Part 2

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She stood in front of the mirror looking at her reflection, she was dressed in a plain black dress accompanied with red boots and a red bag, she adjusted her hair and took in a deep breath.

"You know like I always say, black is your color." Advik smiled as he stood behind her and looked at her on the mirror.

Khushi smiled as she turned around to look at him but he had disappeared, she sighed in disappointment realizing that she was just imagining him being here.

"Ready?" Avanti asked as she peeped inside Khushi's room.

"Ready." Khushi nodded as she walked outside the room nervously.

"Oh my God! You look so gorgeous, Advik used to say it right, black is your color." Kiara smiled at Khushi as she walked towards her and hugged her trying to motivate her and make her feel confident.

"I think I should go now." Khushi said as she broke the hug nervously and looked at both her friends.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay, I'm sure Arnav will understand you." Avanti tried to cheer her up.

"I hope so." Khushi sighed as she headed out of the house where the cab was waiting for her, she got inside and waved her friends a goodbye as the driver drove off.

*****She was walking back home after work, she usually liked walking home when she had spent the entire day just sitting in one place at work.

She was busy sipping some coffee and walking on her own when suddenly, someone stopped in front of her, she lifted her head up and looked at the guy who had just stopped in front of her.

He was pretty tall, muscular and he had a great dressing sense, she could tell that from the way he was dressed, he had some dark beard and his hair was styled in the most perfect manner, he looked so handsome, for a moment she couldn't take her eyes off him.

"Excuse me." Khushi said after she was done staring at him.

"Hi, I'm Advik." He smiled at her, Khushi looked at him for a moment and then ignored him as she started walking away but he started following her.

"I'm the one who's been sending you the lilies everyday Khushi." He shouted from behind, she stopped and turned to look at him, so this was the guy who had been doing that.

"Well thank you for the flowers but you shouldn't be doing that, it's all starting to get a bit creepy now." Khushi said.

"I know, I am sorry... I just saw you walking on this street some day and since then I couldn't take my mind off you, so I thought maybe I'll try getting to know you."

"Sorry but I'm not interested in getting to know you, so leave me alone." She shrugged as she turned away from him.

"By the way, black is really your color, you should be wearing it more often, makes you look prettier than you already are." He shouted from behind.

Khushi just smiled as she walked away without looking at him, he was cute and whatever he did was cute, but she knew best to stay away from strangers.

*****"Ma'am we are here." The driver's voice brought her back from the thoughts she had been lost in. Khushi nodded as she paid the driver and stepped out of the car, in front of her was a huge building with Raizada written in big bold letters.

She walked inside nervously not having an idea what she was supposed to do or anything, she felt nervous, was she ever going to be able to talk to Arnav regarding Advik? Even thinking about it scared the hell out of her wondering what kind of reaction she was going to get, but she had to do this.

"Excuse me, can I see Mr. Arnav Raizada?" Khushi asked the receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but I could wait if he's in a meeting or something?"

"What's your name? I'll have to inform him you are here."

"I'm Khushi Gupta."

The receptionist nodded as she told Khushi to take a seat, she would let her know whenever Arnav was ready to meet her.

Khushi settled down while the receptionist called Arnav and informed him about Khushi, she was told to wait for a while until he was done with whatever he was doing.

Khushi kept on revising in her mind on what exactly she was going to tell Arnav or how she was going to frame her words or anything, she had never been this nervous about anything until today.

After almost half an hour, the receptionist called her.

"You can now meet Arnav sir, take the lift on your left, go to the fourth floor, you'll find his cabin with his name outside." The receptionist informed Khushi.

"Okay, thanks." Khushi smiled at her as she headed towards the lift feeling more and more nervous with every moment passing.

She wasn't sure if she could do this, it looked more difficult now that she was here already.She knocked at the door of Arnav's cabin and then walked inside, he was seated with his back facing her but as soon as she walked in, he turned his chair around finally facing her and just by looking at him, Khushi was completely mesmerized.

It looked like the hot genes ran in the Raizada family, Advik was hot, Arnav is also hot, they were just the perfect kind of men.

"I'm Khushi." Khushi said nervously.

"Take a seat." Arnav nodded as he looked at her, she sat down on the chair that was placed opposite his desk and then looked at him nervously.

"So Khushi, tell me, why did you want to see me?" Arnav asked, the way he talked to her, he looked like a very polite man.

"Actually I was here to talk to you about..." Khushi tried to speak, but she was just getting stuck, she was nervous as hell that even her entire body was shaking and trembling.

Arnav kept on staring at her waiting for her to say something but she would say a word and go silent again.

"You look really nervous, you can tell me whatever it is, I am just a human being like you, I wouldn't eat you." Arnav laughed.

"It's not that, I just don't know how to say this." Khushi replied nervously.

"Okay, first of all take a few deep breaths and stop being nervous, then speak." He waited for her patiently to be comfortable.

His phone rang so he picked it up from the table and walked aside to receive it while Khushi tried to gather enough confidence to tell him about Advik, but all she kept on wondering was how he was going to react, what if he started blaming her for his death? What would she do then?

"Did you come with your resume?" Arnav asked as he walked back to her.

"No, why?" Khushi looked at him in confusion.

"Khushi, is this the first time you are going for a job interview? I guess so, no wonder you look so nervous and scared and confused, plus you dint even come with your resume." Arnav said as he sat down on his chair again.

"Sorry I dint..."

"It's okay, you don't have to be sorry, you remind me of what I was a few years back when I applied for my job, I forgot to take my resume and I was nervous as hell, happens with many people." Arnav smiled reminiscing the memory in his mind.

"You applied for a job?" Khushi looked at him in surprise.

"Of course I did, all this was earned by my father so if I wanted to be here, I had to work hard, get a job somewhere else first and prove myself, I was glad they gave me the job without seeing my resume and I proved myself by working hard so I did that and here I am today." Arnav smiled.

"That's great."

"Anyway everyone needs a chance to prove themselves, because if I hadn't been given a chance myself, I wouldn't be here, so I'll give you that chance, work hard and well and you'll get a permanent job here otherwise I'll say goodbye to you in a month, plus I really needed an assistant urgently so this friend of mine did the job by sending you here.

Listen I have to rush to a meeting but you are hired, you can join from tomorrow, just inform the receptionist and she will lead you ahead. I'll see you tomorrow." Arnav said as he picked up some files and rushed out of the cabin in a hurry while Khushi tried to stop him and tell him that she wasn't here for the job, it all was a misunderstanding but she dint get the chance to.

As she headed downstairs, she heard the receptionist tell a girl that the job interview she came for had been given to someone else already. Khushi just sighed and walked away not knowing what to do at the moment, she was here to solve one misunderstanding and ended up creating another one.

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