Part 32

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"What?" Avanti almost spit out the food from her mouth while Kiara looked at her like she was an alien and Khushi, she couldn't stop blushing.

"He said he loved you?" Kiara asked excitedly.

"On the plane, you literally got asked out in the air, things like that don't happen, jeez that's so cute." Avanti added as she giggled.

"Okay will you stop acting so happy about it when I'm stressing like hell?" Khushi looked at both her friends, yes she knew they were happy for her but she couldn't stop wondering what was going to happen when she told Arnav about Advik.

"Why, aren't you happy? We can see it all from your expressions, you are crazy for him Khushi. It's actually a miracle, I mean I can't even count how many guys have asked you out including Advik Raizada and you never fell for anyone." Avanti said.

"That's the problem you see, Advik Raizada. He is Arnav's brother and the reason why Arnav and I even met at the first place. I went there to tell him about what happened between Advik and I, not to work in his company and fall in love with him." Khushi pouted.

"Well there's a problem there." Kiara said.

"I agree, you should have told him sooner about this Khushi." Avanti said.

"Don't you think I dint try? I tried so many times but sometimes I got scared, sometimes something came in between and now I don't know what to do anymore." Khushi said sadly.

Avanti stood up and walked towards her, she sat beside her and looked at her seriously.

"You know Khushi, I could suggest you never tell him about it but that wouldn't be the right thing to do, plus what if he finds out from somewhere? It would make things worse, so how about you stop being scared and tell him about it yourself.

If you explain it, I'm sure he will understand, but if he finds out from somewhere, he wouldn't understand, it's high time you tell him the truth." Avanti said.

"I know, I guess I'll just have to look for a moment where I can sit with him and talk to him, he's taking me on a date today though." Khushi smiled excitedly.

"Don't do it today, it's your first date I wouldn't want you to ruin it, but find a perfect time, if you can't, visit him at his house one day, sit with him and talk about it okay?"

"Okay." Khushi nodded nervously.

"You know what you need right now? A tight hug." Kiara smiled as she stood up and walked towards her, as she hugged her tightly.


Arnav hadn't shown up at work the entire day, Khushi kept on checking his cabin every now and then hoping he was going to come but he dint, she kept on wondering where he might be or what he was doing that was so important that he dint show up to work today.

He hadn't even texted or called her so she had no idea, she tried calling him but he was unreachable and she wouldn't stop worrying, she just hoped everything was going to be okay.

What if he had found out about Advik?

But that wasn't possible, no one knew about this apart from her and her friends, so it wasn't possible for Arnav to find it out.

She was lost in thoughts when the door to her cabin opened suddenly, she looked excitedly hoping it was Arnav but to her surprise it was Meera.

She walked in angrily and looked at Khushi like she was going to murder her.

"I was right wasn't I? What did you tell me? you didn't want my boyfriend and you just took him away from me!" She shouted at me angrily.

"Honestly Meera, if you wanted to keep him, you should have done things worthy enough for him to fall for you." I said as I stood up and looked back at her, it wasn't my fault that Arnav fell for me.

"Don't forget, you're just an ordinary girl, there is no way you ca be with Arnav Raizada." She said.

"Just for your information, the same Arnav Raizada is in love with this ordinary girl." She spat back at her.

"I know girls like you, you just want him because he's rich, you're eyeing his money but I won't let that happen, I'll make sure I throw you out of his life."

"Oh really? Try me." Khushi folded her arms and looked at her confidently, she glared at her for a moment and then walked out fuming with anger.

Khushi sat back on her desk as she inhaled a deep breath, just then her phone beeped, she looked at the message she had received, it was from Arnav.

"Be ready by 7, I'll pick you up. Love you." She couldn't stop blushing about the text, she looked at the time and it was five o'clock already, she quickly shut down her computer and headed home, she had to get ready for her date tonight.


"Your lover boy is here!" Kiara shouted excitedly.

