Chapter 59: Final set

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As soon I heard someone yell out of rage, I immediately lost my momentum in mid-air, making me miss the ball by just a few inches as gravity pulled me back down.

After I got back to the ground, I looked up and watched the ball fly across the court, dropping directly to Rarity's head afterward.

Ignoring the poor purple-haired teen getting hit for the 7th time in this match, I quickly turned to my right and grabbed Applejack by her shirt.

Rd: "What was that?! Why did you yell?!" I asked her, almost shouting.

At this point, I was really losing my hopes, stamina, and power for this game.

All were sweating, exhausted, and focused on this match. We've been playing for minutes maybe even a full hour without any rest nor planning to stop any soon.

But with the score of 20 for Sunset's team and 17 for us, the gap is only 3 points. We might win this match if we can make a comeback with our freak attack.

When Applejack snapped back to reality, she suddenly looked down and grabbed my hand that was holding her shirt.

Rd: "Argh.." I groaned in slight pain when I noticed her grip began to tighten.

Aj: "S-sorry.." She muttered with obvious guilt in her voice.

I then pulled my hand back and turn around to watch Flash set another point for Sunset's team. And beside him was Rarity who was constantly yelling at Sunset while our teammates hold her back.

R: "7 F*CKING TIME, SUNSET. FOR THE 7TH TIME!" She shouted at Sunset while holding an ice bag on her forehead.

Ss: "The ball really likes hitting on you, Rarity." Sunset teased with a confident look on her face.

F: "I mean, I can't blame the ball." Flash added.


Ts: "Okay can we continue the game now before Rarity kills Flash?" Twilight laughed between her pants.

Flash quickly nodded to the question as he grabbed his whistle to ready his command, throwing the ball to Sunset since they won the last set.

Even if my body won't move anymore, as well with my bruised palms and arms from receiving all of Sunset's serves, I still had a little bit of stamina left in my system.

And there we waited for the whistle while watching Sunset walk to the back of her side, bouncing and catching the ball on her way.

After Sunset got to position, Flash blew his whistle which made Sunset do another one of her powerful national-level serves.

Since I was at the back, I had no choice but to dive to the side and receive the ball with my right arm.

Rd: "ACK! so.. P-powerful!" I thought to myself, teasing the aching pain in my arms.

When the ball flew back into the air, I immediately got back to my feet and ran to my right.

Rd: "APPLEJACK!" I called out the cowgirl's name.

Aj: "R-rainbow!" She shouted back before the ball could fully drop to her fingertips.

But when I noticed Twilight and Sunset was following my direction for them to block my attack, I slowly looked down to avoid letting them see my eyes.

And just like that, I immediately changed my course as I ran to the left side of Applejack with my full speed limit.

It only took Twilight a few seconds to figure out where will I strike, but with my speed, she can still determine which way will I go.

Our Freak duo |Appledash Fanfic| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now