Part 26

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Arnav parked his car outside Khushi's house as they both stepped out of their cars.

"Thanks for following me till here." Khushi laughed at how funny the sentence sounded.

"You are making me sound like a stalker." Arnav smiled at her.

"You know I dint mean it that way, anyway I'll see you at work tomorrow?"

"Sure." Arnav nodded, Khushi waved a goodbye at him and turned around to walk away while Arnav stood there nervously battling with his mind on whether to ask Khushi the question he had in mind or not.

"Khushi!" He called her out finally making up his mind.

"Yeah?" She stopped walked and turned to look at him.

"Arjun and I had planned to head to Goa over the weekend, I was wondering if you'd like to come, I mean if you come Avanti will also come and I'm sure Arjun will like it plus it would be a good short holiday with friends." He asked.

"It sounds good but are you sure you want us to come? I mean Meera doesn't really like me much anyway." Khushi shrugged.

"Don't worry she has something to do so she's not coming it was only Arjun and me going so I thought I'd ask if you and your friends would like to join."

"I'd love to but let me talk to the girls first and see what they say, I'll let you know at the office tomorrow?"

"Sure." Arnav smiled excitedly.

"Goodnight Arnav." Khushi smiled at him.

"Goodnight Khushi." He smiled back as she walked away, Arnav headed back to his car happily and drove off, he couldn't wait for the weekend and he really hoped Khushi's friends were going to agree to come.


Khushi was busy making herself some coffee early in the morning when Avanti and Kiara walked out of their rooms.

"You making coffee? I could really do with one cup." Kiara said.

"Me too." Avanti said.

Khushi nodded at them as they both settled down on the sofa lazily while Khushi poured the coffee in the cups and then headed with them to the hall.

She handed Kiara and Avanti their cups and they all sat face to face.

"So who's starting?" Khushi looked both at Kiara and Avanti.

"Hey, I wasn't the one dancing with my boss." Avanti said in her defense.

"What? You were dancing with Arnav?" Kiara looked at her in surprise.

"How about we talk about how Avanti and Arjun went on a long drive, what happened Avanti, we need the details." Khushi giggled as she looked at Avanti.

"Kiara went on a date too, tell us how it was." Avanti looked at Kiara.

"Boring as hell, I'm already avoiding the guy, now you two start with the details." Kiara laughed.

"Avanti." Both Khushi and Kiara looked at her as she blushed.

"Okay, I think I really like him but nothing happened on the drive, we just drove around and talked about stuff and tried to get to know each other, that was it." Avanti said turning her gaze to Khushi which Kiara followed.

"Okay fine, we danced and he said he cared for me but I should not ask him why he cares for me." Khushi bit her lips nervously.

"Damn that guy really likes you." Kiara giggled.

"Wait, there's more. He followed me till home with his car and then before leaving he told me he was going to Goa with Arjun over the weekend and he asked if we could join. I told him I'll ask you girls then let him know today." Khushi blushed.

"What, you should have said yes already!" Kiara said.

"Exactly, I'm so in this trip." Avanti smiled.

"Of course you are because Arjun is going." Khushi teased.

"But I'm not sure, he's already committed and I don't want to be that kind of a girl, plus it would do more worse than good." Khushi said.

"Or maybe it could do good, make him realize who he really likes and he might break up with Meera too." Kiara said.

"But that wouldn't be the right thing to do, I can't compel him to break up with his girlfriend just because I like him, it's not fair." Khushi said.

"Look Khushi, if he really loved Meera, he wouldn't be showing this kind of interest in you, so it's not about you making him break up with her, it about you making him realize what he really wants." Avanti said.

"Still doesn't sound right to me."

"Okay how about we just go to the trip for fun not because you like Arnav that way, you don't have to be with him that way, you both can be just friends and I mean its Goa, it will be fun." Kiara suggested.

"So should I say yes to him?" Khushi looked at both the girls who nodded positively.


