Chapter 33: Now they know

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"This chapter is short im so sorry, I got busy here at home. Sowwy :( I promise to make the next chap longer ❤

Oh by the way insert the music added for the scene later, I dont why but I just want to add some emotional music in their moment 😂

A few hours has passed since then, me and Applejack continued to make out as soon Sunset left the shower room. Even though it feels so wrong, it somehow feels good to be with her. But I know were too young to do this, why cant I stop doing this with her?

But our moment last night was something, I can still feel her warm touch and comfort in her arms back at the room. I can't remember a danm thing after that but all I know I fell asleep after changing into my night clothes.

As soon I heard Sunset's voice yell out our names as she continued to bang two metal sticks together to make a loud annoying sound, I flip to the other side of the bed to cover my ears while the other upperclassmen jumped at her for the unpleasant way of waking up.

Ss: "Hey love birds get up! Its time for our match with those Cloudsdale idiots!"

Rd: "I-its too early captain.. 5 more minutes?"

Ss: "Hell no-"

Pp: "WAIT! Shh.."

The room suddenly became silent for some reason, but when I heard a camera snap behind me, I quickly opened my eyes, only to realize I was in the cowgirl's arms.

Rd: "The f*ck?!" I screamed in shock before falling out of the bed.

Ss: "Woah Dash you okay?" The captain laughed with the others.

Rd: "Why the f*ck is she in my bed?!"

Pp: "Oh god I took a picture! This is so rare!"

Rd: "Pinkie! F*cking delete that photo or I'll throw you of a cliff!"

Pp: "If you can Dashie!" The pink haired teen laughed back, sending the picture to our group chat afterwards.

Rd: "You son of a-"

R: "Im going to make this a wallpaper!"

Rd: "Rarity no that's so messed up!"

Ts: "But this is such a blessed yet rare photo Rainbow! You two always hate each other and now your both sleeping in each arms!"

Pp: "This is so golden!"

Rd: "Can everyone just shut up! Its too early for this crap." I started, causing my cheeks to turn red irresistibly. "Now that everybody's quiet, why the f*ck is that cowgirl in my bed?!"

Aj: "Cause we slept together last night dumbass.." Applejack unexpectedly replied while seating up on the bed.

Rd: "W-what?! Your awake this whole time?!"

Aj: "Yeah you told me to stay with you last night so.. I did." She teased back, wiggling her eyebrows.

Rd: "Wait- did I? Whatever just get out of my bed!"

Ts: "HOLD UP!" Twilight yelled, making all of us look at her.

Pp: "A-are you two a thing now?"

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