Part 57

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Everyone was in shock, no one could believe that Meera could do such a thing, all this time, no one even thought that she was literally obsessed with Arnav, and just because Advik kept on advising Arnav to leave Meera, she actually killed him.

To make it worse, Mr. Raichand actually helped her hide the truth by making fake autopsy reports and showed that Advik's death was actually suicide, and all the while everyone just tried to blame it on Khushi or find a reason strong enough that could have convinced Advik to take his own life.

Who would have thought that the Meera the entire world saw was different from what she really showed, even her own father, despite knowing her mental state decided to leave her roam around like that instead of getting her some treatment, to make it worse he even helped her in hiding the crime she had committed.

The siren outside the mansion alerted everyone, Meera looked at Khushi in shock.

"You called the police!" She screamed at the top of her voice, almost grabbing her by the neck but Arnav intervened right on time.

"Of course I did, you think you would just murder Advik and we would let you go like that? You deserve to be punished." Khushi said.

"Are you stupid or you are just pretending to be one? Advik's body is gone, the autopsy showed he committed suicide, how are you even going to prove that I had anything to do with it? With this stupid chain you found in his bathroom?" Meera laughed at Khushi.

"Leave that to me, I know exactly how to prove it, just be ready to spend the rest of your life in a jail or at least a mental hospital." Khushi said.

"Khushi you know we don't have any proof against her, how are we going to do this?" Arnav looked at her worriedly.

"I know what I am doing Arnav, just be patient, I'll explain everything later." Khushi assured him, he nodded and looked at the entrance where he saw two police men walking in along with two lady constables.

"Where is the culprit?" One of the officers asked, Khushi pointed towards Meera, so the two ladies walked toward her and grabbed her, Meera tried hard to resist them but they handcuffed her.

Mr. Raichand too tried to help her but he couldn't do much, once Meera was arrested, the police took her away while Mr. Raichand followed them trying to get her out.

"Everything will be okay now Arnav, she is arrested, we will get the dates of court and prove she committed the murder and everything will be back to normal.

From today onwards you don't have to question yourself everyday about why your brother committed suicide because he didn't." Khushi smiled at him faintly.

"But how will we prove that Khushi? Advik's final rituals have been performed, we no more have his body to even get the autopsy done again or anything." Arnav asked.

"The great thing about living in this huge mansion is that it has camera's everywhere. Even in the hall." Khushi smirked.

But they record the video only, there's no sound, I don't think it would help." Kritika said as she walked towards her.

"Don't worry, I have that sorted too. Obviously I couldn't film it, that way she wouldn't confess her crime, so I just put my phone on record mode and put it in my pocket, it recorded everything, we just have to get the recording and the camera footage merged, we will put the both forward in court, I guess that would be enough." Khushi said as she pulled the phone out of her pocket and stopped the recording that was going on.

"You recorded it?" Arnav looked at her in surprise.

"Of course I did Arnav, when I found that chain, I wouldn't confront her just like that, of course I knew we dint have Advik's body and the only thing that would prove this was Meera's confession, so I came prepared." Khushi said.

"See Karan, the difference between the girl you wanted as a wife for your son and the girl who is his wife." Kritika said as she looked at Karan who looked ashamed of himself.

"Please don't address him as my father, he doesn't deserve that title." Arnav clenched his fists.

"I am your father Arnav, you can't change that!" Karan said angrily.

"I don't want a father like you, the one that dint even bother about me. After all this years is when you want a son dad? Why didn't you want one when I was trying so hard? Asking you, not even asking, literally begging you to love me, but for you I was just a mistake, the mistake that would ruin your reputation isn't it?

Now that everything seemed to have fallen in place you suddenly want to be my father, why? Why couldn't you be my father when I really needed one?" Arnav looked at him sadly.

"I am sorry Arnav... I..."

"No, none of your explanation would change what you did to me all this years. I could understand her, she wasn't my real mother but despite it all she tried to love me, when seeing me every day must have reminded her of your betrayal, so I could understand why it was difficult for her to love me, but you? You were my father, I was your blood, if you made a mistake, why was I the one to be punished for it?" Arnav asked.