Khushi knocked at the door of Arnav's cabin and then walked in with his usual cup of coffee, she placed it on his table and turned to walk away.

"Khushi." He called her out.

"Yes sir." She turned around and looked at him nervously.

"You were to give me an answer today remember? I have to book the flight tickets." Arnav said.

"Oh yes, I talked to the girls and they said that they'd love to come, so you can book tickets for us three and let me know the amount so I can pay you back."

"You don't have to pay me back, I can afford this." Arnav laughed.

"I know, but we would like to pay for ourselves, we are earning and we are going to have fun so I believe we should accommodate ourselves." Khushi said.

"Quite a feminist huh." Arnav smiled.

"It's not about feminism, it's about equality, would you like it if I paid for you? No! Because you are earning too so why should I want anyone else to pay my expenses when I am capable of paying them myself?"

"You got a point, no worries, I'll let you know the amount." Arnav said, Khushi nodded as she headed out of his cabin.


"Will you stop calling me?" Arjun asked irritably as he received Arnav's call. Arnav had been calling him continuously since morning and he was just ignoring his calls.

"Just because my sister broke your heart doesn't mean you have to be angry on me about it." Arnav said.

"I was sleeping Arnav, I had a late night, and you can't let a person even sleep peacefully." Arjun said.

"Oh you had a late night doing what? Flirting with Avanti? And hey don't blame me, I needed someone to talk to and all I could think of is my best friend, you are the one who put this in my head at the first place so you have to bear the consequences." Arnav shrugged.

"I wasn't flirting with her, I was getting to know her, there's a difference and anyway what did I put in your head?" Arjun asked.


"First of all, I dint put her in your head, secondly she's in your heart not in your head, thirdly, I think you should already talk to Meera and break up, I saw you both last night and I had a lot of dirty thoughts about it." Arjun laughed.

"Why did you come back? My life was fine until you came back and forced me to like her." Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Correction, I just made you realize you liked her, I dint make you like her, there's a difference." Arjun said.

"Fine, get out of bed and get to my office as soon as you can, there's a lot we need to talk about and I'm not telling you everything over a phone call." Arnav said.

"What is it that you can't tell me on the phone? Were my dirty thoughts true?" Arjun laughed.

"I swear I'm going to kill you someday." Arnav said as he disconnected the call while Arjun wouldn't stop laughing on the other side of the call.

Arnav sighed as he leaned on his chair wondering how he was going to deal with this mess in his life, he really wanted to break up with Meera because he really liked Khushi and he dint want to let go on a chance of getting to know her and maybe actually falling for her in future, all he was worried about was his father!

He just wished he had guts like his little brother always had.


"How dare you talk to me in that tone Advik!" His father shouted angrily.

"Because I should have done this long back dad. I am not Arnav, I am not your perfect son and I can't obey you every time even when it makes me unhappy. You have already forced him into a relationship with Meera when he clearly isn't happy about it but he says nothing because he is your perfect son.

I am not that perfect son dad, I am not going to allow you to force me into a relationship with a girl I don't like just because it's good for your reputation.

There's this amazing girl I've met recently and I really like her, maybe I'm already in love with her and I'm not going to let go the chance of being with her because of you.

We are grown up, stop making decisions for us, stop ruining our lives because of your selfish needs, I am never going to be a part of this." Advik shouted back angrily.

He walked towards Arnav who had been standing in one corner silently watching the drama in his house.

"I don't know how you do it bro, always do as he says even when it hurts you. Why do you always have to do things that make him happy?

I hope one day you'll decide to choose happiness for yourself, you'll decide to do something you want to do and not something he wants you to do." Advik said to Arnav.

"Stop messing up with his mind Advik, Arnav isn't like you, at least he listens to his father."

"That's the problem dad, he always listens to you and not to himself, why can't you understand that he's a grown up and he has every freaking right to choose his own life partner, at times you make me wonder what we did to deserve you as a father." Advik looked at him angrily and then walked away leaving his father burning with rage.

Flashback Ends.

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