Part 51

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She woke up at her usual time, the room was still empty like it had been since last night, Arnav wasn't back yet which meant either he was still asleep or he had gone somewhere.

She headed to the bathroom to take a shower hoping Arnav's behavior would be different than last night, if it was the same, she dint want to stay here anymore, she agreed she had made a mistake but as a punishment for it, she dint deserve to be treated like this.

He might be weak not to be able to let her go, but when it came to her, she wasn't as weak as him, she knew how to walk away from people that dint treat her right.

Once she had showered and dressed up, she dint know what more to do, she sat in the room waiting for Arnav but he dint come, being impatient, she decided to check on him so she headed to find Advik's room which she had no idea where it was but she hoped she would find the right one.

She walked out of the room and looked around, the entire mansion seemed silent and empty, luckily a servant was just heading downstairs so she called him and asked him where Advik's room was, he directed her then walked away.

Khushi headed towards the left and found the room, she knocked at the door but to no response so she pushed it slightly and it opened up, she found Arnav yet asleep.

He was curled up like a baby without a blanket, the blanket was lying on the floor so she picked it up and put it on him, she found him holding a photograph close to his chest, she slowly pulled it out of his hold making sure not to wake him up.

She looked at the photograph as her eyes welled up, it was such a beautiful photo of Arnav and Advik, in the photo Arnav was giving a piggyback ride to Advik and they both were laughing.

There was no doubt Arnav loved his brother a lot, maybe even more than he loved her, and if he could go to the extent of getting married to her even when he couldn't forgive her, she could somehow understand how hurt he must have felt that she kept the truth from him, it might not seem like a big deal to others but to him it was.

Losing the only person that loved you was harder than anyone could imagine.

She felt some movement and looked towards him, he was blinking his eyes trying to wake up and suddenly she felt nervous, she dint want to leave him, because at one point she could understand his pain, but she wouldn't even stay if that's how she was going to be treated.

He sat up holding his head in pain, it was obvious he was going to have a headache after he finished an entire bottle of alcohol last night.

"Can I get you some medicine for the head ache?" Khushi asked.

"No, I'll be fine once I take a shower." He said as he stood up and then stopped and looked at her holding the picture.

"Isn't it a beautiful picture?" He asked, he was actually smiling and Khushi was looking at him in shock, last night he dint even want to talk to her and right now he was smiling, did this guy have a split personality or something?

"Yeah it is." Khushi smiled, he nodded.

"Anyway I'll take a shower, I'll see you downstairs at the breakfast table, and you really don't have to wear a saree, you can wear anything you feel comfortable in so kindly change and wear something comfortable." He said as he looked at her for a moment and then walked away.

Khushi was left surprised, it was like the Arnav she met today and the one that talked to her yesterday were two different people.

She sighed as she stood up from the bed and looked around Advik's room, it was a beautiful room, she hadn't noticed before because she was too busy concentrating on Arnav but now when she looked around, all she could see were lots of pictures on the walls, mostly all of them were of Arnav and Advik together, it dint seem like Arnav was the only one that loved his brother so much, Advik too seemed to have loved Arnav a lot, no wonder he had so many picture with him all over his room.

He had a few with Mia too and only one with his parents that was in the middle, it was actually a family photo and then on the sides all the other pictures were either along with Arnav or Mia.

Khushi folded the blanket and placed it aside along with the picture she had been holding, the room seemed quite dusty as if it hadn't been cleaned for so long.

She walked out, shutting the door as she headed back to her room, Arnav was yet in the shower so she grabbed a pair of jean and top and changed into them, she was glad she dint have to wear the saree for the entire day, it was one uncomfortable piece of clothing.

She headed downstairs once she was done, she found Mia and Arjun seated in the hall discussing something, the parents were nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning sister in law." Mia smiled at her as she giggled.

"Good morning." Khushi smiled back at her as she walked towards them and sat beside Arjun.

"Where's bro? I have a surprise for you both, I'm sure you are going to love it." She smiled excitedly.

"They would definitely love it." Arjun added making her curious, the first day at Raizada house wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be seeing his parents dint like her much, at least Mia and Arjun were here to make her feel comfortable.

"What is it?" Khushi asked excitedly.

"It's a surprise so you'll find out when the time is right, be patient." Mia smiled, she nodded as she kept on looking at the staircase waiting for Arnav to come.

"By the way, I was in Advik's room earlier today, there was so much dust, why don't you tell a servant to clean it up?" She looked at Mia.

"You were there? Did bro know?" Mia looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah he saw me there, why?"

"Strange, bro doesn't allow anyone to enter in Advik's room except for family, but yeah you are family so you are allowed but anyway it can't be cleaned because he gave everyone strict orders not to touch a thing in that room, the servants aren't even allowed to enter.

