Part 25

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Khushi kept on looking everywhere else avoiding the look her friends were giving her, after she had told them what had happened between her and Arnav, they wouldn't just stop staring at her and giggling randomly.

"Okay stop!" Khushi said finally feeling irritated.

"Why are you like this Khushi, I mean Advik was so all over you, he was freaking good looking, he was just perfect, everything about him was perfect but despite it all you never fell for him. I mean yes Arnav is mostly similar to Advik, he looks hot as hell too, and he's just perfect but he's with someone else, and you are falling for him." Kiara said.

"Shut up Kiara, it's not like we can choose whom to fall for." Avanti said.

"Why does this have to happen with me? Now I really wish I had fallen for Advik, things with Arnav are just so complicated." Khushi pouted sadly.

"So you agree you are falling for him?" Kiara asked curiously.

"I am not in the business of denying what I feel Kiara, I've always been clear about what I feel, I never felt anything for Advik, but what I feel for Arnav is different because if I wasn't falling for him, I wouldn't even let him kiss me, not that the kiss happened." Khushi said.

"So what will you do now?" Avanti asked.

"I don't know, I haven't been able to talk to him about Advik yet, I mean every time I try to, something just happens and stops it."

"Seriously girl, your life is a mess." Kiara said.

"Ask me about it." Khushi said as she picked up a pillow and hugged it.


Arnav was seated in the hall when Arjun arrived at his place, he walked towards him and settled down beside him.

"What brings you here today?" Arnav asked.

"Your sister, we planned for a dinner a few days back, I came to pick her, I mean of course she's Mia Raizada, she has lots of cars, but me picking her up is just different." Arjun smiled.

"So finally the date is happening." Arnav smirked.

"I guess so." Arjun laughed and just then they heard the sound of heels, they turned around and looked at Mia who was descending the staircase, she looked really gorgeous dressed in a red mini dress and black heels, well she always looked great in everything she wore.

She walked towards Arnav and Arjun as she stopped a few feet away.

"Hey Arjun, what a pleasant surprise. Are you both going somewhere?" Mia asked.

Arjun and Arnav looked at each other in confusion, before Arjun could say anything Arnav spoke up on his behalf.

"I think you guys had a dinner today." Arnav said.

"Was it today? I am sorry I completely forgot about it. Actually I have a date today so can we do it some other time?" She smiled at him.

"Sure." Arjun said as he looked away from her feeling disheartened, why did he even think that Mia would ever like him or be interested in him? He was just stupid.

"Arnav, I might be out all night, make sure no one waits for me." She winked at him and walked away while Arnav nodded, once she was out of the mansion, Arnav turned to look at Arjun.

"You know what I think Arjun? You should get over her. Seriously, she's my sister and I know her better than anyone, she's not looking for a relationship, her lifestyle is really different.

You are my best friend and I can't see you really getting hurt by her always, I know what you feel for her but let me also tell you that it's never going to happen so it's high time you move on." Arnav advised.

"I know Arnav, deep down inside my mind I always knew that, but when she asked to hang out I thought maybe there was a chance, I guess she just did that because I'm your best friend or something." Arjun tried to fake a smile.

"Well that's life, we don't always get what we want." Arnav said, obviously who would know better than him about not getting what he wanted.

They both sat there in awkward silence for a while, Arjun did seem really hurt, he had been so excited to go out with Mia but everything went upside down.

"You know what, I know how to cheer you up, we're going out, I'm going to change, I'll be back in five minutes." Arnav said as he rushed upstairs to his room to change, he picked up his phone from the bed and dialed Khushi's number, she picked it up in first ring as if she had been waiting for him to call.

"Khushi!" Arnav said.

"Yes Sir."

"God! Can you stop calling me sir outside the office, I have a good name, Arnav, call me that." Arnav said.

"Okay Arnav, why did you call?"

"Let's just say I need your help, Arjun is a bit sad today so I was planning to cheer him up, he told me when he came at your place he met your friend Avanti and he really liked her, so I think if he'll see her, he might cheer up.

I'm taking him to a club, can you come there with your friends? Please don't say no, I'm just trying to help my friend and maybe be a match maker." He laughed.

"You know what, I love match making." Khushi laughed.

"So you're coming then?"

