Chapter 11: The passion of our setter

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Chapter 10: Upperclassmen true abilities: The passion of the setter~

Applejack.. She's really talented, we can all see that from her perfect tosses and quick thinking but.. She's lacking something.

Sometimes her tosses were too high and the spikers aren't able to connect it. But when we try talking to her about it, she would immediately look away and ignore us.

I know I still have a long way from going to Nationals but in order to make that path, I need to settle things and make harmony within our team, starting with the girl I envy the most.. Applejack.

Our score was now 11 for CHS and 16 for Saint's Academy which means our opponents have a bigger gap in the score.

As soon we heard Signing Armor call a time out, we immediately made our way to the bench and drank some water to refresh ourselves while the coach discuss or game plan.

Sa: "Alright Wonderbolts, were clearly loosing but dont worry!"

Ts: "Nice speech big bro." Twilight stated sarcastically before drinking her water bottle.

Sa: "Thanks Twi but we need to serious now."

Ts: "That wasn't a compliment."

Sa: "Whatever, I watched all of your moves and I gotta say.. All of you really suck."

"WOW! THANKS COACH." The upperclassmen yelled at the same time with anger across their faces which made Shining armor jump in shock.

Sa: "Just hear me out okay?!' He started, sighing and glancing at us with a serious look. " What happened to the team last year? When we made it to nationals.. All of your skills has decreased because of one defeat?"

Me and Aj just watched them in confusion cause were only freshmen but it was clear that our upperclassmen were disappointed at the time.

R: "That was a long time ago coach."

Pp: "We all stoped going into practices since we lost the match against Crystal prep."

I noticed that Applejack's eyes were wide open when she heard her old school being mentioned into the conversation so I just placed my hand on her shoulder, fully extending my arm to literally reach her shoulder. She just smiled back and listened to the upperclassmen's past.

Ss: "Yeah.. Is was a devastating defeat coach Armor.. Im sorry."

Sa: "But are you girls really gonna be affected by one defeat? We can go back to Nationals.. With the help of these two freshmen." Our coach said in confidence while pointing at me and Applejack.

Rd: "W-what?" I asked in confusion.

Sa: "I've been watching you two and I can really tell that the both of you are passionate about Volleyball.. But you two lack cooperation and communication.. We'll train about that when this match is over."

Rd: "Well its clearly Applejack's fault, her tosses were too high and sometimes short to even reach the spiker."

Aj: "Oh wanna go shrimp?!"

Rd: "On a date? Oh I'll pass." I replied with a teasing grin.

Aj: "W-what?! That's not what I meant you du-" She growled back as her cheeks redden.. And I don't know why.

Sa: "Girls! Ehem, Cowgirl, you should ask your team about feedbacks about your tosses so you can adjust them."

Aj: "I.. Yes coach."

Sa: "And Rainbow,"

Rd: "Yes sir?" I responded while doing a solute position to make the others laugh to make this serious matter lighten up a bit.

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