Part 24

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Just when his lips brushed against hers, she pushed him away suddenly, she dint know why in this moment when everything was so perfect, Advik's face came in her mind, she couldn't do this, Arnav was already committed to someone and she dint even know how he was going to react once he found out about Advik.

She had never been attracted to any guy before, she dint even know what she felt for Arnav at the moment, it was just so confusing plus having Advik in the picture made things more difficult.

"I am so sorry, I don't know why I did that." Arnav apologized.

"Yeah me too, can we please go to the office now?" Khushi asked as she looked everywhere else but at him, it was really awkward.

Arnav unlocked the car as they both got inside and he drove to the office, neither of them spoke to each other until they arrived at the office and once they did, Khushi rushed out of the car and headed straight to her Cabin.

She sat down on her chair, everything was confusing her, she dint even know what to think about all this between her and Arnav anymore.

She called Kiara and Avanti on a conference call, she really had to talk to someone about all this, she need some advice.

"Hey, what's up?" Kiara was the first one to receive the call.

"You Okay Khushi?" Avanti asked.

"Arnav and I almost kissed." She blurted out nervously.

"What?" Both the girls asked in shock, it was shocking firstly because Khushi had never really been interested in any guy, she was someone who wasn't even interested in Advik Raizada, just imagine that. So it was shocking to know what happened between her and Arnav.

"I don't know what happened to me, I mean it's so stupid, he even has a girlfriend and worse of all he's Advik's brother, he's going to hate me after I tell him about Advik and I." Khushi said sadly.

"Did the kiss actually happen or...?" Kiara asked.

"No, I stopped it at the right time, it would have been way awkward if I dint." Khushi replied.

"You do know what this means right Khushi?" Avanti asked.

"No, I don't really know what it means, I mean why would I even want to kiss him for heaven sake? This is just so confusing." Khushi said.

"It means you both like each other, a lot and not just at a professional level but at a personal level too, if he tried to kiss you it means he does like you and if you let him it means you like him too, it's so clear, what are you confused about?" Avanti said.

"He's committed to someone Avanti."

"Maybe he is, but he likes you and maybe he will break up with his girlfriend." Kiara said.

"That wouldn't be the right thing to do, I don't want to be that girl, I can't come in between them. Damn it! Why did this have to happen, it would have been better if I had felt this way for Advik instead, at least things would be simple." Khushi complained.

"There's a reason why it dint happen with anyone else because it was destined to happen with Arnav. You know we don't really decided whom to like, maybe if you look you'll think Advik was perfect and a much better choice than Arnav but the heart wants what it wants, and there's usually no logical reason to it." Avanti said.

"So what are you going to do now?" Kiara asked.

"Maybe just stay away from him and really figure out a way of telling him about Advik, I mean that was the main thin and it's been so many days and I haven't done that yet." Khushi said.

"Okay, I have to rush but we'll talk about this at home okay, see you and don't worry much." Avanti said, she disconnected the call so did Kiara and Khushi.

"Why does everything have to be so damn frustrating?" Khushi leaned on the table with a fake cry.


"What's up Arnav?" Arjun asked as he walked into Arnav's cabin.

"Wow, you're always here, don't you have anything else to do? Like go flirt with my sister or something." Arnav said.

"Okay, you look like a pregnant woman having mood swings, plus your sister is really giving me mixed signals, I don't even know she likes me or not, maybe I should go flirt with Khushi's friend, I really liked that girl." Arjun giggled.

"You've met her friends?" Arnav looked at Arjun curiously.

"Yes, remember when I took her home? I met her friend Avanti, she was really interesting but when I saw Mia, my crush for her came back again so I guess if your sister isn't really interested in me she should tell me earlier before another guy finds Avanti and I miss out on a chance with her also." Arjun said.

"Wow, you sound like a player." Arnav said.

"Hey, I'm not the one in a relationship with another girl when I like another one." Arjun teased.

"I don't like Khushi." Arnav shrugged.

"I dint mention her name, but dude seriously look at your face it says everything, you really do like Khushi, high time you accept it and just break up with Meera, you've never felt anything for her anyway so trust me life would really be a lot easier." Arjun advised.

"You know my father Arjun, he would never let me break up with her, at times I just feel so angry, he's got such a huge empire why does he need more? Why does he have to force me for a relationship with a girl I don't even like a bit?" Arnav said.

"So it's about money huh?" Arjun asked.

"Yes, Meera's father is a really known person you know about it so he thinks Meera and I being together will be really good for our business." Arnav said.

"Well that's a really tricky situation there." Arjun said.

"I know, and I mean I was used to it until now, I was used to tolerating Meera's pointless dramas and everything but now, I feel suffocated, I don't want to do it anymore I just don't understand what happened."

"Khushi happened." Arjun smiled and this time Arnav dint even try to deny the fact, maybe Arjun was actually right, until he met Khushi he was okay with being in this relationship but since he met her, he just wanted to be free.

There was a knock at the door of his cabin and then Khushi walked in.

"You told me you needed this early today, I guess you forgot." Khushi said as she placed the photoshoot pictures on his table, she tried her best to avoid looking at him.

"Hi Khushi, how are you doing?" Arjun greeted her.

"I'm good and how are you doing?" She looked at him.

"I'm good too." Arjun replied with a huge smile on his face.

"Anyway sorry for disturbing, it was just work but now I'll let you both continue your discussion." Khushi smiled at Arjun and walked away as Arjun turned to look at Arnav.

"What?" Arnav asked as Arjun wouldn't stop staring at him.

"Did something happen between you two?" Arjun smirked.

"Why would you think that anything happened between us?" Arnav shrugged.

"Oh come on, you both were behaving like kids, avoiding looking at each other, I'm very clever you know, I notice things." He laughed.

"Nothing I just told her that I found out about Kabir."

"Oh, so she's angry or something? She talked to me nicely so I'm sure she isn't angry that I told you, so what's the problem?"

"Okay if I tell you, promise to listen and just shut up, and don't pass any comment." Arnav said.

"I promise, my mouth is zipped." Arjun said as he pretended to zip his mouth.

"I... umm... I tried to kiss her, well I don't even know why I did that but she was just... at times she makes me so angry and at times she makes me feel like kissing the hell out of her. The kiss dint really happen but now it's awkward." Arnav said.

"I knew I was always right, you really like this girl." Arjun smirked.

"I told you to shut up and not pass a comment." Arnav picked up a pen and threw it at his face as Arjun laughed at him.

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