"Of course I am, just text me the address of the club and if it's a place where middle class people like me can't be allowed in, you better make sure we aren't harassed." She laughed.

"Don't worry, no one will harass you, I'm texting you the address, be there as soon as you can." Arnav said as he disconnected the call.

It was high time Arjun moved on from Mia and if anyone could help with that it was Avanti, he remembered how Arjun had told her about her and that he liked her so why not try to be the match maker?


Khushi and Avanti walked inside the club as they looked around, it was a huge place, nothing like the places they had been to before, it was basically the rich people's club, everything about it was so perfect.

"So tell me again, why are we here on a weekday?" Avanti asked.

"Because Arnav invited and I couldn't say no." Khushi laughed.

"What are we going to do about your feelings for this guy?" Avanti teased.

"Shut up and help me find him." Khushi said as she tried to hide her blush and looked around trying to find Arnav who was nowhere to be seen.

"Kiara is going to regret going to that date instead of coming with us here, this place is something." Avanti said looking around in awe, this place was actually something.

"There he is, come on let's go." Khushi said as she spotted Arnav along with Arjun at the bar, she grabbed Avanti's hand and pulled her along.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it." Arnav smiled as he looked at them both.

"You dint tell me we were going to have company." Arjun looked at Arnav and then at Khushi and Avanti, his eyes resting on Avanti.

"Would you girls like a drink?" Arnav offered.

"No, right now I'm in the moods to dance, this music is good and this place is wow." Khushi said.

"I'll join you for the dance, I've been trying to convince Arjun to dance but he doesn't want to, now I have company, Avanti if you want anything to drink let Arjun know." Arnav said as he finished his drink and stood up walking away with Khushi.

Avanti sat in Arnav place while she and Arjun exchanged awkward glances and smiles.

"Do you think it's going to work?" Khushi asked once they were on the dance floor.

"I think so, but I lied, I don't really dance and now I don't know what to do here." Arnav shrugged.

"I'll teach you." Khushi laughed at him, why did he come to a club if he never danced, the main fun was in the dancing, not sitting at the bar drinking.

She tried some dance moves slowly teaching Arnav who was a terrible dancer actually and she couldn't stop laughing at him and his funny dance moves.

Every few minutes they kept looking towards Advik and Avanti who were now talking to each other, the awkwardness seemed to have vanished and they seemed to be getting along quite well.

"Damn I ship this two already, they look so cute together." Khushi said excitedly.

"You sound like a teenager shipping book couples or some movie couples." Arnav laughed.

"I like shipping random couples, at times I'll be walking on the road and see a couple and be like wow, I ship them." Khushi laughed.

"Advik used to read a lot of those romance novels and I always teased him about it telling him it was girlish and all, but it used to make him happy and he liked reading, so in case he read a book that he liked really much, he would come and tell me all about it and how the couple was perfect and why he shipped them and Meera and my relation wasn't anything like that he never shipped me with Meera." Arnav said heading down the memory lane, he really did love his brother.

"You miss him don't you?" Khushi asked.

"A lot, someday I just want to go find out who that girl is and punish her for taking my brother away and someday I don't want to find out because I'm not really sure what I'm capable of doing to her." Arnav said, he looked really angry now and it just scared her again.

Like she had told her friends, every time she gathered enough confidence to tell him the truth something would come up, the words he said today scared her so bad she never wanted to tell him about her knowing Advik.

"Ok let's talk about something else, no sad moods, remember we were here for match making and cheering Arjun so let's do that." Khushi said.

"You are right." Arnav said as they both turned to look where Arjun and Avanti were seated, they both stood up and Avanti kept on standing there while Arjun walked towards them.

"Hey, it's boring here so Avanti and I decided to go for a drive, I'll drop her home later, I hope you'll drop Khushi." Arjun said to Arnav.

"I will, you go enjoy your drive." Arnav winked at Arjun who blushed as he turned and walked towards Avanti.

"I have a car, I'll drive home, you don't have to drop me." Khushi said.

"It's late, I'll follow with my car, I just want to make sure you reach home safe." Arnav said.

"Why?" Khushi asked.

"Because I care for you, don't ask why again because I'm not going to answer." Arnav replied to which she nodded and continued dancing silently.

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