"Arnav, you can't hold a grudge against him forever, it's better to forgive and forget." Khushi intervened.

"If he kept on holding a grudge against me for all this years for his own mistakes, why can't I Khushi?" Arnav asked.

"I am sorry Arnav." Karan apologized again.

"That sorry won't change a thing, don't even try to apologize now. First of all you hid the truth from me, and when I found it from somewhere else you didn't even bother to try to explain anything to me and now suddenly you need a son. I am so done with you and trying to please you and trying to make you love me.

I have understood that we can't force people to love us and much as I've always yearned for you love, I can't force you for it, so I'll accept the fact that I don't have a father, maybe he died with my mother, it would be easier believing that." Arnav said as he walked away and headed upstairs to his room.

"Kritika at least you help me here." Karan looked at her sadly.

"I am sorry Karan, this time I can't stand by you, he is right and you know it, all this year's you've punished him for your mistake, why shouldn't he be angry on you?" Kritika said as she walked away too.

"Mom and Arnav and right dad, you were wrong." Mia said as she walked away with Arjun leaving Karan and Khushi alone.

Karan looked at Khushi feeling ashamed of how he had behaved with her and how much he disliked her and now she was the one that brought out the truth, if it weren't for her, they would have never known what had happened to Advik.

"I am sorry Khushi, I always judged you because of your status, it was my fault, if possible forgive me." He apologized.

"I am not one to hold a grudge against you, you need to apologize to your family and make it happy once again." Khushi said.

"They aren't willing to forgive me."

"Forgiveness doesn't come at once Mr. Raizada, it takes time and patience and efforts, if like you I thought Arnav dint want to forgive me and stopped making efforts then he wouldn't. I don't know when he will but it doesn't mean I would sit and believe he doesn't want to. I'll put my efforts and hope for the results which will surely come one day." Khushi said.

"You are right, I'll do everything I can to make things alright." Karan sighed, Khushi nodded as she headed upstairs, this information that she had revealed was huge, and she knew how much Arnav loved Advik and how much he must be disturbed because of this, she just wanted to be with him and help him feel better.

When she walked inside the room, she found Arnav seated on the floor leaning against the bed and crying, he seemed so miserable, she had never seen him like this before, it was too painful to see him this way.

"Arnav." She said as she walked towards him, he looked up at her and when she stopped next to him, he wrapped his arms around her legs and broke down even more.

"Why does everything keep on falling apart in my life Khushi? How could I not realize that my brother was never the kind to kill himself, I feel like killing that Meera right away!" Arnav said angrily.

"No Arnav, you can't do that, what will be the difference between you and her then? I know it's painful but at least you gave your brother the justice he deserved." Khushi said.

"I dint, you did. I kept on hating you for a lot of things about him, today I realize if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found out the truth. I am sorry for being such a jerk to you Khushi, I hope you'll understand that I was just hurt and I am sorry for the way I behaved with you." He apologized.

"It's okay Arnav, maybe if I was at your place I would be mad at me too. I know how much you loved your brother and I knew it was wrong to keep any information regarding him from you." Khushi bent down and wrapped her arms around him holding him into her arms.

"Thank you for staying with me, despite the way I've been acting with you lately." Arnav said.

"That's what we do Arnav, we stay with the people we love, we don't leave just like that right? And it wasn't like you weren't making any efforts, I did see how much efforts you were making, it was just that you were trapped in between love and hate for me. I know it was difficult for you but what matters is that you tried." She smiled as she broke the hug and cupped his face.

"It wasn't Advik's fault he fell in love with you, you are just this amazing person, even when I wanted to hate you I still couldn't stop loving you." Arnav smiled faintly as he cupped her face too, he then moved closer to her slowly, slightly brushing his lips against her and then parted them as he kissed her softly.

"Thank you Khushi, for putting up with me, for being patient with me while standing up for yourself too, not everyone can do that." Arnav said as he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"Yeah, you are a difficult person to put up with." She giggled while he pouted making her laugh.

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