Part 27

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As weekend finally came, everyone was so excited for the trip they had planned to Goa, Khushi and her friends woke up at five o'clock in the morning and got done with their packing, they had to meet the boys at the airport at seven o'clock sharp.

"I am literally excited for this trip." Kiara jumped up and down excitedly.

"There's someone more excited than you." Khushi giggled as she looked at Avanti who was just smiling to herself.

"Oh come on, as If you aren't, its two whole days with your hot boss." Avanti said to Khushi.

"I'm taking my bags to the car." Khushi said as she rushed out quickly trying to hide the blush on her face.

She unlocked the car and placed her bags in the booth while Avanti and Kiara came with their bags, they all got into the car and drove to the airport. When they arrived they found Arnav and Arjun standing out there waiting for them, they stepped out of the car and got their bags as they walked towards them.

"All set?" Arjun asked.

"Yup." Avanti replied excitedly as she kept on staring at them while Khushi and Kiara exchanged looks and giggled at her.

"We should head inside, it's almost boarding time." Arnav said to which everyone nodded and headed to board the flight.

Arjun and Avanti sat together in their seats while Arnav, Khushi and Kiara stood there looking at each other because one of them had to seat alone.

"You two can take the seat, I'll take the one behind." Arnav suggested.

"Actually I really need to sleep and I like being alone so how about I take the seat?" Kiara asked as she looked at Khushi and smirked.

"Are you sure?" Arnav asked.

"Ofcourse." Kiara replied as she leaned towards Khushi and whispered something in her ears.

"He's talking like it isn't obvious, he's dying to sit with you." She giggled and walked away making her blush once again, Khushi took the window seat while Arnav settled down beside her.

"So what are the plans once we arrive?" Khushi asked.

"We've got a cottage booked near the beach, I guess we'll all freshen up and head to the beach." Arnav said.

"Sounds fun, but you must be used to this, I mean it's just Goa, you must have been to trips abroad even." Khushi said.

"Yes, but I think I'm going to like this one more than them all." He said, she just blushed and looked away, everything between them was so obvious.

She looked outside the window once again as the flight took off, and while staring out the window, she fell asleep in no time, although she kept on shifting uncomfortable on the seat because she couldn't really place her head well.

"You can lean on my shoulder." Arnav suggested as he moved closer to her, she nodded with her eyes shut and leaned on his shoulder falling asleep.


Khushi woke up just in time when the flight landed in Goa, she looked at Arnav who was busy staring at her but looked away when she looked at him.

"We've arrived, let's go." He said as he unbuckled his seat belt and grabbed her hand pulling her out, Arjun, Avanti and Kiara were already out there waiting for them.

As they headed out of the airport, they found a taxi waiting for them, they all got inside and were taken to the cottage.

"I hope you girls don't mind being in the same cottage, there are two rooms, Arjun and I will take one and you three can take the other one." Arnav said.

"Sure, it's not a problem." Kiara said.

"Great, let's all change then we head to the beach." Arjun said.

"Okay." Avanti smile as they all headed to their respective rooms to change and get ready for the beach.

"Wow, this is so amazing." Avanti said as she walked into the huge room, it was beautiful, just like one of those room sin the five start hotel.

It had a king sized bed with white sheets, everything around was white and beautiful.

"This is really going to be fun." Kiara said as she opened her bag to find clothes so she could change.

"What are we wearing?" Khushi asked both the girls, obviously they were going to the beach and she knew what people wore to the beach but the just wasn't sure.

"How about a bikini?" Avanti giggled.

"No, definitely no! I'm going to be awkward in a bikini in front of Arnav, I think I'll go with shorts." Khushi said as she unzipped her back and pulled out a pair of a short and crop top and changed.

The three of them decided to wear shorts and once they were ready they headed out of them room where the boys were already waiting for them. Why were they always ready before them?

Arnav stood up as soon as he saw Khushi walking out of the room followed by Avanti and Kiara behind, he wasn't able to take his eyes off her.

Obviously he had seen her at work and she was always dressed in officials, today she looked different dressed for the beach, she had her hair left open which suited her a lot.

"You look beautiful." Arnav said as she stopped in front of him.

"Thank you." Khushi blushed while everyone else laughed at his expressions making him feel awkward so he rushed out of the room.

Avanti and Arjun were now holding each other's hands as they walked out.

"Things seem to be progressing too fast." Kiara said to Khushi.

"I agree." Khushi giggled as she looked at them, they just looked perfect together, Khushi turned her gaze towards Arnav who was walking ahead of them all, he was dressed in black shorts and a white t-shirt, he looked so perfect no matter what he was dressed in.

Once they arrived at the beach, Avanti and Arjun obviously got busy in their romance, so Khushi Kiara and Arnav settled down, they sat silently watching the water for a while and then decided to build a sand castle.

"Looks like our plan worked." Arnav said as he looked at Arjun and Avanti who were seated together talking to each other.

"Yup, worked really well." Khushi smiled.

"What plan is this that you are talking about?" Kiara asked as Khushi gave her all the details about their plan.

"You want something to eat?" Arnav asked as they were building the castle.

"Yeah, I'm famished." Khushi pouted.

"I'll go buy something for all of us, I'm sure everyone is hungry so let me not disturb the love birds by going to ask them." Arnav smiled as he stood up.

"How will you be able to carry all the food alone? Khushi you should go help him." Kiara suggested as she winked at her.

"Sure." Khushi said as she stood up and joined Arnav, as they both walked away from the beach.

"There's something I want to tell you but I'll tell you about it tomorrow, before we leave." He said.

"Now I'm going to be curious until tomorrow, can I get a hint?" She looked at him with a puppy face.

"No Khushi, you can't get a hint." He smiled.

"Why not?" she pouted.

"You know you are cute when you pout like that and act all childish." He smiled.

"Don't change the topic."

"Can I hold your hand?" He asked.

"Don't change the topic Arnav, wait what?" She said as she looked at him nervously realizing what he had asked, why did he want to hold her hand, before she could even say anything, he grabbed her hand and entangled his finger in between hers, she looked away trying to hide her expressions, this was clearly making her feel a lot.

"This is the only hint you get." He smiled at her, she nodded and blushed.

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