Part 13

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"I can't handle this anymore." Khushi said as she placed back the photograph in the file and started pacing around in her cabin.

She felt so scared and so nervous suddenly, just remembering all the times she had spent with Advik and knowing that he was no more gave her a panic attack, she was just trying to calm herself down.

"Khushi I..." Arnav said the moment he opened the door to his cabin and found her pacing around.

"Khushi." He looked at her in surprise but she completely ignored him, she kept on walking looking lost in her own thoughts.

"What are you doing Khushi? Are you okay?" Arnav asked as he looked at her in confusion wondering what she was up to.

He walked towards her and got hold of her as he stopped her from pacing around, he looked her into the eyes.

"What's wrong?" Arnav asked.

"I think, I'm having a panic attack, I can't breathe Arnav... I can't..."

"Hey, calm down... look I'm here, everything is fine, just take in a deep breath, come on try it with me, take a deep breath." Arnav said as he himself took a deep breath while Khushi did as he said and she also took a few deep breaths trying to calm down but it wasn't helping.

Khushi started pacing around and gasping for breaths when Arnav got hold of her and wrapped her in his arms, he held her tightly trying to calm her down.

"Relax Khushi, everything is okay, there's nothing you should panic about, please calm down and relax, just breath." Arnav said.

She took in a few more deep breaths and slowly she finally started to calm down, once she did, she fell down on the floor slowly.

She sat down on the floor nervously, she just tried to relax and calm herself down while Arnav kept on staring at her in worry.

"I'll get you a glass of water." He said as he rushed towards the table and poured the water in a glass from the jug as he rushed back to her and handed her the glass.

"Are you feeling better? Or should I take you to the hospital or something?" Arnav asked.

"No, I am fine... I just panic when I stress about something too much, I dint want to worry you I am sorry."

"It's okay, all that matters is that you are fine." Arnav said as he got hold of her and helped her stand up. Khushi headed back towards her chair and sat down silently.

"What is it that's stressing you up so much Khushi? I hope it's not work." Arnav asked.

"No, I don't really get stressed over work." Khushi replied immediately, how could she explain to him that what was stressing her up wasn't work but his brother?

She always kept on thinking about Advik and how she was ever going to tell Arnav about what happened between them, she kept on worrying what she would do if Arnav started blaming her for his brother's death.

"Then what is bothering you Khushi?" Arnav asked as he looked at her in concern.

"I don't know how to say this... I was here to actually... I can't..." She really tried to explain what the problem was but she was too nervous to even complete a sentence.

"You can tell me, I might help." Arnav said as he held her hand in his and looked at her assuring her.

"It's something personal." Khushi stood up and turned away from him, honestly she dint know if she was ever going to have enough courage to tell him about it.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, I understand, just do this, next time if you ever get an attack, don't stay alone, call me or someone else okay?"

"Okay." Khushi nodded positively.


Khushi headed straight home from work, she just wanted to keep herself busy doing things so she wouldn't think about Advik because overthinking about him was clearly doing no good to her or her health.

She freshened up and headed to the kitchen straight thinking that cooking might help her a bit, which actually worked for a while until her friends arrived back from work.

"Wow, Khushi is cooking today, must have been a rough day." Avanti said. Khushi was the person who hated cooking, she would never do it unless she was really hungry and there was nothing to eat or when she had had a really rough day.

"Did you fight with your boss?" Kiara giggled.

"How about with the boss's girlfriend and the boss watched it?" Khushi asked.

"Oh, that's bad."

"No, it gets worse, I was working, I mean going through files and I found Advik's photograph and it reminded me of stuff and I got a panic attack." Khushi said.

"That's bad, you haven't had one in such a long time, this thing must be stressing you up really bad." Avanti said.

"It is, I just don't know what to do, but anyway gladly Arnav came and he helped me, he told me to breath and he even hugged me." Khushi said realizing it now that he had hugged her, all this while she dint even remember it.

There was an awkward silence for a moment while Khushi replayed that moment in her mind over and over again just to make sure it was real.

"Do you want to quit? I mean I know having a job is important but if it's giving you panic attacks, you should consider quitting and just let all of this go, I was wrong, you don't have to tell Arnav about it." Avanti suggested.

"No Avanti, the job is good I don't want to quit and about panic attack, I would get one anywhere, it's not work related." Khushi said.

"But it's related to Arnav and Advik." Kiara said.

"I know, but I have to tell him the truth, he deserves to know it, I'll just try to be stronger." Khushi said.

"Okay, we'll freshen up then help you." Avanti said as she and Kiara headed to their rooms to freshen up.

Khushi finished cutting all the ingredients she needed and then got the pizza base from the fridge, she put all the ingredients and finally placed the pizza in the oven and just then the door bell rang.

She rushed to open the door wondering who might have come to visit them, they rarely had guests coming over.

She opened the door and found Arnav standing right outside.

"Sir, how come you are here at this time?" Khushi asked in in surprise.

"I just thought I'd check on you, since the incident at the office, I was worried, so I came to make sure you were really fine." Arnav said.

"You don't have to worry about that, I've had a history with panic attacks, they are kind of normal for me, anyway come in, I made pizza, you should have dinner with us if you don't have other plans." Khushi smiled as she invited him.

"Are you sure?" Arnav asked as he followed her inside.

"Yes, don't mind, our house isn't as big as yours." Khushi giggled.

"It's beautiful though, but I hope you are okay, you had freaked me out in the office I just couldn't stop wondering if you were alright that's why I decided to pay you a visit, please don't mind."

"It's completely okay sir, I'm glad you visited." Khushi smiled as the both sat down on the sofa.

"You can call me Arnav, Sir is a bit too formal." Arnav smiled.

"Looks like we have company." Avanti said as she walked out of her room and so did Kiara, the both of them joined Khushi and Arnav in the hall as they started making stories and all.

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