Since Advik... it's just been like that, nothing has been touched or cleaned, bro prefers it that way, he says it helps him feel like he's still around." Mia said sadly.

Khushi just nodded and then remained silent, mentioning Advik in this house was like bringing back sadness, and she dint want to make anyone sad.

"What discussion are you having?" Arnav asked as he walked downstairs dressed in officials, a black trouser and white shirt, he was trying to close the button on the wrist.

He sat beside Khushi and looked at her then at Arjun and Mia waiting for an answer but none of them spoke a word.

"Khushi can you please help me." He said as he held out his hand to her, she nodded as she closed the button for him.

"Don't tell me you're going to work today." Mia looked at him strictly.

"I have to Mia, there's some important papers I need to sign, I promise I'll be back in an hour. Khushi can I go?" he looked at her, Khushi opened her eyes wide in surprise, seriously there had to be something wrong with this man, yesterday night he was all rude and heartless, today he was asking her for permission to go to the office, either he was acting in front of everyone or there had to be something going on in his mind.

"Can I come along if you don't mind?" Khushi asked.

"Sure, can we have breakfast now, I'm hungry?" He stood up, the rest nodded and followed him to the breakfast table.

They had just settled down when their parents walked and joined them, as soon as Arnav saw them, he clenched his fists tightly as his eyes turned red immediately, Khushi did notice it but dint say anything, she just placed her hand on his, he looked at her and she smiled at him, he inhaled a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"So while we wait for the breakfast to be served, let me reveal what surprise I have for you two." Mia looked at them excitedly, she gestured to a servant who walked towards her and handed her a white enveloped.

"This is for you two, two tickets to Maldives for your honeymoon." She smiled excitedly as she handed them to Arnav who took them from her with a smile.

"Thank you Mia." Arnav and Khushi said with a smile.

"What's the need for a honeymoon? In our era nothing like that even existed." Mr. Raizada rolled his eyes.

"Well in your era you dint need a honeymoon because you were busy cheating on two women anyway." Arnav said as he looked at his father angrily, the rest of them looked at him in surprise wondering what he was talking about.

"Arnav!" His father looked at him angrily.

"You know what, I can't do this now, I am just so done with you." Arnav said angrily as he stood up and grabbed Khushi's arm.

"We'll have breakfast somewhere else, let's go Khushi." He said as he pulled her along heading outside the mansion.

"Mom, dad. What did Arnav mean by whatever he said?" Mia asked her parents as Arnav and Khushi exited, both their parents just looked at each other in shock but remained silent while Mia waited for an explanation.


Khushi just sat silently in the car beside him as Arnav kept on driving silently, he dint talk anything and neither did she ask him anything, she knew it was best to remain silent otherwise he might get angry for no reason.

After a short drive, they arrived at the office, he parked his car but dint step out of it, he just sat there silently, staring at the wall ahead of him without saying a word.

"Arnav, are you okay?" Khushi looked at him worriedly, he nodded negatively without looking at her, he was avoiding looking at her, maybe because he dint want her to see how broken he was.After a while, he looked at her with tears in his eyes, Khushi on the other side dint even know what to do or say.

"I am sorry Khushi, about what I did last night and what I did today. I have just become such a terrible person, I know this isn't the Arnav you fell in love with, but I don't even know how to get him back.

Somedays I feel so angry for no reason and someday I just want to break down, I'm like a pregnant woman having moods swings and you have to bear the consequences of it. I am so sorry, you don't deserve this at all." He cried as he leaned down and rested his head on her lap like a baby.

"You are right Arnav, I don't deserve this, I know I made a mistake but I don't deserve to be treated like you did last night. All I was trying was to make things better between us, because we both love each other so much Arnav, but if you behave that way with me, I can't make things better." Khushi said.

"I know, I am sorry, I promise I won't behave that way ever again."

"If you do, I promise I'll leave and not come back."

"Please don't leave me, you are the only one that I have, what would I do without you? Khushi I am sorry, I know I was a terrible person last night but you know that's not me, I am not that person, this is just a phase, because of so many betrayals in my life, please try to understand me." he lifted his head up and looked at her sadly.

"I know Arnav, that's why I am still here." She replied.

He nodded as he sat up and wiped of his tears and tried to look normal and then looked at her once again.

"Let me get the work done and then we can go shopping? You can buy whatever you need for our honeymoon and maybe we can leave tomorrow, I just want to go away for a while and maybe this honeymoon will be good for the both of us?" He looked at her hopefully.

"Yeah, I'll come along, help you with your work?"

"Sure." He smiled faintly as they both stepped out of the car and headed inside the office.

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