Chapter 1: Our 1st game~

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"Wow!" I heard someone happily yelled at the distance, getting my attention so I followed the continues cheering.

I saw that people are gathered around outside the television store in our street.

"Why are they cheering? What's going on?" I asked myself as I decided to squeeze my way in through the tall screaming adults.

But when I finally saw the reason why are they cheering, my atmosphere changed when I saw a tiny kid jumped.. No he was flying! He then slammed the ball into the ground with force causing a loud noise that shocked the people.

"Thats him! The ace!" This kid, pointing his tiny hand to the boy on the television.

"What is this? What am I feeling.. Energized and excited for some reason.."

Thats the moment where I decide..

I want to become the next Ace.

*Back to the present~

"Hey Rainbow.. Rainbow Dash wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes as soon I heard someone yelling my name, I looked to my side and saw Fluttershy with a worried look.

"Were here now Rainbow.." She said quietly as she pointed at the window beside me.

My eyes widen in excitement as I glance around this huge building. "Wow.." I gasped to myself, admiring the view.

"Lets go Fluttershy." I said in joy before stepping out of the buss in a hurry.

"Wait up! Im feeling nervous than before~" the light pink haired girl giggled while following me.

I stopped walking as soon I saw the players from different schools.. They were taller than me as usual, but I got the confidence to fight with my height.

"Im scared Dashie.. What if we get wrecked in the first set?" Fluttershy nervously told me while grabbing my hand.

I smiled at her and patted her back. Fluttershy has been my best friend since 3rd grade, sure she's shy and scared most of the times but she's one good setter. My team might be a burden to all of us but.. Me and Fluttershy will carry this team to victory.

"Dont worry Flutters, as long Im here and your always there to toss the ball to me, we'll be unstoppable!"

"I know but.. This is our first match, and our opponents are huge!"

"I know but.. I wasted all my time training and getting into trouble just because I want to be here.. I want to fight with my height. Im sure we'll win." I lastly replied before walking towards our coach.

"Besides, just keep tossing the ball to me, it will be a guaranteed win." I added with a smile.

"Oh okay." Flutter shy replied cutely before helping the others carry our equipment.

"Rainbow dash!" A manly voice yelled at the back. I turned around and saw my coach, Sir Big McIntosh.

"Yes sir?" I asked confused after I ran up to him.

"You are this team's captain.. Make sure that everybody gets the ball unlike last time"

"But Sir I already got this! I'll just win the set by Fluttershy passing to m-" I was cut off when Coach McIntosh gave me a mad look which made me scared a bit. He then sighed and kneeled down to match my height.

"Listen kid.. Team cooperation is a major thing in volleyball, now if you want to win this before graduating.. Stick to the plan we made yesterday okay? You cant fight everything with height you know?" He lastly explained as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now