Part 49

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He had no idea how long he had been sitting on his bed, completely zoned out, his mind was full of different kind of thoughts regarding everything that had happened in his life.

His phone kept on ringing beside him and all he did was look at it and ignore it, he dint want to receive any calls, neither did he want to speak to anyone, all he needed was to be alone and no one was letting him be alone.

He stood up and looked at his reflection in the mirror, dressed as the bridegroom, but was he even ready to get married to her? Knowing she had lied to him, knowing all everyone ever does is lie to him and think that it's freaking okay!

His phone rang once again so he picked it up angrily and threw it on the floor breaking it into pieces, he dint really care about it at the moment.

He just randomly picked everything around his room and threw it wherever he wanted and in no time, the entire room was in a complete mess.

He then grabbed his car keys, headed out and got inside his car as he drove off, he dint even know where he wanted to go.

Technically he was supposed to go to the temple where everyone was waiting for him but he no more felt like it, he dint even know if he was ready for this.

He kept on driving silently as tears kept on dropping from his eyes, he dint even try to wipe them off, all this was starting to feel too much, it was hurting too much, was he ever going to be able to heal from it?

Meera's words kept on ringing in his mind on repeat mode, all he could hear was that he was the illegitimate child, his father hated him because he was a mistake and his mother wasn't actually his mother.

Everything he loved, never loved him back or if they did, it was with lies, or fake love. Advik left him, his father hated him, his mother obviously dint love him either knowing he was the son of the woman, his husband cheated her on with and Khushi, she broke his trust. Why they all were punishing him like this? What was his fault in all this?

All he ever wanted was love, nothing but love and the funny part is that he got everything else apart from the only thing he ever really wanted.


"Arnav!" Arjun shouted his name as he climbed the stairs wondering why he was so late when he said he would be there soon, they had been waiting for him for over an hour now.

"Where the hell are you Arnav? You told me this wasn't some sort of revenge so why dint you come?" Arjun said as he walked inside Arnav's room and found it all in a mess.

"Arnav!" She shouted his name once again as he rushed to check for him in the washroom but he wasn't there either.

He kept on calling out his name worriedly checking for him from one room to the other but he was nowhere to be seen, his phone wasn't going through and he wasn't at home neither was he at the temple, so where the hell was he?

"Where is Arnav?" Arjun asked the servants.

"He left a while ago." One of them replied.

"Do you know where he went? Did he tell you anything? Did the tailor come with his clothes?" Arjun asked.

"Meera ma'am came with his clothes, she took them to him in his bedroom, and then left after a while and then we heard Arnav sir breaking things and then suddenly he just walked away, got into his car and drove off." One of them explained.

Arjun nodded as he headed out and got into his car as he drove to all those places where he thought he might find Arnav, but he was nowhere.

His phone rang in his pocket so he pulled it out and saw Mia's name flashing on it, he dint even have an answer for her.

"Where are you Arjun, we are all waiting and where the hell is bro?" Mia asked.

"I don't know Mia, I dint find him at home, I'm just trying to look for him but I can't find him." Arjun replied.

"Please hurry and bring that idiot here, everyone is getting impatient."

"I am trying to, just keep everyone calm there." Arjun said, he continued driving, asking people if they had seen him but none of them had an idea.


"Looks like Arnav finally got some brains and decided not to marry this girl." Karan smirked.

"Seriously Karan? Are you allergic to seeing your children happy?" Kritika looked at him angrily.

"What? Look at her, she's nowhere near our class, I don't even know what Arnav saw in her, I don't mind him being happy but he should have at least found a girl that suited our class, someone like Meera. If he had married her, right now we would have been at the top." Karan said.

"You know at times I look at you and wonder what kind of a father you are Karan, all you can think of is business and nothing else, not even your own son's happiness."

"Look Kritika, we all know he was a mistake, he ruined my happiness since he came in this world so don't blame me for being bitter towards him."

