Part 45

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Arnav was seated in his cabin, staring blankly at his laptop when lots of thoughts ran in his mind, a knock at the door disturbed his thoughts as he looked ahead and saw Meera walking in, and juts seeing her made him angry.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a really rude tone.

"I came to talk to you Arnav."

"There's nothing to talk about Meera, I always disliked you but after you decided to put your nose in my business and tell my parents about Advik and Khushi, I no more dislike you, I hate you Meera so get lost." Arnav said angrily.

"I'm not getting lost like that, Arnav I love you, you have always been mine and you will be mine, there is no way you can get married to a girl that was literally the reason behind your brother's death." Meera said.

"She dint have anything to do with it, stop talking nonsense and just leave, I don't want to see your face."

"You don't want to see my face right now but I'll make sure I prove it to you that she's not worthy you, you can't get married to her Arnav, you were mine you will always be mine." Meera said.

"Stop acting like an obsessed woman, and kindly do me a favor and don't show me your face, ever again!" If he could, he would grab her hand and pull her out of the office, but he was trying hard not to cross his limits.

He had so much to worry about already, he dint want any more problems in his life.

"What the hell are you waiting for, I said leave!" Arnav shouted.

"Shout all you can, but I promise this wedding isn't happening. You are mine, only mine!" Meera said as she headed out of the cabin where she met Khushi standing outside.

She pushed her away and walked away fuming with anger while Khushi stood there in shock, why was it like everyone in the entire universe was against them getting married?

Khushi took in a few deep breaths and then pushed the door open as she walked inside, she was here to talk to Arnav about postponing the wedding but how was she supposed to do it after witnessing the conversation between him and Meera.

Why did everyone seem to have a problem with the both of them being together?

"Khushi, how come you are here?" Arnav looked at her in surprise.

"Umm, actually mom came and I thought in case you are free, you can come meet her." Khushi said.

"Sure, I feel suffocated here anyway, let's go right away." He stood up as he walked straight out of his cabin while Khushi followed him, she dint even know what to do anymore.

Did she really want to postpone this wedding and take the risk of getting separated from him forever of just get married to him no matter how terrible things were with the hope that things would change with time?

She got inside the car and Arnav drove off, the both of them remained silent the entire way, having nothing to say to each other, it was kind of painful seeing they were to get married in a few days yet they dint have anything to say to each other.

Arnav parked the car outside Khushi's house as they both stepped out and looked at each other nervously.

"I have a feeling your mom is going to dislike me, the way everyone is against our marriage, it feels God is conspiring against us." Arnav said.

"I know my mother Arnav, I know she's going to love you, now come on let's go in." Khushi grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the house.

She found her mother seated in the hall alongside Kiara and Avanti, they were busy talking about something but stop and looked at us when we walked in.

Avanti and Kiara looked at me immediately with curious expressions wanting to know whether I had talked to Arnav or not, I nodded negatively and they both pouted.

"Mom, he is Arnav, and Arnav, that's my mom." I introduced them, Arnav walked towards her and bent down as he touched her feet and then sat down beside her.

"Garima aunty, get to know your would be son in law, we will be back in five minutes." Avanti said as she stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled me to her room, shutting the door behind."What just happened?" Kiara asked.

"Why dint you talk to him Khushi?" Avanti asked.

"Because I couldn't, I went to his office and found Meera there threating him that she won't let this wedding happen and it kind of scared me.

His parents don't want this wedding to happen, his ex-girlfriend doesn't want this wedding to happen, tomorrow someone else would come up and say they don't want it to happen too. I love him Avanti, and I am scared to lose him, after all that happened between us, I am scared.

I feel trapped, I don't know what to do anymore, if we get married when he clearly hasn't forgiven me, it might be terrible but if we don't, maybe we'll lose the chance of ever being together so honestly I don't know what to do." Khushi said as tears rolled down her eyes.Everything went from being like a fairytale to a nightmare in a moment.

"Hey, it's okay calm down. Don't overthink this, if you don't know what to do, just let things go with the flow, whatever that will happen will be for good okay?" Kiara said as she rushed to hug Khushi.

"Yeah, I guess in a situation like this, we will just let destiny play it's game. Now we should go out before aunty and Arnav come looking for us." Avanti said, both Khushi and Kiara nodded as Khushi wiped her tears off and headed outside with her friends.

Arnav and Garima were busy talking about something, the both of them seemed to be getting along really well which was a good sign, at least for once someone wasn't against him."So what's going on?" Avanti asked as she sat down.

"I was just talking to Arnav, I was suggesting that they get engaged maybe tomorrow so we can have enough time to prepare for the wedding, if the engagement and wedding is near it will be a hard task." Garima said.

"But mom, it's a simple wedding at the temple, we don't want something big." Khushi said."I know Khushi but even a simple wedding takes a lot of things." Garima said.

"If you want that then it will be like that, we will get engaged tomorrow, I don't mind. And Khushi you're the one that said, it had to happen so whether on Saturday or tomorrow, what difference would it make right?" Arnav looked at her, she just nodded positively because she dint know what to say.

She was going to let things go with the flow like she had decided.

"Great, so I'll prepare for the engagement with help from the girls, the both of you can go shop for your clothes and stuff." Garima said, both Arnav and Khushi nodded.

It seemed like things were going so fast but neither of them could stop it. Arnav stood up and held out his hand to Khushi, she smiled faintly and got hold of his hand as she headed back to the car with him.

"Do you think your parents would come for the engagement?" Khushi asked once Arnav started driving.

"They would, even though they aren't happy with it, they wouldn't want to show the society so they will pretend to be happy and be plotting on how to separate us at the same time. I know them very well Khushi." Arnav said.

"Are you happy with all this Arnav?"

"What kind of a question is that Khushi? No one is forcing me to get married to you, I am doing it because I want to, because I love you." Arnav said, Khushi just nodded silently, she couldn't even explain to him that being in love and being happy were two different things.

"Hey, stop overthinking things okay, everything will be fine." Arnav said as he placed his hand on hers and assured her.

"I really hope so Arnav." Khushi sighed, wasn't that she wanted anyway? Everything to be fine and normal between them, not this distance even when they were together.

"Can you imagine we are getting engaged tomorrow? Wow, it feels like a dream, soon you'll be my wife." He laughed.

"I know right." Khushi smiled back, brushing off the thoughts in her mind, it did look like Arnav was trying his best to make this work so maybe if she also tried, things would actually get better.

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