Part 29

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Khushi walked away from the both of them leaving them alone, she headed back inside her room not interested in knowing what Arnav and Meera were going to talk about.

"What were you doing with her at this time?" Meera asked, as she looked at him suspiciously.

"And who are you to ask me that question? I could ask you the same, what are you doing here? Following me?" Arnav looked at her angrily, he had everything planned well and now she showed up here all of a sudden and ruined everything.

"If you're forgetting, I'm your girlfriend. So I have all the rights to follow you everywhere and ask you all the damn questions and wait, why is she even here? I thought it was only you and Arjun, you brought her along? Wow! You really are trying to be a rebel like your little brother." She looked at him angrily.

Until now, Arnav was trying to maintain his calmness, he dint want for things to get bad but now that she mentioned Advik, he just couldn't tolerate it.

"Don't! Don't mention his name." He looked at her angrily.

"Why? Because you love him so much and he left you? Look at yourself Arnav, everyone that you love always leaves you. Your parents really stopped caring about you long ago, you had only Advik who left to. Now I am here trying to make things work between us but you're being you doing stupid things like this, someday I might leave you too." Meera said.

"Please do! I can't wait for the day you leave me because honestly, if having love in my life means having you then I don't want that kind of a love. Love is supposed to set people free, not trap them and you just have me trapped because I can't go against my parents and you don't want to break up with me even though I don't love you."

She looked at him in shock for a moment, Arnav had never been like this before, although he never really liked her much, he hadn't talked to her in such a tone.

"Are you saying all this because of her? I was right wasn't I? Since the first day I knew she was going to take you away from me." Meera said.

"Wake up Meera, I was never yours!"

"So now you have the guts to talk to me in that tone too."

"Of course I do, and you know what, I also have the guts to break up with you." he looked at her angrily.

"You'll break up with me because of her? That good for nothing assistant of yours? What does she even have? I am a lot better than her, I am perfect and she's nothing close to it."

"That's the point, I don't want someone perfect, I just want someone I can love."

"And you love her?"

"Yes, I love her! I was going to tell her about it tomorrow and I was going to break up with you, good that you came here, at least I'm now done with you, now just leave me alone and get out of my life for good." Arnav said.

"You'll regret this Arnav, wait until your father finds out." She warned him.

"You know I don't really care anymore, Advik had always been right, I was the son who always did what they wanted even if it was wrong but no more. I don't care so go tell him, I know how to handle it."

"He will disown you and throw you out, you'll lose everything, your name, your wealth, everything for that stupid girl!"

"It was never mine, it's not going to hurt if I lose, I can build an empire like that in one day and when I have her, I don't want to think about anything else."

"So much confidence on her Arnav? What for? What do you even know about her? Here you are ready to leave every damn thing for her, but do you even know if she loves you or not? What if you confess your love to her and she runs away?" Meera smirked.

"I'll still be glad that the love I felt for her made me strong enough to go against my father and to do something for myself." He smirked back at her.

"You know what, you both aren't going to be happy together, you think she's such a great person and all, I'll prove otherwise to you. Mark my words Arnav, I will make sure there comes a day when you hate this girl as much, no even more than you love her right now!" Meera said angrily.

"That day will never come Meera, you know what just leave! I am glad I broke up with you before telling her what I feel for her, at least I won't have a burden on my heart now." Arnav turned around and headed back inside the cottage.

He couldn't believe that he actually broke up with her, he knew his father was going to be angry but maybe he was going to be able to make him understand that he wasn't happy with Meera.

Arnav jumped on the bed ad covered himself with a blanket as she shut his eyes trying to get some sleep.


Arnav was seated in his room, reading a book when someone knocked at the door.

"Come in." He said looking towards the entrance, Advik walked in, he looked a bit sad as he settled down beside him.

"What happened little brother?" Arnav asked as he placed the book away and looked at him keenly.

"Nothing, I am just worried for you. I am your brother and I just want you to be happy like I am. You know bro, I am in love and this feeling is so beautiful, it's just something I can't explain in words.

I want you to feel that way someday, I want you to fall in love with someone and feel all the butterflies and everything, it's beautiful." Advik said.

"What are you trying to say Advik?"

"I was just happy about what I was feeling and I wanted to come and tell you all about it but then I realize you've never felt that way before and if you keep doing what dad wants you to do, you'll never get the chance to feel that way.

Why don't you break up with Meera, don't be the good son for once, don't listen to him but listen to your heart.

All I want is to see my brother happy and in love." He pouted.

"That's not possible for me Advik but I'm happy my brother is in love, so tell me how long is this love going to last? One week or a month?" Arnav smirked.

"Oh come on bro, this is different. This girl, she's just so beautiful, so different, everything about her is like a magnet pulling me closer. This is something they call true love, at times I feel, if I don't get to be with her, I might die because of the heartbreak." He giggled jokingly.

"And who is this girl that has managed to make my brother finally fall in love, I mean the serious and true kind of love, not the one of casual dating." Arnav asked.

"If you want to know, you'll have to break up with Meera." He said as he stood up.

"I can't do that Advik."

"You can and you will, I know and I believe someday you're going to meet a girl you'll fall for and maybe then you'll have the courage for once to go against our father, I'll wait for that day, then you and her and me and my girlfriend will go on a double date." He giggled.

"You dream a lot." Arnav laughed.

"It's not bad to dream." Advik said as he headed out of the room.

Flashback Ends

"It happened Advik, what you said happened. I met Khushi and I fell in love with her and she gave me the courage to finally break up with Meera.

I can't tell you how good this feels, I feel free and happy and in love, now I understand why you were saying that I wouldn't understand the feeling if I haven't felt it." Arnav said to himself.

He looked at the watch on his hand and pressed the light button because it was dark, it was past midnight and he still couldn't sleep.

"I just wish you were here, then we could have gone on a double date like you said. You would have been so happy to meet Khushi, I'm sure you'd like her." He said sadly.

"I need you Advik, why did you have to leave? Now who is going to teach me how to confess my feelings to a girl and everything? What if I end up doing it the wrong way and she runs away." He pouted.

"What am I here for then?" He heard a voice and turned to look at Arjun who was seated beside him looking at him with a huge smile.

"I thought you were asleep." Arnav said.

"Well I was, but your confession of your undying love for Khushi woke me up. I mean seriously dude, I always knew there was a spark between you both and I thought you liked each other, but love?"

"I don't know, it just happened I guess." Arnav smiled.

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