Part 14

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"Shit!" Khushi said as she stood up suddenly and rushed to the kitchen, she opened the oven in a hurry as smoke came out.

"I forgot about the pizza." She made a baby like face. They all got so engrossed in their conversation that she even forgot she had made pizza and now it was all burnt.

"This is what happens when you cook." Kiara teased.

"Shut up, I always make good food, I just forgot about it today." Khushi made a really sad face as she walked back to the hall where they had left Arnav.

"I am so sorry Arnav, I invited you for dinner and I burnt the pizza." Khushi pouted.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it, how about I take you girls out for dinner today, the state the house is in today, I wonder if you'll be able to cook something." Arnav suggested.

"That's so good of you, but we'll go out on one condition, that's if I'm paying the bill." Khushi said.

"That doesn't make sense at all, why would I let you pay the bill when I am there, haven't you heard of the saying that boys are the ones supposed to pay bills?" Arnav said.

"I would pay because I am an independent woman and I am also going to eat food so why should I let anyone else pay for something I have eaten?"

"That makes sense." Arnav smiled

"Great, I'm choosing the restaurant then." Avanti said.

"Just don't choose an expensive one because I only work in the Raizada company, I'm not the owner." Khushi giggled.

"I hope you will be fine with our kind of restaurant." Kiara asked Arnav.

"Oh, I am fine with anything as long as there's good food, that's what matter right?" Arnav said.The girls nodded as they all quickly rushed to get ready while Arnav waited for them in the hall.

Once they were ready, they all got into Arnav's car and drove to the restaurant Avanti had chosen, it was one of the girls favorite, whenever they would plan to eat out, they usually headed to that restaurant, they were cheap plus they had some amazing food.

"Have you ever been to such tiny restaurants Arnav?" Avanti asked.

"Yeah, after school I stayed away from my parents, I had rented an apartment and I used to work and earn and well the money I used to earn could only pay bills of such tiny restaurants." Arnav smiled.

"So your father is a billionaire and you just decided you dint want to inherit it or something?" Kiara asked.

"No, I just wanted to earn it, I dint want to get this empire because I was my father's son, I wanted to get it because of my hard work, so I chose this for myself, it was a great experience though." Arnav said as they all settled down on a table.

"You are right, hard work pays." Avanti said.

"Definitely and I feel the same about Khushi, I mean I know it's been a few days since she joined my company, but she's been working very hard, I haven't had even one chance to complain about anything.

I hope someday you'll achieve whatever you have dreamt of, because I'm sure you will work really hard for it." Arnav looked at Khushi and smiled at her.

"Thank you for the compliment, I am not used to them so I don't really know how to react." Khushi blushed.

"How about we order food first then continue with our never ending stories." Avanti asked.

"Sure." All of them agreed as they picked up the menu and decided what they wanted to eat, once they had decided, they called the waiter and gave him the order.

Arnav got busy in conversation with Avanti and Kiara while Khushi sat there silently as she looked around the restaurant.

Something caught her eyes so she stood up and walked away, she headed towards the counter where the manager was having some sort of arguments with a few kids.

"Excuse me, what's wrong here?" Khushi asked as she intervened.

"This kids, they came in and ordered a lot of food and now they are saying they don't have enough money to pay, they should have checked their budget before ordering." The manager said.

"Ma'am it's our friend's birthday we just wanted to surprise her, I think we miscalculated things that's why the issue has occurred, we are telling him that we will come back to pay them tomorrow but they don't want to believe us." One of the kids said to Khushi.

"If they are saying they will pay you tomorrow why can't you trust them?" Khushi looked at the manager.

"They are street kids, they leave on the streets and beg for food, they have saved for this from months, how do you want me to believe that they will come tomorrow and pay back the balance?" The manager said.

"We will manage, we will work somewhere do something but we promise we will pay." Another one said.

"How much is the balance?" Khushi asked.

"Three thousand." The manager said.

"Okay fine, let them go, I'll pay the balance for them."

"No ma'am you don't have to, we will manage something." Another one said.

"It's okay, consider this as a gift for your friend whose birthday it is okay." Khushi smiled as she got out her wallet and handed the manager three thousand and released the kids, she then turned around to head back to her table but she found Arnav standing right behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Khushi asked.

"I saw you talking to the manager so I thought something was wrong." Arnav said.

"Oh nothing was wrong, I was just asking him some things regarding the restaurant, it's really a nice place I was planning to have a small birthday party for Avanti here, her birthday is next month, anyway let's head back." Khushi smiled as she headed back to the table while Arnav was still standing where she had left him.

"What are you made of Khushi, so far I've met all kinds of people, the one who would help someone and announce it to the world, the one who would help someone so that they could pretend to be good and then there's you, you dint even want me to know what you had done for those kids." Arnav said to himself as he turned to look at Khushi who was talking to Kiara.

He stood there staring at her, he couldn't take his eyes off her and it wasn't because she was beautiful on the outside, but because she was beautiful inside too.

"Mia was right Khushi, you are beautiful, just that for her you are beautiful on looks and for me you are a beautiful human being." Arnav said to himself as he headed back and joined the girls.The waiter arrived at their table and served them their food, all the while Arnav had his eyes on Khushi, today she had just impressed him so much.

"You know there was this Italian restaurant I went to with Ad... with a friend." Khushi said realizing she was just about to mention Advik's name in front of Arnav, but luckily she realized it at the right time.

"So what about it?" Kiara asked.

"They have some really good pasta, so many different kind of pastas and all so yummy you keep wondering which one exactly to eat." Khushi said as she took a bite of the pasta she had ordered for herself.

"Wow, I'd love to go there, I love pasta." Avanti said.

"We'll have our next girls date there, girls date plus Arnav, I hope you wouldn't mind joining us." Kiara asked as she looked at him.

"Of course not, you girls are a hell of entertainment, I loved spending time with you so I'm definitely looking forward to some more." Arnav smiled.

"Great then, we'll plan on it." Avanti said.

They all finished eating and finally when it was time to pay the bill, the waiter came back with the receipt, he left it next to Arnav but Khushi took it from him before he could have a look at it.

Arnav remembered seeing her pay the manager three thousand for the kids which meant that maybe she wouldn't have enough to pay.

"Like you said Khushi, why should anyone pay for something you ate? I think we should split the bill because I also ate." Arnav suggested.

"No, it was my treat so I am paying, don't worry Arnav, I can afford this." Khushi said as she pulled out some cash from her wallet and handed it to the waiter.

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