"That mistake was made by you, not by him! If I can forgive you for it, who the hell are you to hold a grudge against him, he was the result of your mistake so if you want to hate anyone, hate yourself for it. Honestly Karan, at times you disgust me." Kritika walked away from him and headed towards Khushi.

"Aunty, did Arjun find him? Where is he?" Khushi looked at her hopefully.

"I don't know Khushi, he had gone to get him, I'm sure he will come with him." Kritika assured her.

"Or maybe he just decided not to come, maybe it was a revenge all this while, get engaged to Khushi and leave her at the wedding altar to hurt her." Garima said.

"Mom, please don't say that, I know Arnav, he would come, he wouldn't want revenge from me." Khushi said.

"Really Khushi, if he doesn't want revenge why isn't he here? It's been hours, and we're all waiting here for him like stupid people. I know the truth hurts Khushi but the truth is that he doesn't want to get married to you, he still hasn't forgiven you." Garima looked at her sadly.

"No mom, he loved me, I know he would come, he promised me, he told me this is what he wanted. I know I've hurt him a lot but I also know that despite it all he's the one that asked me to marry him, so he wouldn't leave me like this." Khushi said sadly.

"Khushi, I agree with aunty. You also noticed his behavior dint you? He hadn't really forgiven you, I don't know what to think right now but I think he won't come." Avanti looked at her sadly.

"Please don't say that Avanti." Khushi looked at her with tears in her eyes, she was now starting to break, she waited for him and now everyone was losing hope and if they all lost hope she was going to lose it too and she dint want that.

"I know he will come." Khushi assured them all.

"I don't think so Khushi." Arjun said as he walked towards her.

"Arjun, where is he? You had gone to get him right? Where is Arnav? Why isn't he with you?" Khushi asked as she looked at him curiously and then she looked behind him trying to find Arnav but he wasn't there.

"Where is he?" She looked at him sadly.

"I tried Khushi, I went home, I went everywhere I could think of, but I couldn't find him. I don't think he's going to come." Arjun said.

"Please don't say that."

"Khushi look at your watch, it's been almost three hours, if he had to come he would have by now, I am sorry Khushi, I don't think he's coming, we should all go back home." Arjun suggested.Khushi stared at him in shock for a while before she fell down on her knees and broke down into tears, how could this be possible? She knew Arnav might have not forgiven her, but he did want to marry her, she was sure of it, then what happened suddenly?

Where did he disappear so suddenly?

Avanti bent down and tried to calm her down but instead she hugged her and broke down completely, she felt hurt and cheated. Was this his punishment for her? Because she lied to him?

"Stand up Khushi, we need to go home, it's final he isn't coming, please don't hurt yourself like this." Garima walked towards her and grabbed her arm trying to help her stand up but Khushi refused to.

I don't want to go home mom, I'll wait for him here. If you want to go you are free to go, but I'm not going from here until he comes, even if it takes him forever to come.

He can't just leave me like this, I wasn't the one that asked him to marry me, he did and if he doesn't want to marry me, he has to come here and tell that to me himself and until that happens, I'm not moving from this damn place." Khushi shouted angrily.

"Don't act like this Khushi, he isn't coming, it's a fact!" Kiara said.

"I don't care Kiara, he doesn't want to come, I don't want to leave. If he's stubborn so am I.""Khushi, please stop hurting yourself like this. Listen to your mom and your friends, please go home." Arjun looked at her sadly.

"Arjun I am not going anywhere." Khushi looked at him strictly. Everyone just stared at her silently not knowing how to convince her.

She kept on looking at the entrance waiting for him, hoping that he would come, but he dint and with every passing minute, he heart kept on breaking more and more causing her an unbearable pain.

"Arnav, please come." She closed her eyes and folded her hands praying to God, hoping he would answer her prayers, and as if it was her lucky day today and God actually heard her prayers, she heard his voice.


She looked up and saw him walking towards her, she stood up immediately and rushed towards him and hugged him happily.

"I knew you would come Arnav, I knew it." She said happily as she kept on holding on to him.

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