Part 54

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Arnav and Khushi spent almost the entire day inside the water, starting with the breakfast in the pool which was quote romantic, after that they just spent time enjoying the scenery and swimming around.

Arnav still seemed a bit distant but it was okay for Khushi and she knew he was trying his best to be normal with her, and maybe with time he would get normal, she was just sad that although she was going to enjoy her time here, the honeymoon wasn't going to turn out exactly like what she had dreamt of.

Later in the evening they both took a shower, got dressed and headed for dinner to a nearby hotel, everything about Maldives was so perfect except for the chemistry between them which seemed to have disappeared somewhere.

As they settled down on the table and looked at the menu, Khushi's phone rang, she ignored it at first because Avanti was calling and she knew that she must be calling to disturb her or something but then she kept on calling.

So Khushi excused herself leaving Arnav to order anything that he liked.

"I am on my honeymoon, I don't need disturbance Avanti." Khushi said immediately after receiving the call.

"I know Khushi, don't you think I would call if it wasn't important?" She said.

"What is so important that I couldn't wait a few days Avanti?" Khushi asked feeling irritated, here she was trying to make things between her and Arnav better and if she kept on getting calls like this in between everything, Arnav might get pissed.

"It's about Meera."

"Oh God. Please don't tell me she's coming to Maldives to ruin my honeymoon." Khushi rolled her eyes, she was really tired of Meera's dramas.

Arnav had already broken up with her, he was now married too yet this girl wasn't willing to let him go, what was wrong with her? How hard was it to understand that he dint love her and neither was he going to be happy with her?

"Not that, but she did something crazy."

"Okay end the suspense, what did she do?" Khushi asked curiously.

"She tried to commit suicide. It's all over the news here, I was shocked when I saw the news. They even had a footage of her saying that this life is not worth living without Arnav. Let's just say she's got psycho or something." Avanti said.

"You are kidding." Khushi said out of shock, she knew Meera was crazy about Arnav and she could do terrible stuff for him but she dint think she would do this.

"I am not, she was literally blaming you for taking him away from her and all that crap, I just thought I should in front you, this girl sounds totally crazy, you never know what she can do ahead."

"Thanks for informing me Avanti, anyway if there's anything keep me updated, right now I need to go, Arnav is waiting for me."

"Okay see you later, enjoy your honeymoon." Avanti giggled as she disconnected the call and Khushi headed back to sit with Arnav.

"Is everything okay?" Arnav asked as soon as she sat down.

"Not really, apparently Meera tried to commit suicide because we got married, I mean what's wrong with that girl?" Khushi asked.

"She does it for attention, leave her. I know her, she's done a lot of stupid things before, I bet she dint try anything that would actually kill her, it must all be drama for attention." Arnav said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Khushi, I know her, its all drama. Now can we not talk about her and concentrate on our honeymoon?"

"Sure." Khushi nodded.


The entire night, while Arnav was peacefully asleep beside her, she kept on tossing and turning on the bed, the news of Meera's attempt to suicide was kind of disturbing her, even though Arnav had assured her that it was just a drama, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Why would anyone go to the extent of harming themselves only because a certain person couldn't love them? It was strange because according to what she knew, Advik committed suicide because she couldn't love him, and now Meera tried to do the same.

Could there be any connection between them both? But why would two suicides have anything in common anyway?

It was maybe she was deeply traumatized by Advik's death she was trying to connect everything which wasn't needed.

She tried to brush off the thought but nothing helped, it all kept on going on in her mind keeping her awake the entire night.

She knew she wasn't going to be at peace until they got back to India and she found out what exactly was happening. Why was everyone trying to commit suicide anyway?


Khushi managed to get some sleep really late so she woke up late too. When she woke up though, she couldn't find Arnav in the house, she looked for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be seen so she just decided to freshen up and take a shower thinking he might show up later.

She took a long relaxing shower and then walked out and got dressed but still Arnav wasn't around, she then headed to look for him outside but as she tried to open the door, she found it locked.

She tried to open it using different ways a couple of times but it wasn't opening, it was either locked from outside or it had jammed, though the door dint look like it could jam, so maybe Arnav was the one that had locked her inside.

But why would he do so?

She sat on the bed picked up her phone and tried to call Arnav, his phone kept on ringing but he wouldn't receive it.

Why would he suddenly decide to lock her up in a room and disappear like this? Or was he in some danger? Did something happen to him?

She could'nt stop worrying and pacing around the room, at least if he was going somewhere he should have informed her or something.

Now she was here in an unknown place, locked inside a house and her husband had disappeared suddenly, what was she supposed to do now?

She was worried, she almost started crying when half an hour later, the door finally opened and Arnav walked in, she stood up and rushed to hug him immediately.

"Where had you gone? I was worried. You locked me inside too, at least you could have informed me, I was scared as hell." Khushi said as he kept on holding on to him.

He stayed calm until Khushi broke the hug and looked at him waiting for answers.

"Will you say something?" She asked as she looked at him, but he still wouldn't explain. Out of nowhere, he grabbed her hand and pulled her outside to the balcony, once they were out, she was left in awe.

The entire water body around their bungalow was filled with rose petals and there was a floating bed sort of thing floating in between, and some breakfast too, let's just say it was beautiful.

"You did this?" Khushi asked as she looked at him in surprise, he smiled and nodded positively.

"How didn't I think of looking out through the window, at least I would have known what you were doing out there and not be worried." She giggled.

"At least it remained a surprise as you dint look out. You dint seem to be able to sleep last night, I could notice something was bothering you, and maybe it's my behavior, so I just wanted to do something to make you smile." He looked at her with a faint smile on his face.

"Thank you so much Arnav, I love this." Khushi said as she jumped on him once again and hugged him tight.

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