Part 37

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Avanti walked with a cup of coffee and settled down beside Khushi who was staring at the wall blankly, she had been doing that for the past two days, she just sat anywhere in the house and she would stare at walls blankly as if they were talking to her. Avanti placed the cups on the table and looked at her.

"It's been two days Khushi, you haven't even gone to work or tried to talk to him, how are things going to be okay if you don't even try to talk to him, you have to try something, text him or call him, do something." Avanti said.

"Don't try Avanti, Khushi won't do any of that, because why should she, apparently she's not at fault at all." Kiara said sarcastically as she sat down with them, Khushi looked at her sadly.

"I dint say it wasn't my fault Kiara, I know I should have told him earlier but I did try, and it the end I did tell him about it dint I, it wasn't my fault that Meera found out and told him before I could." Khushi asked.

"When it was too late, when you both were together already. He deserved to know before it all happened Khushi, you know it." Avanti said.

"I know, but why are you both acting like I'm denying it's my fault?" Khushi asked angrily.

"Because you did the most stupid thing, gave him a week to choose, what the hell were you even thinking Khushi? First of all you hurt him and then make him choose, you know he doesn't deserve this." Kiara said.

"Fine, I'll not set a time limit, I'll just leave because I know in the end he's still going to choose his brother." Khushi stood up from the sofa to leave but Kiara held her hand and pulled her back, both the girls looked at her in disbelief.

"What is wrong with you Khushi? Seriously you aren't the Khushi we've always known, you never hurt someone purposely and right now you're doing all this knowing it will hurt him and you're acting like you don't care." Avanti looked at her angrily.

"Then what should I do Avanti? Look I understand I kept the truth from him, but he also has to understand that I dint do it on purpose, I did try telling him many times I was just freaking scared! Despite it all, I know he should be angry, and his anger is justified, but what isn't justified is him breaking up with me.

I can accept his anger, I can accept everything but not this, how can he just break up with me like this? Is this why he took us all to that Goa trip and confessed his feeling to me on the plane? So that one day he would leave me because I kept the truth from him?

If he would have told me he needed time, I would have given him time, I would have given him months and years too because I'd have a hope that one day he was going to forgive me but he said he was breaking up with me, it meant leaving no hope for me at all, just ending it! How could he?

I know I am acting all stupid and it was wrong to set a time limit when I was the one who did wrong, but please try to understand me.

Whatever that happened to Advik wasn't my fault, and I am so done explaining it to everyone that it wasn't my fault, and you all know, I've met so many guys one of them being Advik and I could never feel for them what I felt for Arnav, and when I finally felt that way about a guy, he broke up with me, so obviously I am hurt!

I cannot take back the words I said Avanti, I can't take back the time limit I set but maybe it was for the best, maybe at the end of it I'll know what place I hold in his life, and if it's none, I don't want to stay here anymore, I'll go back home and stay with mom and dad, far away from him and his memories, because honestly, being in love with him hurts worse than not being in love with Advik.

She stood up and headed to her room as she locked herself inside not wanting to talk to anyone, she was done being blamed for everything.


A knock at the door of his room disturbed his thoughts, he looked towards the door and saw Arjun walking in with two cups of coffee, he settled down beside him and handed him one cup.

"I thought you'd need this." Arjun smiled.

Arnav stared blankly at the black coffee in his hand, he dint even feel like drinking it, since he broke up with Khushi he never felt like doing anything, he just felt lazy and all he wanted to do was be in his room and sleep but he couldn't sleep either.

"I was so used to her getting me my morning coffee every day, it feels like it wouldn't taste the same if it's not from her, I miss her Arjun, I don't even know if it's right to miss her after what she did." He said sadly.

"I understand Arnav, maybe if I wasn't this close to Advik, I would know what to advice you but right now I myself have no idea about what's wrong and what's right."

"It hurts." Arnav said.

"Hey, stop being sad like that, come we'll go somewhere out to eat, fresh air might help you feel better." Arjun suggested.

"Fine let, me change." Arnav said as he placed the coffee cup aside and headed to change, he grabbed a pair of jean and tee and got dressed in it, he stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection. The t-shirt had a bit of sand stuck at the bottom, either he forgot to give it for laundry or it wasn't washed properly.

He remembered wearing this t-shirt to the beach in Goa, he was seated with Khushi on the sand and they were talking and spending a lot of time together, those two days were the most beautiful days of his life because it was then that he realized he loved her and now everything was messed up.

He removed the t-shirt and put on another one as he headed out of his room, he dint want to think about her at all.

Arjun was waiting for Arnav in the hall while he was busy chatting with Mia, once he saw Arnav, he stood up and they both headed outside, Arnav unlocked his car and got on driver's seat while he waited for Arjun to get in too.

Arjun got inside and sat on the front seat beside him, he buckled up the seat belt and looked at Arnav who seemed lost in thoughts once again.

"Arnav, what happened?" Arjun asked.

"She used to sit right here beside me in the front seat when we went for meetings and stuff, it's funny how she's left all her memories around everything of mine." Arnav laughed as he drove off while Arjun stared at him silently.

Maybe he was already deeply in love with Khushi and he dint even realize it, no wonder he was behaving this way, Arjun felt terrible seeing his best friend like this.

After a short drive, they arrived at a restaurant, the got themselves a table and ordered for food, Arjun got busy staring into his phone while Arnav sat there looking lost as usual.

Once the waiter arrived with food, he served himself some in the plate and stared at it, he felt like he had lost his appetite, he dint want to drink coffee, he dint want to eat, he dint want to do any damn thing.

"I took her to a hotel once and I remember I kissed her at the parking lot for the first time." Arnav said as he continued staring at the food and then he looked up at Arjun.

"I can't do this, everything I do, everywhere I go, it's like I'm bring her along, she's stuck in my mind Arjun and I won't be at peace until I get rid of her from my mind and I don't know how to throw her out of my mind!

I'm sorry I don't want to leave you here alone, you're just trying to help me but maybe I can't be helped, anyway I'll leave, you can finish eating then go home with a taxi or something, I just need to divert my mind so I'll go somewhere where I can divert my mind or forget about her." He stood up and rushed back to his car.

He got inside and drove off at full speed, he just wanted to go far away from everything that would keep on reminding him of the girl he loved and the one that broke his trust.

His phone beeped while he was driving, he pulled it out of his pocket at stared at the screen, there was a new message notification.

He parked the car aside and unlocked his phone, it was a text from Khushi.

"I am sorry Arnav, I know I've hurt you and I am really sorry, I can't stop thinking about you. Let's talk please, I'll try all I can to make things okay between us."

"Things are never going to be okay between us Khushi!" He shouted as he stared at his phone silently for a while and then suddenly he threw it out of the window angrily.

He turned up the window and drove away trying not to think about her at all but it seemed like it was impossible, she was everywhere, in his car, in his mind, in his damn heart too.

"I hate you Khushi, I hate you so much!" He hit the steering wheel angrily, and still despite all his tries she was stuck in his mind like a magnet, not wanting to leave, and it was driving him completely crazy.

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