Chapter 23: Same old eyes

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I was awoken by a familiar yet annoying noice I hear everyday, my alarm clock. I groaned in tiredness before slamming my hand on its top to make the annoying sound stop.

I just sat up on my bed, glancing at my messy room. I had trouble falling asleep last night because of what happened with me and Applejack.

I kept regretting that I dint told Aj the truth.. That was my chance goddammit! But this is all confusing for me, maybe its best if I ignore it for a while.

I then rolled out of my bed, purposely falling on the ground afterward.

Rd: "F*cking Celestia I gotta stop doing this.." I muttered to myself while getting back to my feet.

As soon I got to the bathroom, I quickly opened the faucet to let the water run so I can wash my face to make me less sleepy.

But I noticed that my eyes were weary when I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Did I cry that much?

Rd: "Im such a loser.." I thought to myself, still looking at myself.

After I finished taking a bath, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair,  I stepped outside the bathroom to get my school uniform in the closet.

My eyes slightly widened in shock when I realized that me and Aj are in the same class, I bet she'll forget about this whole thing.. Right?

I quickly shook my thoughts away before wearing my polo, necktie, and the short skirt. I dint bother wearing the vest for us girls since the school's dress code isn't that serious in the campus.

S: "Ready to go sis?" Scootaloo asked as soon she kicked my door open.

Rd: "For Celestia's sake Scoots use your hands not your feet!"

S: "But were going to be late!"

Rd: "What?!"

S: "Yeah dad's already in the car you doofus.'

Rd: "You are twat for not waking me up early!" I nervously yelled back while grabbing my backpack on my desk.

S: "and you are an idiot for taking your lesbian kiss way too hard!"

Rd: "Can you please stop bringing that up!"

S: "You cant control me!" The twerp teased back, sticking her tongue out.

Rd: "Shut up and get in the car! I'll catch up."

S: "Okeh!" She lastly yelled before closing the door loudly.

Rd: "You freaking twerp.." I muttered to myself while fixing my collar om my polo.

I then immediately ran out of my room, bidding my goodbye to my mother on the way. When I entered the car, I saw my dad giving me a disturbing look.

Bh: "You look like a mess Dash.."

Rd: "Im sorry dad.." I replied in slight anger before fixing my uniform.

Bh: "Scootaloo is going to be late because of you."

I just rolled my eyes and faced the window beside me. My father isn't the best husband to my mom nor a father to us.. He rather just drink all night than to spend time with us, that's why I have hate towards him.

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