girl Advik loved?" Mia asked, Arnav nodded positively as tears rolled down Mia's eyes.

"She dint do anything Mia, whatever that happened to Advik wasn't her fault, please don't blame her like everyone else." Arnav looked at her sadly, right now he had no one by his side apart from Arjun and Mia, now if Mia too wasn't going to support him, how was he going to do all of this alone?

"If it wasn't her fault, why aren't you happy with this wedding bro? I can see it, I agree maybe you love her and want to get married to her, but then why aren't you happy?" Mia asked as she looked at him keenly.

"I am happy Mia." Arnav said.

"A man that's about to get married to the girl he loves doesn't look like this bro, I know how that happiness looks like, and it's not what I see in you." Mia said.

"It's complicated Mia." Arnav sighed.

"Wait, are you doing this for some sort of revenge?" Mia stood up as she looked at him in surprise.

"What? No! I really love her Mia, I want to marry her because I am scared of losing her, I've lost Advik already, I can't afford losing her, trust me when I say that I really love her.

It's just that she kept the truth about her and Advik, and I am hurt, I'm trying to heal and maybe that's why I might not seem happy but I do love her." Arnav explained.

"Bro, I might not know much about marriages but I know we get married to a person because we love them, not because we are afraid to lose them. All this you're doing doesn't feel right."

"Neither does it feel right to me Mia, but this is the only option. Did you hear what mom and dad said the other day? I can't take any risk, if I lose her I don't know what will happen to me. Please try to understand me, try to understand that Khushi wasn't the reason why we lost Advik, don't hate her, she's a great girl, she just made a mistake of not telling me the truth." Arnav said sadly.

"I don't hate her bro, I am just worried about you, you don't know what you're doing, it might make things worse than they already are." Mia said as she hugged him.

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