Chapter 3: "The Fallen heroes"

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A full year has passed, me and Fluttershy finally graduated but she stayed in Saint's academy while I transferred into the school Coach McIntosh recommend me, Canterlot High school.

They told me that CHS was popular back in the days because they were a powerhouse school for both girls and boys volleyball club.

Finally, a place with a powerful team unlike my last.. I was feeling kinda guilty that I left Fluttershy, but I think she'll be okay.

"R I N G ! "

My eyes slowly opened as soon I heard my alarm clock rang annoyingly. I groaned before slamming my hand on its top to make it stop.

Rd: "Five.. more minutes.." I mumbled as I placed a pillow on my head.


Rd: "Ack!" I yelled in shock when I felt someone jumped on me. I looked back and saw my little sister, scootaloo.

S: "Come on big sis its your first day at your new school!" The pink haired dwarf yelled in excitement.

But when I heard it was the first day of school, my eyes widened as I rolled out of the bed in a hurry.

Rd: "Crap how could I forget?!"

S: "Language geez!"

Rd: "Sorry scoots!" I yelled back before entering the bathroom and slamming its door.

I then brushed my teeth, took a shower and finally wearing the school's uniform before running downstairs.

Rd: "bye mom, bye dad Im heading out for school!" I happily yelled as I ran out of the door.

"Bye sweetie stay safe!" My mom yelled back with a warm smile.

I kept on running towards the school with a huge smile on my face. I cant believed Im gonna meet the people in the volleyball club that made it to nationals once!

When I finally made it to the school's campus, my excitement rised even more when I glance around the place.

"Its a shame that Fluttershy isnt here anymore." I thought to myself while entering the building.

As soon I checked my classroom, I placed my bag on an empty seat before running to the volleyball court so I can enter their club.

A few minutes of running passed and I finally made it to the metal door leading inside the court. I first took a deep breath before placing my hand in the door knob and slowly twisting it afterwards.

My eyes widened in excitement when the door full opened, I saw people passing the ball back and forth while the others were practicing their spiking.

From the smell and the sounds of their shoes squeaking from the floor, I know this is the place where Im meant to be.

"Heya short one!" A female voice happily yelled from the distance.

I looked back and saw a red and yellow hair running towards me, at first I was amazed at her height but when she got closer to me.. I realized she's more taller as heck.

"You must be lost kid, this is the highschool department."

Rd: "But I study here.. As a first year."

"WHAT?!" The girl gasped in shock for some reason.

"Oh im sorry I just thought.. You were in elementary."

Rd: "Its because of my height right?" I asked with a grin.

" Oh no, no! Its not that.. Ehem, how rude of me, Im Sunset Shimmer, a 3rd year and the captain of the volleyball club here at CHS. " She happily replied as she handed me a hand shake.

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