Part 23

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By the time Arjun was able to catch up with him so he could calm him down, the damage had been done, Arnav had already found Kabir outside and he was continuously punching him and kicking him angrily.

Arjun tried his best to get hold of Arnav and pull him away from Kabir but Arnav would just push him away and start punching Kabir again.

"Stop it Arnav!" Arjun shouted as he pulled him once again.

"I'm going to kill him, how dare he?" Arnav shouted angrily.

"Why so much anger Arnav? What for?" Arjun asked.

"He touched Khushi, he kissed her without her freaking permission! I will kill him!" Arnav shouted as he pulled away from Arjun and started beating Kabir again.

"Stop it Arnav, you are acting so unlike of you! I thought you were the person who called police for such kind of things instead of getting into fights." Arjun pulled him away again.

"I have to deal with this myself."

"Why? Why is it so important for you to deal with it yourself?"

"Because it's about Khushi!"

"So? What about her is so important? Why do you have to fight someone for her, as far as I know she is just your assistant?"

Arnav looked at Arjun angrily, he dint have answers for him, he himself dint know why he was feeling this kind of rage, why he even thought that he would kill Kabir, he wasn't the one to do stuff like this, he usually dealt with things differently.

"The show is over, we should go home." Arnav said as he walked away and headed straight to his car followed by Arjun.

They drove towards home as Arjun sat there staring at him which was irritating him.

"What? Stop staring at me like that, a lot has changed about me since you left, I've started fighting people so what's the big deal?" Arnav asked.

"Why don't you just admit that you like her already? There's nothing wrong with it." Arjun said.

"I don't like her, I mean I like her as a person and all but not the way you think so stop feeding this into my mind, I don't even know her enough to like her that way." Arnav shrugged.

"Fine, as you say." Arjun looked away from him.

"I've been terrible to her, I don't know how I'm going to apologize." Arnav said.

Arjun looked at him with a smile but dint say anything, obviously he was terrible to her since he saw her kiss Kabir and now that he had learnt the truth he wanted to apologize and yet he said he dint like her, he was either just denying it or he was just too confused.


Khushi rushed out of the house next morning, she was getting late and she dint like being late a work. As she stepped out of the door, she found Arnav's car outside, he was standing there, leaning on his car with both his arms folded.

"What are you doing here?" Khushi asked as she walked towards him.

"I was passing by so I thought I'd pick you up, we have a meeting to attend out of the office today." Arnav said.

"Okay, let's go." Khushi said as she headed into the car while Arnav joined her.

After a drive of about fifteen minutes, they arrived at a huge hotel, Khushi followed Arnav inside as Arnav got a table and settled down so she joined him.

"We are having a meeting here?" Khushi asked as she looked around, it wasn't the kind of a place to have a meeting.

"Yes, the clients will meet us here in a while, what would you like to drink?"

"Coffee, black but with sugar." She said as Arnav called the waiter and asked for two cups of coffee.

"So, yesterday Arjun and I went to a club and we saw Kabir there and I found out what he did to you." Arnav said as Khushi looked at him in shock.

"Arjun told you? I had told him not to!" She said angrily.

"Calm down, he dint say it deliberately, it just came out... but why dint you tell me or why did you even try to hide it from me?" Arnav looked at her curiously.

"Because I don't think I have to tell you about anything regarding my personal life." Khushi said.

"He misbehaved with you, you should have told me!" Arnav looked at her angrily, seriously at times this girl was impossible to deal with.

"Why should I have told you? Who are you to care?"

"I thought we were friends, I mean we at least became friends that day, I would have at least helped but no, you chose to go away with Arjun." Arnav shrugged.

"Well I did try to come tell you but you were busy with Meera." Khushi said as Arnav looked at her in surprise, and just then the waiter walked back with their coffee, he placed the cups on the table and walked away.

"I dint want to interrupt your romance." Khushi said as she put sugar in her coffee and stirred it.

"There was no romance happening." Arnav looked at her sternly.

"Even if it was, I don't care, whatever happened, happened, it's over so just let it go." She shrugged.

"Let it go? I almost killed that guy last night! I was so angry, how could he? And you're acting like it's not a big deal. What's wrong with you Khushi?"

"That's the question I should ask you, what's wrong with you? Why would you even do anything like that for me?"

"Because I care for you damn it!" He shouted and suddenly everyone around was looking at them.

Khushi dint say anything after that, she dint have anything to say, all this was so messed up and so confusing, she dint understand even a bit of it.

"Why haven't the clients arrived yet?" Khushi asked after a long silence.

"There are no clients coming, I lied. Since I saw you with Kabir I was behaving terribly with you and I just wanted to apologize to you that's why I brought you here. I am sorry Khushi, I shouldn't have acted that way." He apologized.

"Glad you know, I think we should head to the office now." She stood up and picked her phone from the table as she walked out followed by Arnav.

"Unlock the door." Khushi said as she stopped beside the car.

"I am not unlocking it, I need answers first, why are you angry on me Khushi, I apologized for what I did, so why are you still behaving this way?" Arnav asked as he stopped a few inches away from her.

"I am behaving normal with you." Khushi answered.

"This is not normal." Arnav said as he took a step closer, closing the gap between them.

"I don't know what your definition of normal is then, but this is normal for me." Khushi replied.

"Why do you act so impossible at times, you drive me crazy!" Arnav grabbed her wrist and looked her into the eyes.

The touch from him gave her so many butterflies she had never felt before, she looked at him in awe wondering how a man was able to make her feel this way, why hadn't she felt this butterflies for Advik? He was crazy for her? Why did she have to feel them for Arnav who was already committed to someone else?

"Why do you always drive me so insane Khushi?" Arnav asked, he cupped her face with both his hands making her shiver, the touch from him was doing so much to her.

"Arnav." She whispered, she dint even have words to speak, she dint know what to say, him being this close to her was making her so nervous.

He leaned towards her, bending down a little, his eyes shifted from her eyes to her lips and he licked his lips slightly, he dint know what was happening to him, he dint know whether it was even the right thing to do but right now there was a strong urge inside him wanting to kiss her.He brushed her lips with his thumb as she shut her eyes, he leaned in closer and closer slowly as his lips brushed against hers giving her goosebumps, she had never kissed a guy before and now she was just about to get kissed and it was the best feeling ever.

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