Khushi was in her room getting ready, she was dressed in a mini black dress, she had her hair loosely curled and left open, she had minimum makeup done, she looked different than usual, but not much different.

She looked at herself one last time in the mirror before she grabbed her black heel and put them on, she picked up her phone and a clutch from her bed and rushed outside.

"All the best for your lovely date." Kiara winked at her.

"Where is Avanti?" Khushi asked as she walked towards the hall.

"Still at work." Kiara rolled her eyes, Khushi hugged her nervously before she headed out of the house while Kiara assured her that everything was going to be perfect.

She found Arnav standing outside her house, leaning against his car, he was dressed in a black three piece tux, he had his hair gelled and combed perfectly, he looked like a complete gentleman.

"Wow, you look gorgeous." He smiled at her when she stopped in front of me.

"So do you Mr. Raizada." Khushi blushed.

"Thank you, now let's get going, I have a beautiful evening planned for you my love." He smiled at her, Khushi just blushed as he opened the door for her, she got inside blushing like an idiot, Arnav was behaving completely different than usual.

He got inside the car and drove off while she kept on asking him where they were going but he kept on telling her it was a surprise.

After a drive of about twenty minutes, they finally arrived, Arnav parked the car under a tree as they both stepped out.

"What is this place?" Khushi asked as she looked around in awe, it seemed some sort of a forest but it wasn't really a forest, it was a flower garden or something.

There was a round table place a bit further fully decorated with lights and balloons, the whole are around it was decorated similarly.

A bit further from the table was a huge screen placed and opposite it was a projector and just in front of it there was a mattress placed and a bucket of popcorns.

"Do you like what you see?" Arnav said as he slid his fingers in between hers and held her hand, she looked at him with a smile and nodded, it was so beautiful it made her speechless.

"We'll start with the dinner then a movie." She smiled at her as he led her to the table, he pulled out the chair for her as she sat down and he sat opposite her.

Two waiters walked in from nowhere with a few bowls and started serving them food.

"I got a bit of an idea about your favorite dishes from your friends." Arnav smiled to her as she looked at the meal placed on the table, there were lots of dishes, all of them being her favorite.

She couldn't stop smiling and blushing, all this felt like a fairytale, although at first she thought Arnav was going to take her to a huge hotel for dinner or something, things that rich guys usually do but she was impressed that he dint do that, because this was the perfect date.

"This must have taken a lot of time to arrange." she said as she looked around.

"That's why you dint see me at work today, I wanted to make this date a special one so that you know how special you are for me." He smiled at her, the waiters served them the food and then walked away leaving them alone as they both started eating.

After they finished dinner, he grabbed her hand once again and led her to the mattress, they both got rid of their shoes and lied down on it as he played a movie.

"Aashiqui 2?" Khushi smiled at him as he picked up the popcorn and placed it between them both while the movie started.

"I haven't watched it, I'm not really the romantic movies kind of a guy so I just google searched and the poster of this movie looked interesting." He smirked making her blush once again.

As they kept on watching the movie, Arnav kept on holding her hand and drawing patterns on it, her mind was just stuck on it that she wasn't even concentrating on the movie.

He moved closer to her, closing the gap between them, Khushi started feeling nervous so suddenly, it was all beautiful yet she was feeling nervous, Arnav kept on staring at her while she pretended to watch the movie.

"Khushi." He said in a really sexy voice, she turned to look at him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked leaving her surprised, she dint even know what to say, of course she wanted him to kiss her, she just dint know he was going to ask her.

She blushed deep red and looked away from him, she couldn't even speak a word.

"I guess I'll take that as a yes." He smiled as he rolled over and pressed his body against her with her lying beneath him while she was on top of her.

He looked at her for a moment and then pressed his lips against her, she felt a rush of adrenaline as he slowly parted her lips and kissed her deeply, he pressed both her hands on the sides letting his weight on her and the kiss felt more intense because of the way their bodies were in contact.

He rolled around, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her over him so now she was lying on top of him, he smirked at her before pressing his lips against her once again.

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